IFS IDEAS Release Notes
- 1 Summary of Changes
- 1.1 Issues Resolved
- 1.1.1 Accounts Payable
- 1.1.2 Accounts Receivable Trade
- 1.1.3 General Ledger
- 1.1.4 Purchase Documents
- 1.1.5 Warehousing
- 1.2 Compatibility Matrix
- 1.3 Minimum System Requirements
- 1.3.1 Hardware
- 1.3.2 Software
- Server Machine
- Client Machine
- Web Server
- 1.1 Issues Resolved
Release Type | Minor |
Release Date | July 22, 2023 |
Summary of Changes
IDEAS has the following Key Maintenance resolutions:
Issues Resolved
Accounts Payable
Updated the Thailand HSBC payment format to accept Payment Set Code “SUP”.
Corrected a condition in Invoice Entry where when the Invoice Requires Receipt option is enabled and a PO line had been deleted, then Other Costs could not be entered to the invoice for the PO.
When an invoice has been deleted that had been routed for approval in iApprove, the corresponding routing information in iApprove is now also deleted.
When an invoice has been deleted that had been routed for approval in iApprove and the batch control totals had been adjusted, the invoice will now pass validation successfully in iApprove.
Corrected the Disbursement report to correctly display totals when run in the Detail mode.
Corrected a condition after an upgrade where the Disbursement Report had all columns set to 0.00. The upgrade was corrected to resolve this issue.
Corrected an error when running the Cash Requirements Report in an alternate language.
Accounts Receivable Trade
Corrected the Bank Code drop down in the Cash Receipt screen to display only those bank codes that were available for the Company selected.
General Ledger
Added logic to prevent one user from clearing a journal batch lock during posting when the batch is open in the Journal Entry/Corrections screen. If the lock is released and the journal is posted and then the user in the Journal Entry/Corrections screen saves their changes, the status of the batch is set from posted to the validation status from the Journal Entry/Corrections screen. This would then allow the batch that had already been posted to be posted again. will prevent this possibility.
Purchase Documents
The Purchase Document Close process was optimized to take less time.
Streamlined the Vendor Return process to allow a credit memo to be raised against a vendor where a received quantity has been returned through a Vendor Return and the receipt has already been invoiced with that receipt. When the Invoice Requires Receipt flag is enabled, if a receipt has been associated with an invoice, then the receipt cannot be modified unless it has been disassociated from the invoice.
Corrected an error when printing Material Requisitions.
See the Risk Assessment for the full list of maintenance items included in this release.
Compatibility Matrix
Product Certification
Component | OS Name | OS Version | OS Edition | OS Architecture | Support Status | Certification | Tested | Notes |
iApprove Web UI |
| Certified | Chrome and Safari | Yes |
Windows Server |
| 2022 |
| Certified | Yes | Yes |
Workstation | Win | 11 |
| Certified | Yes | Yes |
Interoperability Certification
Target Product | Target Version | Contract | Certification Status | Notes |
SQL Server | 2022 |
| Certified |
.net Framework | 4.8 |
| Certified | .net Framework 4.8 is required for this version |
4.6 |
| Certified | For iApprove installations only |
Minimum System Requirements
This section identifies the recommended hardware requirements for each machine.
Component | Recommended |
CPU | Intel® I3™ |
RAM | ≥ 4 GB RAM |
Disk | 20 GB free Storage |
Component | Recommended |
CPU | Intel® XEON™ Family |
RAM | ≥ 8 GB RAM |
Disk | 20 GB free Storage |
Server Machine
Client Machine
Web Server
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