Guided Learning
Start your learning journey with this sequenced collection of videos.
The videos are organized by Module, Parent Process, Business Process, and then a video for a specific Task.
Please be advised that the format of this page and the content may change frequently as we organize and load more videos.
Module | Parent | Business Process | Task | YouTube Link |
GL | GL Coding | Ledger and FQA setup | Ledger and FQA structure setup process | |
GL | GL Coding | Periodlist setup | Period list setup process | |
GL | GL Coding | Reporting Currency Segments setup | Reporting Currency Segment setup process | |
GL | GL Coding | Transactional Currency Segments setup | Transactional Currency Segment Setup Process | |
GL | GL Coding | Budget Segments setup | Budget Segments setup process | |
GL | GL Coding | Statistics Segments setup | Statistics Segments setup process | |
GL | GL Coding | Create Entity Element Process | Create entity process | |
GL | GL Coding | Create Account Element Process | Create account process | |
GL | GL Coding | Create AFE Element Process | Create AFE process | |
GL | GL Coding | Create Billcode Element Process | Create Billcode process | |
GL | GL Coding | Create Cost Center Element Process | Create cost center process | |
GL | GL Coding | Element Xref Pair Setup | Element Xref Pair Setup Process | |
GL | GL Coding | Element Xref Process | Adding xrefs for element combinations using element maintenance | |
GL | GL Coding | Element Xref Process | Adding xrefs for element combinations using Quick Xref | |
GL | GL Coding | Element Xref Process | Adding xrefs for element combinations using Quick Batch Xref | |
GL | GL Coding | Structure Analysis Report | Running the Structure Analysis Report | |
GL | GL Coding | Structure Analysis Report | Identify Orphan Elements using the structure analysis report | |
GL | GL Coding | Chartmaster Audit Trail | Running the Chartmaster Audit Trail process | Video Unavailable |
GL | GL Accounting | Manual Journal Entry | Manual Financial Journal Setup Process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Manual Journal Entry | Manual Journal Entry through Journal Entry Screen | |
GL | GL Accounting | Manual Journal Entry | Manual Journal Entry from Excel | |
GL | GL Accounting | Accrual Journal Entry | Accrual Journals setup process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Accrual Journal Entry | Accruals Process Overview | |
GL | GL Accounting | Accrual Journal Entry | Accrual Journal Entry through Journal Entry Screen | |
GL | GL Accounting | Accrual Journal Entry | Accrual Journal Entry from Excel | |
GL | GL Accounting | Accrual Journal Entry | Automatic Accrual Reversal Journal Entry | |
GL | GL Accounting | Prior Year Adjustments Journal Entry | Prior Year Adjustments journal setup process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Prior Year Adjustments Journal Entry | Manual prior year adjustment entry | |
GL | GL Accounting | Beginning Balance Journal Entry | Beginning Balance adjustment entry process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Budget Upload Journal Entry | Budget Journals setup process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Standard Journal Entry | Standard Journals setup process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Standard Journal Entry | Standard Journal Entry process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Recurring Journal Entry | Recurring Journal Entry process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Reverse Journal Entry | Define reverse Journal Entry Process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Journal Batch Status Report | Journal Batch Status report setup process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Journal Batch Status Report | Running the Journal Batch Status report | |
GL | GL Accounting | Journal Batch Details Report | Journal Batch Details report setup process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Journal Batch Details Report | Running the Journal Batch details report | |
GL | GL Accounting | Journal Definitions Report | Journal Definitions report setup process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Journal Definitions Report | Running the Journal Definitions report | |
GL | GL Accounting | Journal Corrections Log | Running the Journal Corrections Log | |
GL | GL Accounting | GL Detail Report | GL reports setup process | |
GL | GL Accounting | GL Detail Report | Running the GL detail report | |
GL | GL Accounting | Trial Balance Report | Trial Balance Reports setup process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Trial Balance Report | Running the Trial Balance Report | |
CCONV | Currency Setup | Currency Setup | Currency Setup Process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Conversion Analysis Report | Conversion Analysis Reports setup Process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Conversion Analysis Report | Running the Conversion Analysis report | |
GL | GL Accounting | Period open/close | Period open/close process | |
GL | GL Accounting | Period open/close | Month end open/close process | |
PT | Taxes definition | Tax Authority Setup | Tax Authority Setup Process | |
PT | Taxes definition | Tax Code Setup | Tax Codes Setup Process | |
AP | AP codes setup | Cash Account Setup | Cash Accounts Setup Process | |
AP | AP codes setup | AP Offset Account Setup | AP Offset Accounts Setup Process | |
AP | AP codes setup | Intercompany Offset Account Codes Setup | AP Intercompany Offset Codes Setup Process | |
AP | AP codes setup | Bank Codes Setup | Bank Codes Setup Process | |
AP | AP codes setup | AP lineitem quick FQA codes setup | AP lineitem quick FQA codes setup | |
AP | Vendor setup/maintenance | Categorize Vendors by Groups | Vendor Groups setup process | |
AP | Vendor setup/maintenance | Categorize Vendors by Type | Vendor Type setup process | |
AP | Vendor setup/maintenance | Enable vendor user defined fields | Process to enable Vendor User Defined Fields | |
AP | Vendor setup/maintenance | Create Vendor Process | Vendor setup process | |
AP | Vendor setup/maintenance | Create Vendor Process | Vendor Maintenance process | |
AP | Vendor setup/maintenance | Vendor Reporting | Vendor Audit Trail | |
AP | Vendor setup/maintenance | Vendor Reporting | Vendor Listing | |
AP | Vendor setup/maintenance | Vendor Reporting | Vendor Inquiry | |
AP | Vendor setup/maintenance | Vendor fields control | Vendor lock process | |
AP | Vendor setup/maintenance | Vendor fields control | Vendor fields unlock process | |
AP | Payables | Auto Invoices | Overview Process | |
AP | Payables | Auto Invoices | Prepare Upload Template | |
AP | Payables | Auto Invoices | 1 Line No Tax | |
AP | Payables | Auto Invoices | 1 Line VAT Tax | |
AP | Payables | Auto Invoices | 1 Line WH Tax | |
AP | Payables | Auto Invoices | >=2 Lines No Tax | |
AP | Payables | Auto Invoices | >=2 LinesVat @ Invoice Level | |
AP | Payables | Auto Invoices | >=2 LinesVat @ Line Level | |
AP | Payables | Auto Invoices | >=2 LinesWH@ Invoice Level | |
AP | Payables | Auto Invoices | >=2 LinesWH @ Line Level | |
AP | Payables | Vendor Invoice Process | NR Vendor Invoice Entry | |
AP | Payables | Vendor Invoice Process | Invoice Entry with VAT tax | |
AP | Payables | Vendor Invoice Process | Invoice Entry with WH tax | |
AP | Payables | Vendor Invoice Process | Invoice Entry with VAT tax and WH tax | |
AP | Payables | Vendor Invoice Process | Copy AP invoice | |
AP | Payables | Vendor Credit Memo Process | NR Vendor Credit Memo Entry | |
AP | Payables | Vendor Credit Memo Process | Credit Memo Entry with VAT tax | |
AP | Payables | Vendor Credit Memo Process | Credit Memo Entry with WH tax | |
AP | Payables | Vendor Credit Memo Process | Credit Memo Entry with VAT tax and WH tax | |
AP | Payables | Vendor Debit Memo Process | NR Vendor Debit Memo | |
AP | Payables | Vendor Debit Memo Process | Debit Memo Entry with VAT tax | |
AP | Payables | Vendor Debit Memo Process | Debit Memo Entry with WH tax | |
AP | Payables | Vendor Debit Memo Process | Debit Memo Entry with VAT tax and WH tax | |
AP | Payables | Advances Process | Vendor Advances Entry | |
AP | Payables | Advances Process | Apply advance to an invoice | |
AP | Payables | AP Transaction Approval Process | Transaction batch validation | |
AP | Payables | AP Transaction Approval Process | Transaction approval | |
AP | Payables | AP Transaction Posting | AP Transaction journalization | |
GL | Payables | AP Transaction Posting | Journal Batch Validation | |
GL | Payables | AP Transaction Posting | Journal Batch Posting | |
AP | Disbursements | Manual disbursements process | Manual Check process | |
AP | Disbursements | AP Disbursement Transaction Posting | Disbursements Journal Batch Validation | |
AP | Disbursements | AP Disbursement Transaction Posting | Disbursement Journal Batch Posting | |
AP | Disbursements | AP Advance Application Transaction Posting | Advance application journalization | |
AP | Disbursements | AP Advance Application Transaction Posting | Advance Application Journal Batch Validation | |
AP | Disbursements | AP Advance Application Transaction Posting | Advance Journal Application Batch Posting | |
JIB | JIB setup | JIB General Parameters Setup | Verify JIB General Parameters setup process | |
JIB | JIB setup | JIB entities setup process | JIB entities setup process | |
JIB | JIB setup | Set JIB cutback journals process | Set JIB cutback journals process | |
JIB | JIB setup | Set gross and net billcodes mapping process | Set gross and net billcodes mapping process | |
JIB | Owners definition | Owners definition process | Run owners definition process | |
JIB | Owners definition | DOI setup process | Run DOI setup process | |
GL | Owners definition | Process to set GL accounts to be selected by JIB cutback | Process to update GL Balance Sheet accounts to be picked up by JIB cutback process | |
GL | Owners definition | Process to set GL accounts to be selected by JIB cutback | Process to update GL Income Statement accounts to be picked up by JIB cutback process | |
JIB/AP | Partner Billing | Run JIB cutback process | Coding a JV Billable Vendor Invoice | |
JIB | Partner Billing | Run JIB cutback process | Run initial JIB process |
GL Coding | |
5m |
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