IFS Land and IFS iLandMan: Aligning Codes

IFS Land and IFS iLandMan: Aligning Codes

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The following is a list of codes or data setup that requires alignment between IFS Land and IFS iLandMan: 

The following data will need to be set up in IFS Land and created in iLandman where ALIGNMENT is noted:

The following data will need to be set up in IFS Land and created in iLandman where ALIGNMENT is noted:






Specify the default organization to be used for integration.

Configure the default Organization Structure ID as the value for  "DFLT_ORG_STRUCTURE" which can be found under Administration -> Configuration -> Lease Acquisition Configurations.




The Organization Structure ID used as the default organization for integration must be set up in IFS Land.



iLandman Subproject Name and/or Project Names must align with the lowest level of an Organization Name in IFSL

List Maintenance -> Sub Project - Name
Projects -> Project List - Name

Costs - Cost Per Unit

Specify if Gross (G), Net (N) or Company Net (C) acreages are to be used for "Cost Per Unit" calculations for Costs on integration into IFS Land.

Configure the value "G", "N", or "C"  for "CO_NET_GRS_FLAG" which can be found under
Administration -> Configuration -> Common Configurations.


Bonus Costs on an iLandman Record
Payments on an iLandman Record

Mineral Deed - Participant Balancing Owner

For the integration of Mineral Deeds from iLandman into IFS Land, specify the default Balancing Owner that will be used as the Participant Balancing Owner on the Mineral Deed.

Under Administration -> Configuration -> Lease Acquisition Configurations, specify a "Active and Approved" Address ID as the value for  "DLFT_BALANCING_OWNER" configuration Id. 


Ownership on an iLandman Mineral Deed

The following defaults need to be set up in IFS Land:






Names and Address - Party Type

Set up a default Party Type in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Party Type Codes".

 ** The "Is Default" column should be checked for one of the values. 

SETUP (Set Default)

Owners and Lessees

Names and Address - Relationship

Set up a default Name Relationship in Tools -> Code and Rules --->  "Name Relationship Codes".

**The "Is Default" column should be checked for one of the values. 

SETUP (Set Default)

Owners and Lessees

Lease and Leased Mineral Header - Rights Held

Set up a default Rights Held in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Mineral Type - Product Category Codes".

 >> Set up Rules for the Lease and Leased Mineral Group Codes specified in iLandman
**The "Is Default" column should be checked for the relevant Group Codes..

SETUP (Set Default)

Contract Information

The Rights Held is a required IFS Land field on the Lease and Leased Mineral. This field doesn't exist in iLandman, a default Rights Held will need to be configured in IFS Land for LeaseData and Leased Minerals.

Contract Header - Originator

Set up a default Originator in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Originator Codes".

>> Set up a Rule for the Contract Group Code specified in iLandman.
**The "Is Default" column should be checked for the relevant Group Code.

SETUP (Set Default)

Subsection Header - Subsection Type

Set up a default Subsection Type in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Subsection Type Codes".

 >> Set up a Rule for the Contract Group Code specified in iLandman.
**The "Is Default" column should be checked for the relevant Group Code.

SETUP (Set Default)

Tract Information
**The Subsection Type is a required IFS Land field for the Subsection on a Contract. Since this field doesn't exist in iLandman, a default Subsection Type will need to be configured in IFS Land.

The following data will need to be set up in iLandman and will need to be created in IFS Land where ALIGNMENT is noted:







The IFS Land Provision Definition Description needs to match with iLandman's Pre-Defined Condition Names.

**Set up the same Provision Description as the Pre-Defined Conditions in iLandman in IFS Land under Tools -> Definitions -> Provision Definitions. The Provision names set up in IFS Land must match with iLandman.

>> Fields required: ID, Description, Response  Details, Data Value Details, Assign the Group Codes specified in iLandman.



Contract Conditions --> Pre-Defined Conditions


The Payment Reason Codes specified in iLandman should match the IFS Land Cost Type Codes specified in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Cost Type Codes".

**Set up Rules for all Group Codes specified in iLandman.



List Maintenance --> Payment Reason -> Code column


The Group Names in iLandman must align with the IFS Land "Attachment Type Description" set up in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Attachment Type Codes".

**Set up the Attachment Type Codes in IFS Land based on the iLandman Group Names. Ensure that the Attachment Type Code Descriptions in IFS Land match the Group Name in iLandman.



Images on an iLandman record

List Maintenance --> Attachment Group -> Group Name

Depths - Formations

The Formation/Sands "Name and Code" in iLandman must match and align with IFS Land's "Formations Codes and Description" in IFS Land. Set up the same iLandman Formations in the "Formation Codes" Code and Rule Table in IFS Land:
>> iLandman Sand "Code" = "Formation Code" in IFS Land
>> iLandman Sand "Name" = "Formation Description" in IFS Land

**On each iLandman Formation/Sand set up in IFS Land, set up a Rule for the Formation Codes and specify the Depth Type Code as "ILANDMAN DEPTH".



Projects --> Formation/Sands

**The Formation/Sands Name and Code in iLandman must match and align with the "Formations Codes and Formation Description" in IFS Land. 

The following data will already be set up in IFS Land as part of the IFS Land installation and will need to be set up accordingly in iLandman:






Group Code

The IFS Land Group Codes specified in iLandman must be set up in  Administration -> "Group Codes Definitions".

**If new Group Codes (not part of the Seed Data) are created in IFS Land:
The Group Codes setup must belong to the "LEASEDATA", "CONTRACT", and "COMPANY OWNED LAND" Application codes.

SETUP (Seed Data)


Contract Information --> Contract Type

The Code for the “Contract Type" under List Maintenance should be set up as GroupCode/FiletypeCode. For example, if LSE/FEE is specified then the iLandman record will be mapped to IFS Land with a “LSE” Group Code and a Lease Type of “FEE”. 

Lease Header and Contract Header

The IFS Land FileType Codes specified in iLandman must be set up in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "File Type Codes".

**If new File Type Codes (not part of the Seed Data) are created in IFS Land:
Set up Rules for the Lease and Contract Group Codes specified in iLandman.

SETUP (Seed Data)


Contract Information --> Contract Type
Set up the Code for the “Contract Type" under List Maintenance as GroupCode/FiletypeCode. For example, if LSE/FEE is specified, then the iLandman record will be mapped with a File Type of “FEE” in IFS Land.

The File Type Code specified must align with a IFS Land File Type Code and be valid for the Group Code specified in iLandman. 

State Codes

This is seed data 

SETUP (Seed Data)


Tract --> State

This will need to be set up in List Maintenance -> State
**The "Abbrev." column must have a value that matches IFS Land.

County Codes

This is seed data 

SETUP (Seed Data)


Tract --> County

This will need to be set up in List Maintenance -> County/Parish
** The "Code" column must have a value that matches IFS Land.


A Bonus Cost Type Code of "BNS - BONUS" will be set up as part of Seed Data in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Cost Type Codes".

**Set up Rules for all Group Codes specified in iLandman. 

SETUP (Seed Data)


Set up the Bonus Cost Type Code in List Maintenance --> Payment Reason -> Code column

Lease Tract and Leased Minerals Tract - Held By 

Held By Codes will be set up as part of Seed Data in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Held By Codes".
The "Tract Status" specified in iLandman must align with the "Held By Codes" in IFS Land.

**If new Held By Codes (not part of the Seed Data) are created in IFS Land:
Set up Rules for the Lease and Leased Mineral Group Codes specified in iLandman 

SETUP (Seed Data)


Set up the Held By Codes in List Maintenance --> Tract Status

Names and Address - Name Type

Name Types will be set up as part of Seed Data in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Name Type Codes". IFS Land's Name Type Descriptions must align with the  "Tax Type" specified on the iLandman's Owners and Lessees.

**If new Name Types (not part of the Seed Data) are created in IFS Land:
Ensure that the Name Type Description in IFS Land matches the Name Type used in iLandman. 

SETUP (Seed Data)


Owners and Lessees

This will need to be set up in List Maintenance -> Tax Type

The Tax Type name setup in iLandman must match IFS Land's Name Type Description.

Names and Address - Tax ID Type

Tax ID Types will be set up as part of Seed Data in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Tax ID Type Codes".

The Tax ID Type will be mapped based on the Tax Type specified in iLandman

SETUP (Seed Data)


Owners and Lessees

If the iLandman Tax Type is "INDIVIDUAL", the IFS Land Tax ID Type will be mapped as "SSN - SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER".
 If the iLandman Tax Type is not INDIVIDUAL, the IFS Land Tax ID Type will be mapped as "TIN - TAXPAYER I.D."

Names and Address - Title

The Title on the Owners record in iLandman must match a Name Title Description in IFS Land.

**Set up the Title Codes in Tools -> Code and Rules --->   "Name Title Codes"

SETUP (Seed Data)



The Title on the Owners record in iLandman must match a Name Title Description in IFS Land. 

Names and Address - Suffix

The Suffix on the Owners record in iLandman must match a Name Suffix Description in IFS Land.

**Set up the Suffix Codes in Tools -> Code and Rules --->   Name Suffix Codes

SETUP (Seed Data)



The Suffix on the Owners record in iLandman must match a Name Suffix Description in IFS Land. 

The following data should be set up via script/seed data as part of the IFS Land Installation and will need alignment with the Group Codes used in iLandman:






Names and Address

Creates the below More Name Types in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "More Name Type Codes":
More Names Type Code = "SPS"; More Name Type Description = "SPOUSE"

**The Script sets up a Rule for Group Code - ADR



In order to map Spouse data from Owners, IFS Land will need to set up a "Spouse" More Name Type.

Contract - More Names

Creates the below More Name Types in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "More Name Type Codes":
>> More Name Type Code = "ASE", More Name Type Description = "ASSIGNEE"
>> More Name Type Code =  "GTE", More Name Type Description = "GRANTEE"
>> More Name Type Code =  "GTR", More Name Type Description =  GRANTOR"

**The Script sets up a Rule for Group Code - LND.
**If the Group Code specified in iLandman is not "LND", set up a Rule for the Group Code used in iLandman.



"Name" maps as "Assignee - ASE"
"Original Lessee" maps as "Grantee - GTE"
"Assignors" map as "Grantor - GTR" 

Mineral Deed - More Names

Creates the below More Name Types in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "More Name Type Codes":
>> More Name Type Code =  "GTE", More Name Type Description = "GRANTEE"
>> More Name Type Code =  "GTR", More Name Type Description =  "GRANTOR"
>> More Name Type Code =  "SLR", More Name Type Description =  "SELLER"

**The Script sets up a Rule for Group Code - DEE.
**If the Group Code specified in iLandman is not "DEE", set up a Rule for the Group Code used in iLandman.



Contract Information:
"Name" maps as "Grantor - GTR"
"First Buyer in Buyer list" maps as "Grantee - GTE"
"Seller(s)" maps as "Seller - SLR"

Lease and Leased Minerals - More Names

The below More Name Types are part of Seed Data in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "More Name Type Codes":
>> More Name Type Code =  "LSR", More Name Type Description = "LESSOR"
>> More Name Type Code =  "LES", More Name Type Description = "LESSEE"

**The Script sets up a Rule for Group Code - LSE and OUT.
**If the Group Codes specified in iLandman are not "LSE and OUT", set up Rules for the Group Codes used in iLandman.

SETUP (Seed Data)


Contract Information:
"Name" maps as "Lessor - LSR"
"Original Lessee" maps as "Lessee - LES"

Lease and Leased Minerals - Header

Creates the below Lease Property Status in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Lease Property Status Codes":
>> "TBD -  To Be Determined"

**The Script sets up Rules for Group Codes - LSE and OUT.
**If the Group Codes specified in iLandman are not "LSE and OUT", set up Rules for the Group Codes used.



Contract Information --> Paid Up (if checked in iLandman)

Cross References

Creates the below Cross Reference Types  in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Cross Reference Type Codes":
>> "EXTXREF  - External Cross Reference"
>> "ILMXFR - iLandman Cross Reference"

**The Script sets up Rules for Group Codes - LSE, LND, DEE and OUT
**If the Group Codes specified in iLandman are not "LSE, LND, DEE and OUT", set up Rules for the Group Codes used in iLandman.



Lessees and Burdens
iLandman File Number and External ID

IFS Land requires a cross reference type to create a cross reference. IFS Land will pull the cross reference type from the Group Code specified in iLandman. If the Group Code doesn't exist, IFS Land will use cross reference type code "ILMXFR".


Creates the below Document Type in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Document Type Codes": >> "ILMDOC - iLandman Document"

**The Script sets up Rules for Group Codes - LSE, LND, DEE and OUT **If the Group Codes specified in iLandman are not "LSE, LND, DEE and OUT", set up Rules for the Group Codes used in iLandman.



Recordation Information

IFS Land requires a Document Type to create a Recordation. This field doesn’t exist in iLandman, IFS Land needs to set up a default document type for mapping recordation information from iLandman.


Creates a new Depth Type in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Depth Type Codes":

>> "ILMDEP - iLandman Depth"

**The Script sets up Rules for Group Codes - LSE, LND, DEE and OUT

**If the Group Codes specified in iLandman are not "LSE, LND, DEE and OUT", set up Rules for the Group Codes used in iLandman.




**IFS Land requires a Depth Type Code to create a Depth. Since this field doesn’t exist in iLandman, IFS Land needs to set up a default depth type for mapping

Interest Type

Creates the below Participant Interest Types in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Participant Interest Type Codes":

>> Interest Type Code = "ORRI", Interest Type Description = "OVERRIDE ROYALTY INTEREST" with a Burden Type of "O".

**The Script sets up Rules for Group Codes - LSE, LND, DEE and OUT

**If the Group Codes specified in iLandman are not "LSE, LND, DEE and OUT", set up Rules for the Group Codes used in iLandman.

>> Interest Type Code = "MI", Interest Type Description = "MINERAL INTEREST" with a Burden Type of "W".

**The Script sets up a Rule for Group Code - DEE

**If the Group Code specified in iLandman is not "DEE", set up a Rule for the Group Code used in iLandman.

>> Interest Type Code = "BAL", Interest Type Description = "BALANCING INTEREST" with a Burden Type of "W".

**The Script sets up a Rule for Group Code - DEE

**If the Group Code specified in iLandman is not "DEE", set up a Rule for the Group Code used in iLandman.



Lease Acquisition Contact Type

Creates the below Contact Types in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Lease Acquisition-Contact Type Code":

>> O - Owner

>> L - Lessee


Legals - Tract Type

Creates the below Tract Type in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Legal Tract Type Codes":

>> Tract Type Code = "LOT", Tract Type Description = "LOT"


Depths - Formations

Creates the below Formation Indicator in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Formation Indicator Codes":

>> Formation Indicator Code = "T", Formation Indicator Description = "TOP"

SETUP (Seed Data)


**From Formation Indicator is a field in IFS Land used for creating  a Depth. This field doesn’t exist in iLandman; IFS Land needs to set up a default For Formation Indicator for mapping

Depths - Formations

Creates the below Formation Indicator in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Formation Indicator Codes":

>> Formation Indicator Code of "E", Formation Indicator Description = "BASE"

SETUP (Seed Data)


To Formation Indicator is a field in IFS Land used for creating a Depth. This field doesn’t exist in iLandman; IFS Land needs to set up a default To Formation Indicator for mapping

Remark - Name and Address

Creates the below Remark Type in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Remark Type Codes":

>> Remark Type Code = "EXTALT", Remark Type Description = "External Alternate Phone Number", Remark Category Code = "ADDRESS"

**The Script sets up a Rule for Group Code - ADR


Owners and Lessees

**IFS Land will setup this Remark type to capture additional phones numbers (e.g., Work phone, alternative phone, etc.) listed on an Owner/Lessee in iLandman.

Remark - File

Creates the below Remark Type in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Remark Type Codes": >> Remark Type = "EXTGEN", Remark Type Description = "External General Remarks", Remark Category = "FIL - FILE"

**The Script sets up Rules for Group Codes - LSE, LND, DEE and OUT
**If the Group Codes specified in iLandman are not "LSE, LND, DEE and OUT", set up Rules for the Group Codes used in iLandman.



Contract Information --> Comments

Remark - Provisions

Creates the below Remark Type in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Remark Type Codes": >> Remark Type = "EXTPRV", Remark Type Description = "External Provision Details", Remark Category = "PRV - PROVISION"

**The Script sets up Rules for Group Codes - LSE, LND, DEE and OUT

**If the Group Codes specified in iLandman are not "LSE, LND, DEE and OUT", set up Rules for the Group Codes used in iLandman.



Conditions --> Comment

Remark - Provisions

Creates the below Remark Type in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Remark Type Codes":

>> Remark Type = "EXTPRV", Remark Type Description = "External Provision Details", Remark Category = "PRV - PROVISION"

**The Script sets up Rules for Group Codes - LSE, LND, DEE and OUT

**If the Group Codes specified in iLandman are not "LSE, LND, DEE and OUT", set up Rules for the Group Codes used in iLandman.


Conditions --> Details

Remark - Contract

Creates the below Remark Type in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Remark Type Codes":

>> Remark Type = "SUM", Remark Type Description = "Summary Remarks", Remark Category of "FIL - FILE"

**The Script sets up a Rule for Group Code - LND.

**If the Group Code specified in iLandman is not "LND", set up a Rule for the Group Code used in iLandman.



Assignment --> Short Description

Remark - Documents

Creates the below Remark Type in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Remark Type Codes":

>> Remark type = "ILMLOC", Remark Type Description = "iLandman Tract Location", Remark Category = "LEGAL - LGL"

**The Script sets up Rules for Group Codes - LSE, LND, DEE and OUT **If the Group Codes specified in iLandman are not "LSE, LND, DEE and OUT", set up Rules for the Group Codes used in iLandman.



Tract Information --> Locations

Remark - Legal Narrative

The below Remark Type is part of Seed Data in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Remark Type Codes":

>> Remark Type = "NAR", Remark Type Description = "LEGAL NARRATIVES", Remark Category = "NAR - LEGAL NARRATIVES" **The Script sets up Rules for Group Codes - LSE, LND, DEE and OUT

**If the Group Codes specified in iLandman are not "LSE, LND, DEE and OUT", set up Rules for the Group Codes used in iLandman.

SETUP (Seed Data)


Contract Information --> Legal Description
Assignment --> Legal Description
Tract --> Legal Description

Remark - Mineral Deed

The below Remark Type is part of Seed Data in Tools -> Code and Rules ---> "Remark Type Codes":

>> Remark Type = "SBY", Remark Type Description = "SELLER BUYER DETAILS", Remark Category = "FIL - FILE"

**The Script sets up a Rule for Group Code - DEE.

**If the Group Code specified in iLandman is not "DEE", set up a Rule for the Group Code used in iLandman.

SETUP (Seed Data)


Mineral Deed

Seller - Tract Ownership Original Mineral Interest
Buyer - Percent of Tract Ownership Mineral Interest Bought


Creates the below Provision Definition:
>> Provision Definition with an ID = "EXTGEN" , Description =  "External General Provisions".

**The Script sets up Rules for Group Codes - LSE, LND, DEE and OUT
**If the Group Codes specified in iLandman are not "LSE, LND, DEE and OUT", set up Rules for the Group Codes used in iLandman.



Conditions --> Custom Conditions

Texas Legals

Creates a "TBD" Texas Legal Definition with the below details:
- Country = Unknown - UN
- State = Unknown - ZZ
- County = Unknown County - 999
- Survey System Type = Abstract
- SurveyName/Grantor = TBD
- Abstract Number = TBD
- Block = TBD


Tract Information --> Locations

Country Code

Country Code = "UN", Description = "Unknown"

SETUP (Seed Data)

State Code

State Code = "ZZ", Description = "Unknown"

SETUP (Seed Data)

County Code

County Code = "999", Description = "Unknown County"

SETUP (Seed Data)

The following data will need to be set up in EU (Enterprise Upstream) when using a IFS Land EU Integrated Environment:






EU Codes

Address Remark Type Code:
**Add the Address Remark Type of "EXTALT - External Alternate Phone Number" to the Enterprise Upstream Codes.


Owners and Lessees

This Remark type is used to capture additional phones numbers (e.g. Work phone, alternative phone, etc.) listed on an Owner/Lessee in iLandman.

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