Unpaid Payables Balance Analysis - AP280
This program provides an analysis of the account distribution for the unpaid payables balance from the AP system at a specified period end date. You can use this report for cash flow management reporting or as an aid to preparation of the SFAS 95 statement. You can display gross or net amounts on the report. If you choose gross amounts, the actual amounts entered during payables detail entry in the AP Invoices (AP120A) program display for the GL accounts entered. Any non-operated JIB amounts also display the associated deleted interest amount.
You must specify the company whose amounts you want to show. The amounts that display are the amounts cutback to this company during JIB processing. The amounts display with the originating billable JIB accounts. In order for these amounts to be correct on this report, JIB processing must be complete for the periods included in the report. If you specify the disbursing company, then all non-billable amounts also display.
You can run a detail or summary report; items selected are those with open balances as of the specified period end.
The detail report shows each payable detail accounting distribution item recorded in periods through the specified period end date. The detail report sorts by account, invoice period end date, vendor number, and invoice number, and show invoice master information, property, cost center, check information, account distribution, detail amounts, and the unpaid balance at the specified period end date. Totals display for sub-accounts, general accounts, and the whole report.
On the detail report you can see two occurrences of the same check reference on a detail line. This indicates a void check. The first occurrence is the original check. The second occurrence is the voiding of that check.
The summary option suppresses the item by item detail and just displays the subaccount, general account, and report totals. Be sure that the ending invoice period end date you enter is the last day of the month so that all the data you want is reported on.
If you want the disbursing company's share of the costs being reported, you must leave the Insider Company field blank. Entering a valid insider company ID results in a report that shows the associated net insider amounts only. Do not enter the disbursing company's ID.
You can get inaccurate results from this report if you pay an item recorded in a period subsequent to the specified period end date with a check recorded in a period prior to the specified period end date.
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