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Only people who are registered as users have rights to access ProcessMaker and IFS Workflow. Those users can be organized into groups and departments. The type of activities which users can perform and the interface which users see is determined by their roles.

Using Roles

Using Roles

What is a role?

A role is a set of permissions used to access specific functionalities and resources in ProcessMaker. Each user is assigned a role, which determines what actions that user can perform in ProcessMaker and what parts of the interface that user can access.

For more information, see the ProcessMaker documentation on Roles.

By default, ProcessMaker provides the following roles:

  • PROCESSMAKER_ADMIN - designed for system administrators and process designers who need access to all the features and functionality in ProcessMaker. Users who are assigned this role can do everything, including configure the system, create and edit processes, manage users and groups, manage cases, and oversee productivity with reports and dashboards.

  • PROCESSMAKER_MANAGER - for users who need to manage cases, users and groups and oversee productivity, but do not need to design processes or configure ProcessMaker.

  • PROCESSMAKER_OPERATOR - for normal production users who just need to login and run cases.

If these three sets of permissions do not suit your organization's needs, the three default roles can be modified and new roles can be created as well.

View a Role

To view roles:

  1. Login to IFS Workflow with a user such as the admin who has the PM_USERS permission in his/her role.

  2. From the menu at the top of the window, select ADMIN.

  3. From the tabbed menu on the left, select Users.

  4. From the list of items under the tabbed menu, select Roles.

Create a Role

To create a new role:

  1. Login to IFS Workflow with a user such as the admin who has the PM_USERS permission in his/her role.

  2. From the menu at the top of the window, select ADMIN.

  3. From the tabbed menu on the left, select Users.

  4. From the list of items under the tabbed menu, select Roles.

  5. Above the list of Roles, click New.

  6. Fill out the Create New Role form and then click Save.

Process Permissions

Process Permissions can be used to grant a User(s) or Group(s) read-only access to the objects.

Process Permissions

Process Permissions can be used to grant a User(s) or Group(s) read-only access to the objects.

What Do Process Permissions Control?

By default, only assigned users can work on cases and gain access to their objects, but Process Permissions can be used to grant a User(s) or Group(s) read-only access to the objects in cases, which include:

  • Dynaforms

  • Input Documents and

  • Output Documents

  • Case Notes

  • Summary Form

  • Message History

Only the user currently designated to work on a case can open the case. To allow other users the ability to see (but not change) the data in cases, they need to be assigned Process Permissions to the process and its objects. Process Permissions are designed to offer advanced control over how users access cases and what information they can view in specified tasks during the case.

Process Permissions allows a user to:

  • view case information

  • download input/output documents

  • change log information on cases

These permissions DO NOT allow users to search for cases outside of cases the ones they are involved in. Process permissions only grant the ability to download and view data.

Set a Permission

To set permissions:

  1. In IFS Workflow, navigate to the DESIGNER tab.

  2. Open a process.

  3. Next to the Permissions option, hover the pointer of the mouse over the (+) icon .

  4. Click on the Create button.

Set User Permissions

There are five types of user permissions that are important to the process of managing cases.






Set User Permissions

There are five types of user permissions that are important to the process of managing cases.






Access the Home Tab


This permission provides access to the HOME menu and the ability to run cases and view lists of cases which the user has been assigned to or participated in.

This permission provides access to the Cases section in the sidebar and its sub-options: New Case , Inbox , Draft , Participated , Unassigned and Paused .

In addition, it provides access to the Documents option, which allows users to view any files which were uploaded ( Input Documents and attached files ) or generated ( Output Documents ) while running cases.

To assign the PM_CASES role to a user:

  1. To administer users, groups and departments, log in as the admin or another user who has the PM_USERS permission in their role.

  2. Under the Admin menu, go to the Users tab in the sidebar and then select a user.

  3. By choosing one user from the list, the Groups option will be enabled.

  4. To open a window listing the group that particular user belongs to and to assign groups, click on the Assign Group () button.

  5. In the divided window, from the left column, in the Available Groups, select PM_CASES.

  6. Click on > to assign this group to the available groups list.

View All the Case Data


This permission provides access to the Advanced Search option under the HOME tab.

This permission must be accompanied by the PM_CASES permission to gain access to the Home menu.

This permission grants access to view all the case data. Users can search for cases and view summary data, but the proper Process Permissions would need to be set up to view Dynaform information. So both of those would let a user search all cases in the system and view information. The can not alter information, just view and search.

To assign the PM_ALLCASES role to a user:

  1. To administer users, groups and departments, log in as the admin or another user who has the PM_USERS permission in their role.

  2. Under the Admin menu, go to the Users tab in the sidebar and then select a user.

  3. By choosing one user from the list, the Groups option will be enabled.

  4. To open a window listing the group that particular user belongs to and to assign groups, click on

    () button.

  5. In the divided window, from the left column, in the Available Groups, select PM_ALLCASES.

  6. Click on > to assign this group to the available groups list.

  7. In the Assigned Groups column, verify that PM_CASES is listed. If it is not, repeat steps 5 and 6 to add it.

Cancel a Case


The PM_CANCELCASE permission allows a user to cancel cases that have been assigned to him/her, and cases that he/she has participated in.

This means:

  • If a user has permission to only see the cases that he/she is assigned to, he/she will be able to cancel those cases.

  • If a user has the PM_ALLCASES permission in addition to the PM_CANCELCASE permission, the user will be able to cancel any case through Advanced Search.

  • If a user has the PM_SUPERVISOR permission in addition to PM_CANCELCASE, the user will be able to cancel all the cases that are in the review case list (where the cases of the process where he/she is supervisor will be displayed).

This permission must be accompanied by the PM_CASES permission to gain access to the Home menu.

This is the role that would let a user actually cancel a case they are associated with. If a user has just this CANCELCASE role they would get the ‘action’ bar and be able to select cancel.

To assign the PM_CANCELCASE role to a user:

  1. To administer users, groups and departments, log in as the admin or another user who has the PM_USERS permission in their role.

  2. Under the Admin menu, go to the Users tab in the sidebar and then select a user.

  3. By choosing one user from the list, the Groups option will be enabled.

  4. To open a window listing the group that particular user belongs to and to assign groups, click on the assign group () button.

  5. In the divided window, from the left column, in the Available Groups, select PM_CANCELCASE.

  6. Click on > to assign this group to the available groups list.

  7. In the Assigned Groups column, verify that PM_CASES is listed. If it is not, repeat steps 5 and 6 to add it.

  8. If you want to allow the user to cancel a case through Advanced Search, repeat steps 5 and 6 to add the PM_ALLCASES role.

Modify and Pause Cases


The PM_SUPERVISOR permission allows a user to view and modify data in DynaForms and Input Documents for designated processes.

This permission also allows the user to pause cases. However, it doesn't grant the power to delete, cancel or reassign cases. Separate permissions are needed for those abilities.

This permission needs to be accompanied by the PM_CASES permission, in order to access the HOME menu.

It is a good idea to also assign Process Permissions to the Process Supervisor user. Otherwise, he/she can not use the standard Steps and Information menus to find out more information about the case.

This permission adds the Process Supervisor section to the sidebar under the HOME menu and the Review option. The Process Supervisor section shows a list of cases which the Process Supervisor can review.

Only cases with a To Do or Draft status are shown in the list and the cases must be from processes where the user has been assigned as a Process Supervisor.

To assign the PM_SUPERVISOR role to a user:

  1. To administer users, groups and departments, log in as the admin or another user who has the PM_USERS permission in their role.

  2. Under the Admin menu, go to the Users tab in the sidebar and then select a user.

  3. By choosing one user from the list, the Groups option will be enabled.

  4. To open a window listing the group that particular user belongs to and to assign groups, click on
    the Assign Group () button.

  5. In the divided window, from the left column, in the Available Groups, select PM_SUPERVISOR.

  6. Click on > to assign this group to the available groups list.

  7. In the Assigned Groups column, verify that PM_CASES is listed. If it is not, repeat steps 5 and 6 to add it.

  8. If you want to allow the user to cancel a case through Advanced Search, repeat steps 5 and 6 to add the PM_ALLCASES role.

Reassign Cases


This permission provides the ability to reassign cases to other users. Note that a case can only be reassigned to users who are either in the assignment pool for the current task or in its ad hoc assignment pool. Other users can NOT be assigned to the case.

Note that it is NOT possible to reassign cases under the Review , Advanced , Participated , Participated or Paused options, nor is it possible when opening a case summary or read-only access with Process Permissions .

This permission adds a Reassign option under the Supervisor header in the HOME menu's sidebar.

In addition, this p ermission adds the Reassign option to the Actions menu, which is available under the Inbox and Draft options and when running a case.

To assign the PM_REASSIGN role to a user:

  1. To administer users, groups and departments, log in as the admin or another user who has the PM_USERS permission in their role.

  2. Under the Admin menu, go to the Users tab in the sidebar and then select a user.

  3. By choosing one user from the list, the Groups option will be enabled.

  4. To open a window listing the group that particular user belongs to and to assign groups, click on the assign group () button.

  5. In the divided window, from the left column, in the Available Groups, select PM_REASSIGN.

  6. Click on > to assign this group to the available groups list.

  7. In the Assigned Groups column, verify that PM_CASES is listed. If it is not, repeat steps 5 and 6 to add it.

  8. If you want to allow the user to cancel a case through Advanced Search, repeat steps 5 and 6 to add the PM_ALLCASES role.

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