Custom Financial Report - Training Guide
IFS Reporting for End Users Custom Financial Report - Training Guide 2.0
In this Guide
Lesson One: Setting up Account Groups
Lesson Two: Saving and Running the Report
Lesson Three: Creating New Templates
IFS Reporting Custom Reports help you generate custom financial reports by providing a Report that formats your customized Account Group data. Custom Reports can be used to generate Balance Sheets, Income Statements, Lease Operating Statements and Statements of Cash Flows.
This guide explains how to generate a customized financial report that aggregates data at the Account Group level. For information on developing reports at the Account level, see Lesson Three: Creating New Templates below.
The following lessons help you generate a custom financial report:
Account Group Setup: This lesson contains instructions and an example table to help you configure your financial data in BOLO or Excalibur so that it is compatible with the Custom Financial Report Worksheet.
IFS Custom Financial Report: This report uses your custom Account Groups to generate line items, applies IFS Reporting standardized formats to the data. This lesson contains instructions for creating your own copy of this report and saving custom report filters.
Lesson One:
Setting up Account Groups
Lesson Two: Saving and Running the Report
Once the Account Groups are created in your accounting software, generating the report itself is quick and easy.
Lesson Three: Creating New Templates
You can create similar Ad Hoc Views and utilize the IFS Financial Report Template with the domains listed below. Domains with Account Group in the name aggregate data by Account Group; the other domains can be used to generate reports with Account level data.
IFS Account Group Summary Domain
IFS Account Summary Domain
IFS Cost Center Summary by Account Group Domain
IFS Cost Center Summary Domain
IFS Transactions Domain
Rows with no data within the selected date range will not show in the report. This includes Total, Header and Spacer rows. If data does exist, the section should display if all accounts associated with that section are added to the Spacer and Header lines.
Rows with sorted Account Group IDs still exists to the far left of the crosstab but can be removed using JasperSoft Studio once the report is generated.
Currently this template has allotted space for up to a year's worth of data (~16 columns). Approximately 60 rows of data have also been allotted to generate. If rows or columns exceed these limits, formatting issues may occur but can easily be remedied in JasperSoft Studio by adjusting the reports width and height in the Page Format editor.
Currently the JasperSoft product restricts us from formatting specific row patterns to include dollar signs or decimal places. This can be edited later in JasperSoft Studio.
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