Browser Configuration for IFS Qbyte Financial

Browser Configuration for IFS Qbyte Financial

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Supported Browsers

Internet Explorer is the only supported web browser. Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, Google Chrome, Safari, and any others are not currently supported.

Required Internet Explorer (IE) Configuration Changes

1. From the IE menu, select Tools > Internet Options > Security tab > Trusted Sites (icon) > Sites:

2. Add the following sites to the Websites list.

  • If you have problems adding entries you may need to clear the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone checkbox.

3. Select Close > Apply.

4. From the IE menu select Tools > Internet Options > Security tab > Trusted Sites (icon); within the Security level for this zone section, set the slider control to either Medium-low or Low.

5. Select Apply.

6. Select the Custom Level button.

7. Scroll down to the ActiveX controls and plug-ins section and make the changes highlighted below:

8. Scroll further down to the Downloads section and make the changes highlighted below:

9. Select OK > Apply.

Pop Up Blockers

Some parts of the IFS Energy & Resources/IFS Qbyte applications are implemented using pop-up windows and require pop-ups to be allowed for the application to function properly. If you are using a pop-up blocker, ensure the following websites are allowed to use pop-ups:


Required Software

Qbyte Financial/Qbyte Land Desktop Requirements

Java Plug-in

This is only required for Qbyte Financial and Qbyte Land versions 11.1 and higher.

The first time you launch the Qbyte Financial application, it will attempt to install the Java software. It can also be installed by downloading the latest version of the Java 6 JRE at:


After successfully installing the Java Plugin, you should receive the following message:


Oracle Jinitiator (older Qbyte Financial versions only)

  • This is required only for Qbyte Financial and Qbyte Land versions 11.0 and lower.

Clients on older versions of Qbyte Financial require Oracle Jinitiator. Select the appropriate link based on the Qbyte Financial version being used:

  • Java init v. for FM 11.0.x

  • Java init v. for FM 10.1.x

  • Java init v. for FM 9.x.x - 10.0.x

1. Select Run when prompted and follow the rest of the prompts.

  • If you are using IE8, you will need to run the following:

2. Select the Oracle Java init IE8 fix link.

3. Select Run when prompted.

4. Verify that you get output similar to below. You might only have Oracle JInitiator, however it should indicate that all files were copied:

5. Press any key to close this window.

Oracle Client Software (Qbyte Financial)

The Oracle Client software is used for the Qbyte Financial ‘Spreadsheet Upload’ process that runs from Microsoft Excel on your desktop connecting to the database on the IFS hosted servers.

The Oracle Client is used for communications between your desktop and the database. It is generally expected that your own technical support staff will install this on the desktop of those users that require it. It is mentioned here as a convenience. If another version of the Oracle Client is installed and working properly with the Spreadsheet Upload, there is nothing further needed. See the Qbyte Financial Wiki for installation instructions for the Oracle Client:


If you already have the Oracle Client installed, you will still need the appropriate tnsnames.ora entry to use the Qbyte Financial ‘Spreadsheet Upload’ process. The tnsnames.ora entry should appear as shown below. If using a VPN connection, uncomment the first section and comment out the second section. Ensure each entry is on one continuous line. Replace QPSAMPLE and QTSAMPLE with the actual database names.

Try Using the Applications

1. Close all open IE browser windows.

2. Launch a new IE browser window. If you are using 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Vista, make sure you start the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer.

3. Login to https://online.qbyte.com/ using your User ID and Password.

4. Select any of the applications that are visible to you.

  • The first time you run the Qbyte IM application, you will receive the following prompt.

5. Select the Always trust option:

  • The first time you access a ‘Citrix’ application, you may be prompted regarding File Security.

6. Respond as shown below and select OK.


1. Verify the required IE configuration settings are still in effect. Even if you have previously made the required changes, be aware that they can also be modified and overridden by your own company’s group policy.

2. Occasionally your company’s security policy will prevent you from installing additional software. If you are getting errors when installing the Java Plugin, Oracle JInitiator, Certificate Update, IE8 Workaround, or Citrix Web Client or you are not a ‘Local Admin’ user on your computer, then check with your own technical support staff to have them install this for you. Additionally, instead of the Run option when selecting these links to install, you can choose theSave option, save to a location on your desktop, then right-click the saved .exe file and choose Run as Administrator.

3. If you are using 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows Vista, make sure you are using the 32-bit version of IE. Both the 32-bit IE and 64-bit IE are usually listed in the Windows Start menu. You can verify which operating system you are using by right-clicking My Computer and selecting Properties.

4. If ‘Windows Update’ was run and it upgraded your IE browser from IE7 to IE8 you will need to run the Oracle Java init IE8 fix link found on the left side of the page after logging in to https://online.qbyte.com/.

This is only required if using Oracle Jinitiator and not required if using the Java Plugin. You can check your IE version from the IE menu by choosing Help > About Internet Explorer.

5. Sometimes different versions of Java on the same webpage cause interference with each other. If you are getting unexpected application behavior or Java-related errors in Qbyte Financial/IM, you can try the following:

a. Set your default home page to ‘about:blank’b. Disable and remove any third party toolbars (Google, Yahoo, MySearch, Bing, Silverlight, etc.).

  • From the IE menu, choose Tools > Manage Add-ons. Look for any toolbars such as Google, Yahoo, My Search, Shockwave Flash Object, Bing. Highlight them and select Disable

  • Navigate to the Control Panel and uninstall them.

c. Close all open IE browser windows.d. Reconnect to the application.

6. Check that the Oracle Jinitiator plug-in is enabled and available:

a. From the IE menu, select Tools > Manage Add-ons.b. Look for the ‘Oracle Corporation’ section under All add-ons and ensure they are marked as Enabled.

7. Select the ‘More information’ link and ensure that you have not restricted which domains this ActiveX control can run on by selecting the Allow on all sites button (if available).

8. Disable any pop-up blockers that are in effect in your IE browser.

  • This setting is usually found from the IE menu. Select Tools > Pop-up Blocker > Turn Off Pop-up Blocker.

  • If for any reason the ‘Oracle Java init IE8 fix’ has downloaded the required files but is not successful in installing them, you can manually perform the steps it is attempting to perform.

9. Before closing the cmd window that is opened by running the ‘Oracle Java init IE8 fix’, navigate to the directory indicated in the cmd window and manually copy the files to their respective locations in the Oracle JInitiator directory.

<jinit_home>\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll <jinit_home>\lib\security\certdb.txt <jinit_home>\bin\d2kwut60.dll <jinit_home>\bin\jacob.dll <jinit_home>\bin\JNIsharedstubs.dll <jinit_home>\webutil.properties

10. If you are unable to successfully run the ‘Certificate Update’ you can manually copy the contents of https://online.qbyte.com/JINIT/P2CertificateUpdates.txt and append it to each <jinit_home>\lib\security\certdb.txt file on your PC.

  • This is only required if using Oracle Jinitiator and not required if using the Java Plugin.

11. If you are Using Windows XP, try clearing the jar cache and certificates. From the Windows Control Panel, select the ‘Switch to Classic View’ link:

12. Double-click the appropriate JInitiator version.

13. Select the Cache tab > Clear JAR Cache button.

14. Select the Certificates tab and remove any certificates by selecting the Remove button:

15. Select the Apply button.

16. Close the JInitiator Control Panel, close all IE browser windows and reconnect to the application.

17. If you are using Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you can clear the jar cache and certificates by clearing out the contents of the following directories:

C:\Documents and Settings\\Oracle Jar CacheC:\Documents and Settings\\.jinit

  • Close all IE browser windows and reconnect to the application.

18. You can also check the Oracle JInitiator Java Console by right-clicking the related system-tray icon. Any related desktop issues should display in the console.

19. Once you have started a ‘Citrix’ application, you can check the File Security by right-clicking the related system-tray icon:

20. Before attempting to re-install any of the required software it is a good practice to close all your browser windows, check if there are any pending ‘Windows Updates’ to be applied, apply them, and restart your computer.

  • If you are still having issues, uninstalling then re-installing can sometimes resolve the problem.

21. To uninstall, open Windows Control Panel > Add Remove Programs (‘Programs and Features’ on Windows 7/Vista).

22. Uninstall the following applications:

  • MetaFrame Presentation Server Web Client Win32

  • Citrix XenApp Plug-in

  • ICA Client or other Citrix/MetaFrame description

  • Oracle JInitiator – all versions

23. Afterwards, from Windows explorer, remove the following directories if they exist:

  • C:\Program Files \Oracle\Jinitiator 1.3.*

  • C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Oracle Jar Cache

  • C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\.jinit

24. Close any open windows and restart your computer.

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