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IFS Access Management is an application used by system administrators to maintain user and security information for the IFS Hosted Portal applications. This guide describes how to use the IFS Access Management functions and features.
To enter IFS Access Management, open the IFS Hosted Portal at:
Login to the IFS Hosted Portal using the administrator ID and password provided by P2 Energy Solutions.
Once you are logged into the IFS Hosted Portal as an administrator, you will be presented with the Administrator drop-down menu.
This page is your starting point for administering your company’s user setups. The web page has a toolbar along the top of the page. The toolbar consist of icons of drop-down menus used to navigate to other IFS Hosted Portal functionality.
The P2 logo will navigate to the main P2 Energy Solutions web site. P2 Energy Solutions training course information can be found at the bottom of the web page under the Services heading.
The Related Links drop-down menu contains information about any IFS Hosted Portal service outages, downloads for any related software used for the hosted environment and IFS Hosted Portal user manuals.
The drop-down menu consisting of your IFS Hosted Portal user name and ID contains links to IFS Access Management web pages to edit your profile information, change your password or logout from the IFS Hosted Portal environment.
The Administrator drop-down menu contains additional IFS Access Management links to maintain your organization users. Different administrator types will be presented with different menu selections based on their administration privileges within the organization.
The Cog drop-down menu contains links to Help, Support and About web pages related to the IFS Hosted Portal environment.
There are common features used throughout the IFS Access Management application. These features include the navigational features and the printing features.
In the top heading bar on each web page there is a Close link. Selecting this link will log you out of the application and close the window. To the left of the Close link is a printer icon. Selecting this icon will print an image of the current web page you are on. You will be prompted for print options such as the printer and print range.
If your web page has a scrolling region, you can get an expanded hard-copy listing of all the data using the File/Print Preview menu. This can also be used to change your page layout from portrait to landscape if you wish.
At the bottom of most web pages is a Back button. Selecting this button will take you back to the previous web page. Select Save to save your changes. The New button will cause the web page to clear and change to “add” mode ready for you to enter data for a new user. Buttons with three periods after the button label (e.g. Change Password…) indicate that selecting that button will cause another web page to open.
When you select the Manage Users link on the portal, a new window will open with a list of users in your Organization.
The top row after the web page title contains search functionality:
Use the Search By attribute to select the information your search is to be based on. You can search by User ID, First Name or Last Name. You can also supply a value to search for by entering it in the For attribute. Any records containing that value in the corresponding Search By attribute will be displayed. Select the flashlight (circled below) to begin your search.
To reset the search and list all users in your organization again, clear the For attribute and select the search icon
The search is case sensitive. Wild card characters do not have to be used; it will find any entry containing the specified characters. For example, a search by First Name for ‘O’ (without the quotes) will produce the following display:
In the column heading row, there are up and down arrows (circled below) for sorting:
You can sort in ascending or descending order by User ID, First Name or Last Name. The first time the arrow next to the applicable attribute is selected, it will sort in ascending order. The second time the same arrow next to the same attribute is selected, it will sort in descending order. The user list is initially sorted by user ID, so the first time you select the arrow next to user ID, it will re-sort the list in descending order.
Select the Add User button on the Manage Users web page to create a user.
A blank web page will then be displayed for you to enter new user information.
The only buttons available when adding a new user are the Save and Back button.
The attributes edits are as follows:
The attributes with asterisks are required attributes and must be entered.
Passwords may not contain the user ID.
Passwords may not begin with a number.
Passwords must conform to the current password rules. This is controlled by the Password Rules (refer to the Change Password section for more information).
A user ID can only be used once through the entire IFS Hosted Application environment. If you try to add a user ID that already exists, the following message appears after you select Save:
The following web page print shows the valid values for the Administrator drop-down attribute. The attribute defaults to ‘No’. Leave this attribute as ‘No’ if the user you are adding does not have any administrative privileges.
Select Organization Administrator if the user should have full administrator privileges (i.e. can add, change and delete users). Select Application Administrator if the user can only configure applications. Select Help Desk if the user can only lock or unlock accounts and change passwords. The Administrator drop-down attribute is only displayed when an Organization Administrator is logged in. Refer to the Administrator Functions section for more information.
Select or clear the Account Locked checkbox to lock or unlock the user’s account.
Select Save to save the data and add the user to your hosted environment.
Select the appropriate Application Environment checkbox to give the user access to the desired application. Application checkboxes will only appear if your company has the environment set up. Each application environment applies to a specific application and database. This data is initially set up by the IFS Hosted Portal administrator based on your organization’s hosted environments.
In order for the user to properly use the application, you must select the Configure Applications button (after data is saved) to give access to the various roles in the application. Refer to the Application Configuration through 10 for more information.
After the user data is saved, you can select the New button to add another user. The web page will be blanked out for you to enter new user information.
Select the Back button to return to the Manage Users web page.
If there are outstanding changes that have not been saved, the following dialog box will be displayed. If you select the OK button, your changes will be lost and you will be forwarded to the action selected (i.e. Manage Users web page if Back was selected). If you select the Cancel button, you will remain on the same web page and you must select the Save button to save your changes.
If a user is set up as an Organization Administrator (see Administrator drop-down attribute below) they will have full administrator privileges (i.e. can add, change and delete users and give users access to any environment).
If an Organization Administrator is editing a user who is an Application Administrator there will be an extra column of checkboxes to indicate which environments the Application Administrator can administer for all users in the organization. Select the application environments the user will be allowed to administer for other organization users.
When a user who is set up as an Application Administrator is logged in to the portal, they will see the following links.
If they select the Manage Users or Manage IFS Support Users links, they will not see the Copy icon or the Add User button, since they are not allowed to perform these functions.
When an Application Administrator edits other users, they will only be able to select or clear the Environment checkboxes and Configure Applications. All other user data is display only. Only the Environment checkboxes for the environments that the Application Administrator has access to administer will be displayed.
When an Application Administrator edits their own information they can update any data. As well, the Administer checkboxes will be display only. These can only be updated by an Organization Administrator.
When a user who is set up as a Help Desk user is logged in to the portal, they will see the same links as an Application Administrator. The Manage Users and Manage IFS Support Users web pages will also look the same as they do for an Application Administrator. They will not see the Copy icon or the Add User button, since they are not allowed to do these functions.
When a Help Desk user edits other users, they will only be able to select or clear the Account Locked checkbox and change or synchronize a user’s password. All other data as well as the Environment checkboxes are display only.
When a Help Desk user edits their own information they can update any data but cannot change their environments or Configure Applications.
On the Edit User web page, select the Qbyte Financial application environments and select the Configure Applications button.
When an environment which could generate output files is selected, the user will automatically be given access to the IFS Hosted Portal Windows Explorer J: drive (company output). |
When the Configure Applications button is selected, the following web page will be displayed. Only the environments selected on the Edit User web page will be displayed in the Configure Environment drop-down list. Select the Financial Management environment by highlighting it.
The following web page will then be displayed. You must select a User Type before the list of roles will be displayed. If there is existing information for this user, the applicable user type and roles will be displayed. The Database Profile attribute will be used in the future to allow for a more detailed level of password validation but currently defaults to DEFAULT and should not be changed. The Full Table Access Requested box is display only.
If the user type is changed from one value to another, the following dialog box will be displayed. If you select the OK button, it will change the user type to the new value and revoke all roles associated with the old user type. If you select the Cancel button, it will leave the user type as the old value.
Once the user type is selected, the list of roles associated with the selected user type will then be displayed.
Select the checkboxes next to the appropriate roles to give access to the user. Once the roles have been selected, select the Save button to save the configuration for the user. The message ‘Update Successful’ will then be displayed.
Select the Remove Access button if you wish to clear all the roles. This will remove all access to the application for this user.
Select the Back button to return to the Edit User web page. If there are outstanding changes that have not been saved, the following dialog box will be displayed.
Select the Grant Full Table Access button to request that the user be granted direct access to the application database tables. Please use this with caution, as the data in the application tables should only be changed using the application . If the Full Table Access Requested box in the upper right hand corner is selected, the button will be labeled Revoke Full Table Access.
When the Grant Full Table Access button is selected, the following warning message will be displayed.
If OK is selected, an email message text box will be displayed for you to enter additional instructions for the grant. The User Type buttons are display only and cannot be changed on this web page.
When the Save button is selected, an email will be sent to IFS Support to notify them to apply the appropriate database changes. The Clear button clears the text you have typed in the email message box. When you select the Back button, the previous web page associated with the user type is displayed.
Once the Administrator creates a new user the following needs to be completed:
Add the new user to control groups - Control Groups - Qbyte FM 2.0 - P2 Energy Solutions Wiki
Set up user defaults - User Defaults - Qbyt FM 2.0 - P2 Energy Solutions Wiki
On the Edit Users web page with the Qbyte Land application selected, select the Configure Applications button and the following web page will appear. Select the Qbyte Land environment by highlighting it.
Once the user type is selected, the Land Configuration selections will be displayed.
Select the Land Management module accesses and roles to give access to the user. Use the scroll bar on the right hand side of each section to scroll down to see the complete list of accesses and roles.
Once the module access and roles have been selected, select the Save button to save the configuration for the selected user. The message ‘Update Successful’ will then be displayed.
The Remove Access, Grant/Revoke Full Access and Back buttons behave in the same manner as the Financial Management Configuration web page.
On the Edit Users web page with a CS Land application selected, select the Configure Applications button and the following web page will appear. Select the CS Land environment by highlighting it.
Once the user type is selected, the administrator will be presented with the CS Land Security Groups selections.
Select the applicable Qbyte CS Land Security Groups (more than one can be selected) to give access to the user. Once the security groups have been selected, select the Save button to save the configuration for the selected user. The message ‘Update Successful’ will then be displayed.
Select the Remove Access button if you wish to uncheck all the Security Groups.
Select the Back button to return to the Edit User web page. If there are outstanding changes that have not been saved, the following dialog box will be displayed.
The Remove Access, Grant/Revoke Full Access and Back buttons behave in the same manner as the Financial Management Configuration web page.
On the Edit Users web page with the Optix application selected, select the Configure Applications button and the following web page will appear. Select the Optix environment by highlighting it.
Once the user type is selected, the administrator will be presented with the Optix Roles selections.
Select the applicable Optix Roles (more than one can be selected if available) to give access to the user. Once the roles have been selected, select the Save button to save the configuration for the selected user. The message ‘Update Successful’ will then be displayed.
Select the Remove Access button if you wish to clear all the application roles.
Select the Back button to return to the Edit User web page. If there are outstanding changes that have not been saved, the following dialog box will be displayed.
On the Edit Users web page with the Qbyte Metrix application selected, click the Configure Applications button and the following web page will appear. Select the Metrix environment by highlighting it.
Once the User Type is selected, the Administrator will be presented with the Metrix Roles selections.
Select the applicable Metrix Roles (more than one can be selected if available) to give access to the user. Once the roles have been selected, click the Save button to save the configuration for the selected user. The message Update Successful will then be displayed.
Click the Remove Access button if you wish to clear all the application roles.
Click the Back button to return to the Edit User web page. If there are outstanding changes that have not been saved, the following dialog box will be displayed.
The Remove Access, Grant/Revoke Full Access, and Back buttons behave in the same manner as the Financial Management Configuration web page.
On the Edit Users web page with an Oil Marketing System application selected, select the Configure Applications button and the following web page will appear. Select the Oil Marketing System environment by highlighting it.
Once the user type is selected, the administrator will be presented with the Oil Marketing System Security Groups selections.
Select the applicable Oil Marketing System Security Groups (more than one can be selected) to give access to the user. Once the security groups have been selected, select the Save button to save the configuration for the selected user. The message ‘Update Successful’ will then be displayed.
Select the Remove Access button if you wish to clear all the Security Groups.
Select the Back button to return to the Edit User web page. If there are outstanding changes that have not been saved, the following dialog box will be displayed.
On the Edit Users web page with Wellcore application selected, select the Configure Applications button and the following web page will appear. Select the Wellcore environment by highlighting it.
Once the user type is selected, the administrator will be presented with the Wellcore User Values and Workbooks selections.
Select the applicable Wellcore User Values and Workbooks (more than one can be selected) to give access to the user. Once the User Values or Workbooks have been selected, select the Save button to save the configuration for the selected user. The message ‘Update Successful’ will then be displayed.
Select the Remove Access button if you wish to clear all the Workbooks.
Select the Back button to return to the Edit User web page. If there are outstanding changes that have not been saved, the following dialog box will be displayed.
On the Edit Users web page with a IFS AFE application selected, select the Configure Applications button and the following web page will appear. Select the IFS AFE environment by highlighting it.
Once the user type is selected, the administrator will be presented with the IFS AFE Configuration selections.
Select or enter the applicable IFS AFE Application Security or Roles (more than one can be selected) to give access to the user. Once the Application Security or Roles have been selected or entered, select the Save button to save the configuration for the selected user. The message ‘Update Successful’ will then be displayed.
Select the Back button to return to the Edit User web page. If there are outstanding changes that have not been saved, the following dialog box will be displayed.
On the Edit Users web page with a Qbyte Prism application selected, select the Configure Applications button and the following web page will appear. Select the Qbyte Prism environment by highlighting it.
Once the user type is selected, the administrator will be presented with the Qbyte Prism Configuration selections.
Select the applicable Qbyte Prism Environments (more than one can be selected) to give access to the user. Once the environments have been selected, select the Save button to save the configuration for the selected user. The message ‘Update Successful’ will then be displayed.
The Remove Access and Back buttons behave in the same manner as the Financial Management Configuration web page.
All IFS Merrick application roles are administered centrally using the Merrick Role Assignment environment. Users should be assigned the individual environments for each of the IFS Merrick applications they are entitled to plus the Merrick Role Assignment environment. This will ensure the required applications appears on the IFS Portal for them, and that further role assignment is available through the Merrick Role Assignment environment.
On the Edit Users web page, making sure the Merrick Role Assignment application checkbox has been selected, click the Configure Applications button and the following web page will appear. Select the Merrick Role Assignment environment by highlighting it.
Even though multiple IFS Merrick environments were assigned to the user, only Merrick Role Assignment is available for configuration. |
The Administrator will be presented with the Merrick Roles sections.
Select the applicable Merrick Roles (more than one can be selected) to give access to the user. Once the roles have been selected, click the Save button to save the configuration for the selected user. The following message will be displayed: Update Successful. NOTE: it could take up to 15 minutes to complete these Role changes.
The selected roles will be marked as (**Role assignment in progress).
To revoke roles clear (uncheck) the applicable Merrick Roles and click the Save button to save the configuration for the selected user. The following message will be displayed: Update Successful. NOTE: it could take up to 15 minutes to complete these Role changes.
The selected roles will be marked as (**Role removal in progress).
When re-visiting the screen after role assignment has completed, the selected roles will be displayed as follows:
Click the Back button to return to the Edit User web page. If there are outstanding changes that have not been saved, the following dialog box will be displayed:
On the Edit Users web page with a Qbyte Production Management application selected, select the Configure Applications button and the following web page will appear. Select the Qbyte Production Management environment by highlighting it.
Once the user type and roles schema are selected, the administrator will be presented with the Qbyte Production Management Configuration selections.
Select the applicable role (only one can be selected) to give access to the user.
Once the role has been selected, select the Save button to save the configuration for the selected user. The message ‘Update Successful’ will then be displayed. The Remove Access and Back buttons behave in the same manner as the Qbyte Financial Configuration web page.
On the Manage Users web page, select the user you would like to edit by selecting the edit icon next to the selected user ID as indicated below.
Once selected the following Edit User web page will appear.
The attributes with asterisks are required attributes and must be entered.
Make the necessary changes to the user data and select the Save button. Message ‘Update Successful’ will be displayed if there were no errors.
If the user’s account is locked out of the IFS Hosted Portal because they have entered too many incorrect passwords, the Edit User web page will be displayed as follows. Note the Account Suspended and Account Lockedattributes. Clear the Account Suspended attribute to remove the temporary lock on the user’s account. Select the Account Locked attribute if you would like to permanently lock the user’s account. In this case, you do not have to clear the Account Suspended check box. The Account Suspended check box will only be displayed if the user’s account is locked out of the IFS Hosted Portal because they have entered too many incorrect passwords and the user’s account is not permanently locked.
On the Edit User web page, select the Change Password button.
The following web page will then appear:
Enter the New Password. Re-enter the same password in the Confirm Password box, then select the Save button to initiate the password change. The password must conform to the password rules outlined on the right of the web page. The password rules are derived from the Password Rules set up for your Organization. Refer to Password Rules in Change Password section for more information.
If the password change was successful, the message ‘Update Successful’ will be displayed. The next time the user logs into the IFS Hosted Portal, they will be prompted to enter the new password. Please inform the user that it may take a while before the password is synchronized in all IFS Hosted Portal systems.
On the Edit User web page, when you select the Synchronize Password button, Access Management will automatically update the user’s password in the databases associated with the selected environments. This functionality is provided in case a database was unavailable when the Change Password function was initiated. The message ‘Update Successful’ will be displayed when the synchronization is complete in all databases that the user has access to.
The Synchronize Password button is only displayed for Organization Administrators and Help Desk users when they are editing other user’s information. When the Edit My Profile link on the portal is used to edit your own information, the Synchronize Password button is always displayed regardless of user type.
To delete an existing user, select the Delete button on the Edit User web page.
You will then be asked to confirm this action:
If you select Cancel, the action will not proceed. If you select OK, the user will be deleted and message ‘Delete Successful’ will be displayed. After the user is deleted, the form will change to Add mode and only the Save and Back buttons will be enabled.
When a user is deleted from the Qbyte Integration Management application, the following happens:
Saved report criteria in Optix for that user are not deleted.
Process locks for that user are deleted
User defaults for that user are deleted
User defaults for modules (when you save your parameters for a specific report are deleted)
User is not deleted from any control group
Job stream schedules for that user are set to inactive
Job submissions and related output for that user are not deleted, but will be removed through the Job Submission process that deletes expired output based on the output retention days
App_user_elements (land table) for that user are deleted
Pr-project_users (land table) for that user are deleted
Ss_user_application (land table) for that user are deleted
Deletes from app_users if possible (if no child records exist). If child records exist, it will set the active_flag on app_users to ‘N’, and will not display the user in the Manage Users list
Oracle database account for that user is deleted
Use this function when you are creating a new user who will have similar access to an existing user.
On the Manage Users web page, select the user you would like to copy from by selecting the copy icon next to the selected user ID as indicated below. This function will only copy Application Configuration data (i.e. environments and roles) from an existing user to a new user.
Once selected the following Edit User web page will appear. Most of the user attributes will be blank for you to enter new user information. If the Internal Group, Title or Manager attributes had been entered for the user you are copying from, those attributes will also be copied. However, you can override the values. The Application Environments from the user you are copying from will be selected.
Enter the new user information and select Save. Message ‘Update Successful’ will be displayed if there were no errors. The application configuration information will automatically be copied. You can select the Configure Applications button to view or change this information after the data is saved.
If you need to give access to your organization’s databases to IFS personnel for support purposes, you can do so using the Manage IFS Support Users link on the IFS Hosted Portal.
When you select the Manage IFS Support Users link, the Manage IFS Support Users web page appears with a list of P2 Support users that you have already set up (if any). This web page is similar to the Manage Users web page. For more information on the search/sort functionality and icon functions, refer to the Create Users and Administrator Functions sections.
When you select the Add User button, the following web page appears with a drop-down list of P2 Support users available to be added, optionally followed by their internal group:
Select a user from the list, select the desired Application Environments to give to the user, and select the Save button. The following web page will then appear with the message ‘Insert Successful’. The User ID, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Internal Group, and Telephone Number attributes are display only and cannot be changed. This is the same web page that appears when you select the Edit icon next to a user on the Manage P2 Support Users web page.
You can then select the Configure Applications button to assign application roles. Refer to the Application Configuration sections (Qbyte Land Configuration, Qbyte CS Land Configuration, Optix Configuration, and Metrix Configuration) for more information.
You cannot change a P2 Support user’s password. They will be added to the database(s) with the password they have set up under the P2 organization. |
All the other buttons behave the same as on the Manage Users form. When you select the New button, it displays the same Add User web page as above with a drop-down list of P2 Support users available to be added. When you delete a P2 Support user, it will only delete their user ID out of the database(s) you have given them access to. The next time you add a user, the deleted user’s ID will again appear in the drop-down list of P2 Support users available to be added. When you select the Back button, it will return you to the Manage P2 Support Users web page.
You can set up password rules, such as minimum and maximum password lengths, for your Organization. The password rules are used to validate new passwords entered and are used to control how many invalid logins the user is allowed and how long they are locked out of the IFS Hosted Portal when the number of invalid logins is exceeded. They are also used to control how many previous passwords are stored and selected for re-use.
To maintain Password Rules for your Organization, select the Edit Password Rules link on the portal.
The attributes with asterisks are required and must be entered. Enter values in all required attributes and select Save. If any required attributes are left blank, an error message will be displayed. The values entered are selected against the minimums and maximums shown on the right. If the value entered is less than the minimum shown or greater than the maximum shown, an error message will be displayed. For the checkboxes at the bottom of the web page, only select the box if the password must contain at least one of the type of character indicated.
On the Manage Users web page, you can select the Preview icon to see printable information about the user, including their assigned application roles.
After the Preview icon is selected, the following web page will appear. The Application Configuration report shows only the assigned environments, roles and module access for the selected user.
You can collapse or expand all sections with a blue solid arrowhead (circled above) by selecting the appropriate magnifying glass icon at the top, or collapse or expand individual sections by selecting the blue solid arrowhead. When the blue arrow is pointing down, it means the section is expanded, if it is pointing to the right, it means the section is collapsed.
Use the browser’s File menu in the top menu bar to do a Print Preview or Print the information. When using Print Preview or Print, the scrollable sections (with a scroll bar on the right, such as the Module Access section above) will automatically expand to the full height. Only data in the expanded sections (i.e. Aries LM Test) will print.
Select the Close button in the top right hand corner to close the web page and return to the Manage Users web page.
The Export icon (last icon in the top row) is used to export the report data to a comma separated (.csv) file that can be read by Microsoft Excel. After the icon is selected, a Windows dialog box will appear similar to the one below.
Select the Open button to download the file and open Microsoft Excel with the report data displayed in a spreadsheet as follows. Select the Save button to save the spreadsheet in a file.
The default name for the spreadsheet is: AccessMgmt_AppRoles_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.csv.
You can use the User Report button to see a summary count of the number of users in your Organization. This report is available from both the Manage Users and Manage Support Users forms.
You can collapse or expand all sections with a blue solid arrowhead by selecting the appropriate magnifying glass icon at the top. Or collapse or expand individual sections by selecting the blue solid arrowhead. When the blue arrow is pointing down, it means the section is expanded, if it is pointing to the right, it means the section is collapsed.
The Export icon (third from the right in the top row) is used to export the report data to a comma-separated (.csv) file that can be read by Microsoft Excel. After the icon is selected, a Windows dialog box will appear similar to the one below.
Select the Open button to download the file and open Microsoft Excel with the report data displayed in a spreadsheet as follows. Select the Save button to save the spreadsheet in a file.
The default name for the spreadsheet file is:
User Report
Support User Report
If you select the Show Users box, a list of the users by user type for each environment will be displayed. Clearing the Show Users box will cause the list of users to disappear.
If you select the Summarize by Internal Group box, it will show the environments and user counts broken down by internal group.
If you select the Show Users box, it will display a list of the users by user type for each environment and internal group. The internal group will not be displayed next to the user, since it is displayed next to the environment. It will also not be displayed when you export the data.
When you clear the Summarize by Internal Group box, it will go back to the initial display of environments and user counts not broken down by internal group.
Use the browser’s File menu in the top menu bar to do a Print Preview or Print the information. When using Print Preview or Print, the scrollable sections (i.e. list of users) will automatically expand to the full height when printing. Only data in the expanded sections (i.e. Aries LM Test) will print.
Select the Close button in the top right hand corner to close the web page and return to the Manage Users web page.
When user data is updated in Access Management, an audit trail is written to a central database. The Audit data can be viewed using the Audit Report button. This button is available on the Manage Users and the Manage P2 Support Users forms.
When the Audit Report button is selected the Audit Report Parameters form will open to enable you to enter report parameters. The form will open in a new window that is quite large in order for the report to be displayed in the same window.
Each of the attributes on the Audit Report Parameters form can be left blank or data can be selected from the drop-down or search criteria entered in order to narrow the scope of the report. It is recommended that at least an Environment is selected otherwise the report could take a long time to run if all attributes are left blank.
Select the triangle at the right of the drop-down attributes to expand the list.
The Environment drop-down attribute lists the environments for your organization.
The User Changed drop-down attribute lists the users in your organization. If you came from the Manage P2 Support Users web page, the drop-down will only contain P2 Support Users.
The Changed By drop-down attribute lists the administrator users first, then all the users in your organization (users can change their own data). If you came from the Manage P2 Support Users form, the drop-down will only contain the administrator users. The User Changed and Changed By drop-down lists only contain users that currently exist in your organization. If you would like to search for a user that has been deleted and is not in the list, use the Search attributes. The Search attributes can also be used to select users whose user ID starts with a given string (e.g. fmuser%). The Search attributes are not case sensitive. You must either select a user from the list or enter search criteria, but not both. Both attributes can be left blank to select all.
The From/To Date attributes can be left blank or one or both can be entered. The date must be entered in format YY/MM/DD. If both dates are entered, the From Date must be before the To Date.
Expanded Environment drop-down list.
In the Changed By drop-down list, the Administrator users are listed at the top prefixed with an asterisk.
Drop-down lists when entered from the Manage P2 Support Users web page.
Select the Run Audit Report button to run the report. The Clear button will clear all parameter data entered on the form. The Back button will return to the Manage Users or Manage P2 Support Users form depending on where you came from.
The top of the report contains the standard Close button as well as the Collapse/Expand and Export icons (refer to previous sections for their use). The report parameters are also displayed at the top of the report. If the parameter attribute was left blank, the value printed will be “All”.
On the report, the first section “User Changes (not environment specific)” lists changes to user data that are not environment related. The CHANGE PASSWORD action will appear in this section, but will also appear under the other environments that the password change was completed in.
The audit only stores the new data values so that is what is displayed on the report. For CHANGE PASSWORD no new value is printed because the password cannot be displayed for security reasons.
Select the Close button in the top right hand corner to close the web page and return to the Manage Users or Manage P2 Support Users web page.
Example of the Audit Report data exported.