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The Cost Centre (CC) upload spreadsheet is designed to assist users to upload new cost centres into the Qbyte Financial application. The current version of the spreadsheet will only insert records into the database tables and cannot update existing records. Changes or updates can be performed through the Qbyte Financial cost centre maintenance screen (MRSS011). The spreadsheet file consists of the following three work sheets:

1. Masters Worksheet

2. Cost Centre Legal Locations Worksheet

3. CC Comments Worksheet


Users must be granted one of the following roles before they can use the upload spreadsheet:


Feature Highlights and System Configuration

Column Select Functionality

The CC Master worksheet allows users to “hide” selected columns (provided that they are not mandatory fields) that may not be needed or applicable for the user. The “Column Select” window can be accessed by going to:

Cost Centre Auto Numbering

The new upload spreadsheet will allow users to utilize existing numbering schemes setup in the application. Users will not be allowed to input cost centre numbers if the system is setup to auto number newly created cost centres. Auto numbering can be setup by:

1. Setting up the cost centre numbering scheme for a specific Org ID and Cost Centre Type

2. Once the numbering scheme has been defined, the system default to auto number cost centres must be set to Y. To do this:

3. If this flag is set to ‘N’, the spreadsheet will require the user to input a cost centre number.

Legal Locations Setup

The upload spreadsheet allows users to attach legal location information to a cost centre. The user must input:

1. A Valid Survey System Code

Customization can include:

System Defaults

The following fields (if not specified by the user) will auto populate with default values defined at the system or database level:

1. Use OM Flag

2. Alt GL Code Flag

3. Capital/Expense Flag

4. Billing Code Flag

5. OC Cost Centre Flag

6. Active Date

User Defined Fields (UDFs)

The cost centres master worksheet allows users to input information into twenty different UDF fields. These UDF fields can be customized within the application according to the client’s business needs and processes. Customization can include:

For more information on customizing User Defined Fields in Qbyte Financial, please refer to the wiki page on User Defined Fields.

The CC UDF fields in the application are in the following format:


Process Workflow

Uploading a New Cost Centre

1. Open the spreadsheet file.

2. Enable Macros Content on the worksheet if required.

3. Select the Cost Centres Worksheet.

4. Connect to the Database: 

5. Input CC information. Ensure that required fields are populated. Required General CC Information:

6. Validate Data:

7. One of the following will occur:

8. Correct any warning/error messages and validate again.

9. Insert Records:

Uploading Legal Location Information to an Existing Cost Centre

1. Open the spreadsheet file.

2. Enable Macros Content on the worksheet if required.

3. Select the CC Legals Worksheet.

4. Connect to the Database: 

5. Input information. Ensure that the following required fields are populated:

6. Validate Data:

7. One of the following will occur:

8. Correct any error messages and validate again.

9. Insert Records;

10. Upon successful insert: the CC Legal ID column will populate with the ID number of the record in the COST_CENTRE_LEGALS table.

Uploading Comment Information to an Existing Cost Centre

1. Open the spreadsheet file.

2. Enable Macros Content on the worksheet if required.

3. Select the Comments Worksheet.

4. Connect to the Database:

5. Input information. Ensure that the following required fields are populated:

6. Validate Data

7. One of the following will occur:

8. Correct error messages and validate again.

9. Insert Records

10. User can now select to:

11. Upon successful insert: the Comment ID column will populate with the ID number of the record in the COMMENTS table.

Updating Cost Centre Information

To update existing Cost Centre records, use the following steps:

Do not select the Validate Records option. If selecting the Validate Records option, fields which are not populated will err out.)

Technical Requirements

The following technical requirements must be met before using the upload spreadsheet:

  1. The following components from the Oracle Client package must be installed:

  1. A copy of the correct tnsnames.ora file must be placed in:

C:\[Oracle Client Install Directory]\product\[ClientVersionNumber]\client_[X]\network\admin

  1. The user account must have sufficient privileges to enable Macros “Protected Content” on the spreadsheet.