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Accounts Receivable Trade Overview

The Accounts Receivable Trade (ART) module enables users to perform the entire Accounts Receivable Trade process and to update and maintain all Accounts Receivable records. The system records and maintains each invoice in the currency (foreign or domestic) in which the financial settlement is due.

To operate the Accounts Receivable Trade module, follow these procedures:

Modules to Set Up Before Accounts Receivable Trade

IFS IDEAS requires that the General Ledger module be set up before setting up the module.

Accounts Receivable Trade System Set Up Procedures

To set up the Accounts Receivable Trade module, complete the steps in the following chart.




Customer Maintenance in the Customer menu.

Set up entities, journals, and currency types, as applicable, for use in the ART module.


Period Control Dates in the Utilities menu.

Define the beginning and ending dates of entity's current processing period.


Print Format Design in the Utilities menu.

If writing invoices to bill customers, set up invoice format(s) to enable the system to print invoices.


Customer Maintenance in the Customer menu.

Define all customers used in the ART module.

Please refer to screen-by-screen instructions in the sections to follow for details on how to complete each screen.

ART Monthly Processing Procedures

To perform monthly processing, complete the steps in the following chart.





Period Control Dates in the Utilities menu.

Define the beginning and ending dates of entity's current processing period.

Invoice Entry in the Transaction menu.

Enter transaction data.


Transaction Batch Validation in the Transaction menu.

Validate data entered during the Invoice Entry process. Validation verifies that the entries contain fully qualified accounts and actual totals equal to control totals. Batches cannot be posted until they are validated.

There are two ways to approve a transaction, both accessed through the Transaction menu:

  1. Invoice Entry (has a toolbar button)

  2. Transaction Approval (no toolbar button)

Approve transaction.


Manual Cash Receipt Processing:

Use this function for manual cash receipt processing. To access, click Manual Receipts from the Receipts menu.

Create an audit trail for manually prepared cash receipts using the manual cash receipt processing function.


Miscellaneous Receipt Processing

Use this function for miscellaneous cash receipt processing. To access, click Miscellaneous Receipts from the Receipts menu.

Create an audit trail for miscellaneous cash receipts using the Miscellaneous Cash Receipt Processing function.


On Account

Use this function for processing monies received on account. To access, click On Account Processing from the Receipts screen.

Create an audit trail for monies received on account using the On Account function.


Remove On-Account Application

Use this function for removing monies received on account. To access, click Remove On Account Application from the Receipts screen.

Create an audit trail for removing monies received on account using the Remove On-Account Application function.


Invoice Printing in the Correspondence menu.

Generate printed invoices.


Create Accounts Receivable Journal in the Journalize menu.

Journalize – i.e., transfer the current Accounts Receivable Trade data to the General Ledger system.

ART Month End Processing Procedures

To perform month end processing, refer to the chart below and use the function specified.





Period Control Dates in the Utilities menu.

Define the beginning and ending dates of the entity's next processing period.

ART Year End Processing Procedures

To perform year-end processing, complete the first two steps on the chart below, as well as any other steps as dictated by business practices.





1. User Tables, then Accounting Periods in the Utilities menu.

Set up accounting periods for the next year.


2. Period Control Dates in the Utilities menu.

Define the beginning and ending dates of the entity's next processing period.


Invoice Purge in the Utilities menu.

Optional: Clears invoice files and associated receipt files. 

Note: The system will not purge invoices that are not yet paid.


C ustomer Purge in the Utilities menu.

Optional: Clears customers that are no longer in use.

Screen-by-Screen Instructions

The Accounts Receivable Trade module offers functions to support all activities required to perform accounts receivable trade processing. The chart below lists the six drop-down menu names and the functions that fall under each.







Customer Maintenance

Customer Inquiry

Customer Reports        (Submenu):

Customer Analysis Report

Customer Listing Report (Customer Listing)

Customer Reconciliation Report

Customer Control (Submenu):

Customer Lock

Customer Fields Unlock

Customer Fields Log 

Invoice Entry

Miscellaneous Invoice (Miscellaneous Invoice Entry)

Recurring Invoice (Recurring Invoice Entry)

Auto Invoices

Transaction Batch Validation

Transaction Approval

Transaction Reports (Submenu):

Aged Open Receivables (Aged Open Receivables Report)

Account Distribution Analysis (Account Distribution Analysis Report)

AR Reconciliation Report

AR Reconciliation Period Report

Invoice Batch Report

Invoice/Reference Tracking Report

Value Added Tax Paid (VAT Paid Report)

Manual Receipts (Manual Cash Receipt Processing)

Miscellaneous Receipts (Miscellaneous Receipt Processing)

On Account Processing (On Account)

Remove On Account Application (Remove On-Account Application)

Void/Delete Cash Receipt (Void/Delete Receipts)

Receipt Reports (Submenu):

Cash Receipts Register (Print Cash Receipts Register)

Daily Cash Receipts (Daily Receipts Report)

Receipts Distribution Report

Cash Receipts (Cash Receipts Report)

Invoice Printing

Create Accounts Receivable Journal

User Tables (Submenu):



Postal Codes

Account Codes (Define a code and FQA for each offset type)

Bank Codes (Bank Code)

Customer Groups

Customer Types

User Definitions

Entity Maintenance

Period Control Dates

Print Format Design

Year End Utilities (Submenu):

(Paid) Invoice Purge

Customer Purge

Customer Audit Trail Purge

System Tables (Submenu):

Account Types

Check Handling Codes

Invoice Class

Invoice Line Status

Invoice Status

Term Codes (Terms Codes)

Transaction Types

Unit Of Measure Codes (Unit of Measure Setup)

AR Miscellaneous

UnLock Tables

Audit Reports (Submenu):

Customer Audit Trail

Customer Audit Report Purge

Invoice Audit Trail Report

Invoice Audit Trail Report Purge (Invoice Audit Trail Purge)

IFS IDEAS also provides quick and easy access to commonly used functions by clicking on the associated buttons:

Customer Maintenance

Invoice Entry

Customer Inquiry

Create Accounts Receivable Journal

Export to Excel Feature

Some screens in this module may have an Export to Excel button  incorporated in the screen, or an Export to Excel icon  in the toolbar. The user can click on this button or icon to export the raw report data directly to an Excel spreadsheet, bypassing the report. This feature is useful as it allows clients to use Excel features (for example, pivot tables, etc.) to organize the data as desired.

Customer Menu

Customer functions allow users to establish customers, perform customer maintenance, and report on previously-performed customer maintenance. 

 Customer Maintenance

To track Accounts Receivable Trade history for a customer, or to invoice a customer, that customer must be created in IFS IDEAS. Creating a customer record for every customer creates a complete audit trail that can be used for tracking and reporting purposes.

To create the customer record, or to modify or delete an existing customer record, use the Customer Maintenance function. Then use the Invoice Entry function to enter invoices for those customers. 

Extensive information about a customer can be stored using the Customer Maintenance function. However, much of the information in Customer Maintenance is optional.

To create a customer record, completion of the Customer ID, Name, and Abbreviation fields is required, as is the Payment Type on the Defaults tab. In addition, the appropriate option for the Status box may be selected, although Active status is the default.

Processing the Customer Maintenance Screen

Click the  button or select Customer Maintenance from the Customer menu to open the Customer Maintenance screen.

Parts of the Customer Maintenance Screen

The Customer Maintenance screen has two sections: the Header and the Tab section. The header is always visible, regardless of tab selection. The tab section consists of six tabs:  Address, Defaults, Other, Notes, Rating, and General. Each is addressed in further detail in the sections below.

The header contains three of the four required fields in the Customer Maintenance screen required to create a customer record: Customer ID, Name, and Abbreviation.

The Defaults tab contains the Payment Type field, which is the only other required field not in the header. All other tabs in the Customer Maintenance screen are optional, although it is good practice to complete as much of the information as possible.

To save an updated and/or newly created customer record, make sure to click the Save button to save changes after entering or updating information in the header and tabs.

Customer Maintenance Header

As noted above, the header contains three of the four fields required for the completion of a customer record. 

The Address Tab

The Address tab is the first of the six tabs in the Customer Maintenance screen. It consists of three subtabs: Customer, Miscellaneous, and Mailing. All information is optional, but it is good practice to collect as much information as possible for all customer records in the system.

Customer Subtab

Use the Customer subtab to record the physical address for a customer. This information will be accessible in the Print Format Design screen when designing the layout of customer invoices.

Miscellaneous Subtab

Use the Miscellaneous subtab to record an additional address for the customer. This may be a postal box that should be used for mailing invoices. Miscellaneous address information can be accessed in the Print Format Design screen.

Mailing Subtab

Record a mailing address for the customer on the Mailing subtab. This address information will be accessible on the Print Format Design screen.

Defaults Subtab 

The Defaults tab contains the only required field that is not in the Customer Maintenance header. 

While all other fields on this tab are optional, it is good practice to use them to record payment, discount, and tax information for each customer entered into the system. This tab will establish defaults for the customer. The system will use these defaults during invoice entry.

Payment/Discount Terms  Options





No Terms*

If this option or no option is selected, the system calculates the due date and invoice date to be the same.



Payment is due according to the invoice date and corresponding due dates as shown below:

Invoice Date                       Due Date

1 – 10                                     25th of same month

11 – 25                                   10th of next month

26 – EOM                               25th of next month



Payment is due according to the invoice date and corresponding due date as shown below:

Invoice Date                       Due Date

1 – 15                                     25th of same month

16 – EOM                              10th of next month



NN is the day of the month on which payment is due. When this option is selected, the Payment Days text box activates. Enter NN in that text box. For example, if a payment is due on the 25th of the month, enter 25 in the Payment Days text box.


NN Days Net*

Net payment is due NN days following the invoice date. When this option is selected, the Payment Days text box activates. Enter NN in that text box. For example, if a payment is due 30 days from the invoice date, you enter 30 in the Payment Days text box.


NN NN Disc Net Days

Net payment is due in NN days following the invoice date in order to qualify for the discount. When this option is selected, the Payment Days, Discount Days, and Discount % text boxes activate. Enter the appropriate number of days and the discount in those text boxes. For example, discount terms of a 5% discount for 10 days net 30 is entered as follows: Payment Days = 30; Discount Days = 10; Discount % = 5


End of Month*

Payment is due at end of the month.

*No discount available on these terms

The following fields appear in the grid:

Other Tab  

The Other tab has been reserved for future enhancements.

Notes Tab

Use the Notes tab to record comments or notes regarding the customer.

Rating Tab

Use the Rating tab to record information regarding the quality of the customer.

General Tab

Use the General tab to record internal classification for the customer record. These classifications are for informational purposes only.

Customer Inquiry

Use the Customer Inquiry function to access and review customer information.

Processing the Customer Inquiry Screen

Click on the  button or select Customer Inquiry from the Customer menu to open the Customer Inquiry screen.

Parts of the Customer Inquiry Screen

The Customer Inquiry screen has two sections: the Header and the Tab section. The header is always visible, regardless of tab selection. The tab section consists of four tabs: Invoices, Details, Receipts, and Customer.

Most fields in the Customer Inquiry screen are read-only, except for those in the header that allow the user to search for certain customer record(s), and some fields in the tabs that allow the user to pull up certain information for customer record(s). The Customer Inquiry screen is meant to be an inquiry screen to pull up and display customer record information for reference. To make changes to any information displayed in the Customer Inquiry screen, make changes in the IFS IDEAS screens from which these fields correspond.

Customer Inquiry Header

Use the Header fields to search for a specific customer to review that customer’s history.

Invoices Tab

Use the Invoices tab to review invoice information regarding the customer. Users have the option to select to view Invoices or Advances by selecting the associated radio buttons. The invoices and advances that display on this tab are the invoices and advances that have been entered into the system since the last time the (Paid) Invoice Purge utility was run.

Below the grid, three text boxes display:

Details Tab

The Details tab contains two subtabs: the Invoice subtab and the Transactions subtab.

Invoice Subtab 

Use the Invoice subtab to review information about the invoice entered and payment received from this customer.

Transactions Subtab

Use the Transaction subtab to review transactions for the invoice number selected on the Invoice subtab. 

Receipts Tab

Use the Receipts tab to review cash receipts for the customer selected.   

Customer Tab

Use this tab to review customer information as entered in Customer Maintenance. The Customer tab consists of four subtabs: Address, Other, Bank, and Defaults. All information displayed on these subtabs comes from Customer Maintenance.

Because most of the information in Customer Maintenance is optional, some fields on these subtabs may be blank. This information can be updated by accessing Customer Maintenance.

Address Subtab

The address information displayed on this tab comes from the Customer subtab of Customer Maintenance. Other information comes from the Defaults, Notes and Rating tabs of Customer Maintenance. 

Much of the information that can be included on the Customer Maintenance tabs and subtabs is optional. Therefore, some text boxes on this tab may be blank.

Other Subtab 

The Other subtab is not currently used. It is reserved for future enhancements.

Bank Subtab 

The Bank subtab displays the bank information for the customer, if entered.

Defaults Subtab

The Defaults tab displays information entered in the Defaults tab of the Customer Maintenance screen.


Customer Reports

The Customer Reports submenu in the Customer menu contains three reports: Customer Analysis Report, Customer Listing Report, and Customer Reconciliation Report. These reports allow Account Receivables staff to manage customer interaction.

Customer Analysis Report

The Customer Analysis Report can be used to create a report to analyze customer activity. Select any customer or group of customers for analysis.

The report includes names and addresses of customers, as well as current balances due. In addition, the report includes period-to-date and year-to-date information regarding purchases, returns, discounts taken, and missed and cash receipts. It also includes purchase taxes, if applicable. The system calculates information for the report by summing current and historical data. 

Processing the Customer Analysis Report Screen

Select Customer Analysis Report from the Customer Reports submenu in the Customer menu.

Once all selections have been made, click the Print Preview  button to generate the report. The report will open in a Crystal Reports viewer. It can be reviewed on the screen, exported, or printed.

Customer Listing Report

Use the Customer Listing function to print a list of customers in the system. The Customer Listing Report lists the customer ID, customer name, address and currency of the selected customers.

There are several ways to customize the list. For instance, all customers can appear on the listing, or the customer listing can be limited by selecting only those customers that meet the criteria specified in one or more of the following name or address categories:

To customize the listing further, select customers by using the wildcard character (*) to represent one or many characters in the customer name or in any address text box. For example, using “*Main*” as the selection criteria for “Address1” could create a listing for all customers with an address that contains the street name “Main.”

In addition to limiting the customers that appear on the listing, users can control how the system sorts customers. Sort by:

For example, limit the listing to all customers located in the company’s home state, then sort them first by city, then by customer number. In another instance, the user might list all customers in the country, but sort by customer number, state, and then by city.

If an attempt is made to create listing of customers by specifying criteria that does not exist, the system displays the message, Data Not Available for Specified Criteria. For example, if the user wants to create a listing of customers whose names start with the letter X, the aforementioned message displays if there are no such customers.

Processing the Customer Listing  Screen

Select Customer Listing Report from the Customer Reports submenu in the Customer menu.

Once all selections have been made, click the print preview  button to generate the report. The report will open in a Crystal Reports viewer.  It can be reviewed on the screen, exported or printed.

Customer Reconciliation Report

The Customer Reconciliation Report is used to reconcile activity in ART against the account receivable account in the GL module. This reconciliation occurs based on the customer, in detail.

Processing the Customer Reconciliation Report

Select Customer Reconciliation Report from the Customer Reports submenu in the Customer menu.

Once all selections have been made, click the print preview  button to generate the report. The report will open in a Crystal Reports viewer. It can be reviewed on the screen, exported, or printed.

Customer Control

Use the Customer Control submenu to process locks or unlocks on customer records, process logs on changes to fields on the customer record and or unlock specific fields on the customer record.

The options available in the Customer Control submenu are: Customer Lock, Customer Fields Unlock, and Customer Fields Log.

Customer Lock

Use the Customer Lock process to place locks on or remove locks from customer record. Once the lock is in place, the customer’s record can no longer be updated. Placing and removing locks affect all Customer Maintenance fields for the chosen customers.

Processing Customer Lock

Select Customer Lock from the Customer Control submenu in the Customer menu.



Once the selection has been made, press the save  button to process the request.

Customer Fields Unlock

Use the Customer Fields Unlock process to unlock specified fields for updates on customer records that have already been set up in Customer Maintenance and locked using Customer Lock.

When you lock a customer in the Customer Lock screen, then all of the fields in the Customer Maintenance screen are set to read-only. This screen allows you to select various fields that you want to be able to edit. For example, if you wanted to make the address fields editable for the locked customers, then add those fields in this screen. Any Customer Maintenance fields listed in this screen for locked customers are editable. Any fields not listed here are read-only.

Processing the Customer Fields Unlock

Select Customer Lock from the Customer Control submenu in the Customer menu.


Click the spyglass  to choose and highlight the field(s) to unlock. Once selections have been made, click the save  button to save the changes. These fields will be activated for editing on the customer record.

Customer Fields Log

The Customer Fields Log prints a listing of the fields that were unlocked through the Customer Fields Unlock tool.

Processing the Customer Fields Log

Select Customer Lock from the Customer Control submenu in the Customer menu.

Click the spyglass  button to select fields to add to the log. When all selections have been made, click the save  button, then use the print preview  button to view the log.

Transaction Menu

Transaction functions allow users to enter, modify and/or delete invoices and memos. They also provide the ability to validate and approve transactions.

Invoice Entry

Use Invoice Entry to enter invoices for billing customers. All customers must be created first in Customer Maintenance before they can be invoiced through Invoice Entry. 

It is standard practice to enter invoices for billing using the Invoice Entry function. Very infrequently, a situation will arise in which invoice and customer history do not need to be tracked for a particular customer. In that case, create that customer’s invoice using the Miscellaneous Invoice Entry function.

In addition to entering invoices for billing, use Invoice Entry to update, delete, and/or approve open invoices as well as inquire about invoice data. 

Processing with Invoice Entry

Click the button or select Invoice Entry from the Transaction drop-down menu to open the Invoice Entry screen.

The Invoice Entry screen has two sections, the Header and the Tab section. The header is always visible during invoice entry. The tab section consists of two tabs: Batch and Invoice. The Batch tab is completed first, then individual invoices are entered on the Invoice tab. The following fields appear in the header:

Once all selections have been made in the header, tabs, and subtabs, click the save  button to save a new invoice entry or update an existing invoice entry. The tabs and subtabs are described below.

The Batch Tab and its Two Subtabs

There are two subtabs on the Batch tab. The Control subtab is where the user enters the total number of invoices and the total amount of the invoices in the batch. The Detail subtab updates as invoices are entered into the batch.


Control Subtab

Detail Subtab 

The Detail subtab displays a summary of the invoices entered in the Invoice subtab. The grid in the Detail subtab is display-only.

The Invoice Tab and its Four Subtabs

The Invoice tab has four subtabs used for entering individual invoices for the batch. The subtabs are General, Tax, Defaults, and Invoice Lines.

When the Invoice tab is open, four additional fields appear on the header:

General Subtab

Use the General subtab to start entering invoice/memo information into the system.

 Note: When using Invoice Entry, the recurring invoice template cannot be edited.

Instead, edit individual invoices, referencing them by sequence number. When doing so, enter the full invoice number as well as the appended sequence number.

The following warning messages display for dates over one year old or in the future:

Override a warning message by responding Y to continue.

Note: When Pay Currency and Exchange Rate values are present and the Invoice Amount value is changed, the Converted Amount value will be recalculated.


Tax Subtab

The Tax subtab is used to assign tax information to an invoice. It can be done only at the line level.

Defaults Subtab

Use this subtab to review default information and specify other information regarding the invoice. Payment and discount term default information display on this subtab automatically according to entries made through Customer Maintenance. 

Review the following boxes to determine whether any of the default settings should be changed:

Invoice Lines Subtab

Use the Invoice subtab to enter or edit multiple lines of information for each invoice. This enables users to apply different fully qualified accounts to each line, if desired. 

Miscellaneous Invoice 

It is standard practice to enter invoices for payment using the Invoice Entry function. Rarely, a situation will arise in which tracking invoice and cash receipt history for a particular customer is not necessary. In that case, use the Miscellaneous Invoice Entry function to enter invoices for billing to customers for whom no customer record is created.

In addition to entering miscellaneous invoices for billing, use Miscellaneous Invoice Entry to inquire about open miscellaneous invoices. This screen may also be used to update, delete, and/or approve them.

Processing with Miscellaneous Invoice

Select Miscellaneous Invoice from the Transaction menu.

As with the Invoice Entry screen, the Miscellaneous Invoice Entry screen consists of a header section and a tab section. The header is always visible.

Each of the following fields from the header displays a zero until the appropriate fields are completed.

Once all selections have been made in the header, tabs, and subtabs, click the save  button to save a new miscellaneous invoice entry or update an existing miscellaneous invoice entry. The tabs and subtabs are described below. 

The Detail Tab

There are five tabs on the Miscellaneous Invoice Entry screen. The first of the five tabs is the Detail tab.

Defaults Tab

Line Tab

Address Tab

Record address information for the customer using the Address subtab. This is for informational purposes only.

Recurring Invoice Entry

Use Recurring Invoice Entry to simplify the processing of a recurring item that is billed periodically in equal amounts. This function allows users to make a template for the recurring invoice. Once the initial entry is made using Recurring Invoice Entry, IFS IDEAS sets up future invoices for the recurring item automatically. Access these future invoices to process them for payment using Invoice Entry.

After the recurring invoice template is established, the system appends a sequence number to the invoice number. That sequence number indicates where each individual invoice falls in the sequence of recurring invoices. For example, the third invoice for recurring invoice 501 will be 501.3.

Remember, Recurring Invoice Entry only creates an invoice template to use in Invoice Entry. No invoices are generated through Recurring Invoice Entry.

Processing with Recurring Invoice Entry

Select Recurring Invoice from the Transaction menu.

The Recurring Invoice Entry screen consists of a Header and a Tab section. The header contains the following fields:

The tab section contains two tabs for creating the recurring invoice template.

Once all selections have been made in the header, tabs, and subtabs, click the save  button to save a new recurring invoice entry template or update an existing recurring invoice entry template. The tabs and subtabs are described below. 

The Header Tab 

The first tab of the tab section in Recurring Invoice Entry is the Header tab.

The Invoice Tab and its Three Subtabs

The Invoice tab is the second tab in the Recurring Invoice Entry screen. It consists of three subtabs: Details, Defaults, and Line. When in this tab, additional information displays on the header.

The additional header fields are described below. With the exception of the Approved checkbox (select Separate Approval in the Entity Maintenance screen to turn this checkbox on), these fields are display-only.

Detail Subtab

The first subtab in the Invoice tab is the Detail subtab. The Detail subtab here is similar to the Detail subtab in Invoice Entry.

Defaults Subtab

Use this subtab to review default information for the invoice. Payment and discount term default information automatically display on this subtab based on the customer’s record in Customer Maintenance.

Review the following information to determine whether any of the default information for the customer should be changed:

Line Subtab

Use the Line subtab to enter multiple lines of information for an invoice. Apply different fully qualified account numbers and taxes to each line as applicable.

Auto Invoices

The Auto Invoices function allows users to import data into the IFS IDEAS system from an ASCII file. The IFS IDEAS system processes this information and generates invoices. In the process, the system updates all appropriate batch, invoice, and customer tables. 

The entire process of generating invoices from an imported ASCII file using this function is as follows:

  1. Create an ASCII file that contains information using the required file layout, described in the following section.

  2. Import the ASCII file into the IFS IDEAS system using the Auto Invoices function. This process updates all appropriate batch, invoice, and customer tables.

  3. Validate and approve invoices using Transaction Batch Validation and Transaction Approval, as applicable.

While Auto Invoices does update IFS IDEAS, it cannot create new entities (or companies), customers, currency codes, or tax codes. These items must exist in the system before executing the Auto Invoices process.

Processing with Auto Invoices

Select Auto Invoices from the Transaction menu.

1. Create an ASCII file that contains information using the required file layout described in the following table.

Note: The ASCII file must contain all fields in the table. A tab character must separate the fields. All fields are required unless noted as optional. If optional, leave the field blank, but the field must exist in the ASCII file. Enter all amounts with decimals but without commas. Amount fields must contain a figure. If the amount is zero, use 0.00.

ASCII File Layout







Variable Character


Entity. Must exist prior to processing with Auto Invoices.


Currency Code

Variable character


Currency Code. Must exist prior to processing with Auto Invoices.



Variable Character


Batch Number. Must be unique.  IFS recommends that a different set of batch numbers for auto invoices is established. This helps eliminate duplicate batches between manual and auto invoices.  For example, auto batch numbers might begin with “99999” or “A.”



Variable Character


Customer. Must exist in the IFS IDEAS system prior to executing the Auto Invoices function.



Variable Character


Invoice Number.



Variable Character


Invoice Type. Types are:

  • I = Invoice

  • C = Credit Memo

  • D = Debit Memo




Invoice Amount. If zero, use 0.00.




Invoice Date.




Receipt Date.




Due Date.



Variable Character


Discount Date (Optional).




Discount Amount (Optional).


Ledger ID

Variable Character


Ledger Name.



Variable Character


AR Account ID.



Variable Character


Discount Account ID (Optional).



Variable Character


Accounts Receivable Trade FQA.



Variable Character


Distribution Line FQA.



Variable Character


Discount FQA (Optional).



Variable Character


General Ledger FQA Description.




Accounts Receivable Trade Amount.




Line Item Quantity.




Line Item Unit Price.




Purchase Amount (Line_Item_Qty * Line_Item_Uprice).



Variable Character


Tax Option. Options are:

  • I= Invoice

  • L = Line

  • N = None



Variable Character


Tax Type. Types are:

  • V= VAT Tax

  • W = Withholding Tax

  • I = Incremental Tax

  • N = None



Variable Character


Tax Code (Optional).




Taxable Amount (Basis).




Tax amount.  What is put in this field depends on the Tax Option selected, i.e.:

  • If taxing the auto invoice at the invoice level, distribute the tax amount evenly between all lines of the invoice. Therefore, enter the individual line’s portion of the tax amount in the Tax_Amt field of the ASCII file.

  • For auto invoice taxed at the line level, enter the tax amount for that line in the Tax_Amt field of the ASCII file. If the line is non-taxable, enter 0.00 in the field instead.

  • If the tax code and tax type are N, enter 0.00 in this field.



Variable Character


Invoice Description.



Small Integer

Conversion Flag (Foreign Currency).



Small Integer

Invoice Period.


2. To import the ASCII file into IFS IDEAS, click on the Import from File button. A pop-up window opens. Enter the file name of the ASCII file into the File name text box and click on the Open button.   

Note: An error message will appear if the ASCII file does not follow the required file layout.

This is an example of what the user will see after clicking on the Import from File button and importing an ASCII file.

3. Click the execute  toolbar button to begin the automatic update of all appropriate tables. The screen below appears. While updating, the radio button next to the current task is selected. Once all tasks are completed, the system selects the Process Completed radio button.

4. Finish the generation of invoices. Follow these steps:

a. Validate and approve invoices. Use Transaction Batch Validation or Transaction Approval , as applicable. 

Transaction Batch Validation

Use Transaction Batch Validation  to input parameters for the Batch Validation process and to perform batch validation. When the program is executed, all invoices in the batch are processed to determine if they are valid. Invoices cannot be approved until each invoice runs through the validation process successfully.

Once the Validation process is complete, the system generates a report that shows Validation Status Codes for each line and for each batch. Print or Export this report as desired. A listing of Validation Status Codes appears in the Error Code column on the report:






Validation Process Incomplete


Line Item Invalid


Distribution Total Not Equal to Invoice Total


Batch Out of Balance


Invalid Accrual FQA (Payable)



Correct errors using Invoice Entry or Miscellaneous Invoice Entry. Then, re-run Transaction Batch Validation. Once validation has been successfully completed, the invoices can be approved.

Processing with Transaction Batch Validation

Select Transaction Batch Validation from the Transaction menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the execute  button to start the validation process. The report will generate in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Transaction Approval

Transaction Approval is only available if Separate Approval is set up for an entity. Only approved invoices can be printed or journalized. Use the Transaction Approval function to view the statuses of invoices and to change the approval status of any invoice within a batch. 

Separate Approval is activated when an entity is initially set up. To activate this feature, the Separate Approval checkbox on the Flags tab of Entity Maintenance is selected. If this feature has not been turned on, invoice approval will happen in Invoice Entry. 

Processing with Transaction Approval

Select Transaction Approval from the Transaction menu.

The grid in the lower portion of the screen displays information about each invoice in the batch selected. The field above the grid displays information from the field in the grid in which the cursor rests. Each invoice in the batch is represented by a line in the grid.

The Approved field is the only item that can be changed in the grid. The remainder of the grid is display only.






Validation Process Incomplete


Line Item Invalid


Distribution Total Not Equal to Invoice Total


Batch Out of Balance


Invalid Accrual FQA (Payable)



Once all updates have been made, click the save button . All invoices approved in the batch can now be printed and/or journalized.

Transaction Reports Submenu

The Transaction Reports submenu allows users to generate Accounts Receivable reports. Information provided by these reports will be as current as the last transaction entered into the system.

Aged Open Receivables

The Aged Open Receivables Report function allows users to generate a report of all invoices to assist in controlling and monitoring past due accounts. IFS IDEAS sorts the report by customer. Options of invoices to include are: Approved, Unapproved, or Both.

For purposes of this report, IFS IDEAS determines that an invoice is past due according to the latest date on which payment was expected. Any invoice not paid by this date shows on the aging schedule as past due. Any invoice not past due but which will be due in the current period shows in the Current column of this report. Any invoice due in future periods shows in the Amount and Balances fields but not in the Aging Schedule.

The Aged Open Receivables report lists, by company and customer, the following:

Processing the Aged Open Receivables Report Screen

Select Aged Open Receivables from the Transaction Reports submenu of the Transaction menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the print preview  button to generate the report. The report will be generated in a Crystal Reports viewer.

AR Account Distribution Analysis Report

The AR Account Distribution Analysis report allows users to create a report that provides a detailed analysis of the items that comprise specific FQA balances. IFS IDEAS sums the entries to give the account balances and organizes the report by FQA number.

Information provided for each FQA includes the invoice and memo numbers that comprise FQA balance(s), date of entry for all invoices and memos and total amount charged or credited to the FQA.

Processing the Account Distribution Analysis Report

Select Account Distribution Analysis from the Transaction Reports submenu of the Transaction menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the print preview  button to generate the report. The report will be generated in a Crystal Reports viewer.

AR Reconciliation Report

Use the AR Reconciliation Report to reconcile Accounts Receivable information from the ART module with Accounts Receivable information in the GL module. This report can be used to reconcile all AR activity based on the Receivable account.

Processing the AR Reconciliation Report

Select AR Reconciliation Report from the Transaction Reports submenu of the Transaction menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the print preview  button to generate the report. The report will be generated in a Crystal Reports viewer.

AR Reconciliation Period Report

Use the AR Reconciliation Report to reconcile accounts receivable information from the ART module with accounts receivable information in the GL module. This report is used for reconciling AR activity based on the accounting period.

Processing the AR Reconciliation Period Report

Select AR Reconciliation Period Report from the Transaction Reports submenu of the Transaction menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the print preview  button to generate the report. The report will be generated in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Invoice Batch Report

Use the Invoice Batch Report function to create the Invoice Batch report. This report lists, by customer, all invoices in the selected batch or batches. It includes the following information regarding the invoice(s):

Processing the Invoice Batch Report

Select Invoice Batch Report from the Transaction Reports submenu of the Transaction menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the Print Preview button to generate the report. The report will be generated in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Invoice/Reference Tracking Report

The Invoice/Reference Tracking Report prints a tracking report of the reference number(s) entered for invoices for specified customer(s).

Processing the Invoice/Reference Tracking Report Screen

Select Invoice/Reference Tracking Report from the Transaction Reports submenu of the Transaction menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the Print Preview button to generate the report. The report will be generated in a Crystal Reports viewer.

VAT Paid Report

Use the VAT Paid Report to generate a listing of all VAT taxes paid.

Processing the VAT Paid Report Screen

Select Value Added Tax Paid from the Transaction Reports submenu of the Transaction menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the Print Previewbutton to generate the report. The report will be generated in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Receipts Menu

Functions in the Receipts menu allow users to enter, modify and/or delete cash receipts and memos. They also provide the ability to run reports for receipts. 

Each function in this menu is described in detail in the subsections below.

Manual Receipts

Use Manual Receipts to record all cash receipts received in payment for invoices processed through Invoice Entry.

Processing the Manual Cash Receipt Processing Screen

Select Manual Receipts from the Receipts menu.

WH Tax Selection

Withholding Tax Tab

Use the Withholding Tax tab to record the withholding tax that was specified on the payment that was received. Single or multiple Withholding Tax Codes can be selected for each invoice. As these are selected, the Tax Code and Tax Amount fields in the Invoice Tab grid are updated for the invoice selected, and the Payment Receipt Amount field is also updated. When a Tax Code is selected in the Withholding grid, the Tax Amount is calculated for the invoice based on the tax percentage stored in the Tax tables for the code selected. The calculated Tax Amount can be overwritten to reflect the actual withholding registered on the payment stub if necessary.

Once all selections have been made, click the Save button. IFS IDEAS will process the Cash Receipt and generate a printable receipt in a Crystal Reports viewer. The receipt can then be printed and mailed or saved to be e-mailed.

Miscellaneous Receipts

Use the Miscellaneous Receipt Processing function to record cash receipts that do not correspond to invoices processed through Invoice Entry. Examples include rebates, refunds and advance payments on account.

Processing the Miscellaneous Receipt Processing Screen

Select Miscellaneous Receipts from the Receipts menu.

Once the top section of the Miscellaneous Receipt Processing screen is complete, the FQA grid becomes active. Complete the fields in the grid to assign FQAs and amounts to the payment.

Once all selections have been made, click the Save button. IFS IDEAS will process the Cash Receipt and generate a printable receipt in a Crystal Reports viewer.  The receipt can then be printed and mailed or saved to be e-mailed.

On Account Processing

Use the On Account function to apply cash receipts from customers paying on account. For example, if a customer sends payment in advance of receiving good or services, process the advance payment through Manual Receipts. When selecting the invoice using the Spyglass , choose the ONACCT option. Once the goods or services have been rendered, process an invoice through Invoice Entry, then use On Account Processing to apply the cash received in advance to the invoice prepared through Invoice Entry.

Processing the On Account Screen

Select On Account Processing from the Receipts menu.

Once all selections have been made, click the Save button. IFS IDEAS will process the application of payment against the invoice selected and generate a printable receipt in a Crystal Reports viewer. The receipt can then be printed and mailed or saved to be e-mailed.

Remove On Account Application

Use the Remove On-Account Application function to reverse the application of payments received from customers paying on account.

Processing the Remove On-Account Application Screen

Select Remove On Account Application from the Receipts drop-down menu.

Once all selections have been made, click the Save button. IFS IDEAS will process the removal of the payment application and generate a printable receipt in a Crystal Reports viewer. The receipt can then be printed and mailed or saved to be e-mailed.

Void/Delete Receipts

The Void/Delete Receipts function allows users to void and delete manual and miscellaneous cash receipts. When a manual cash receipt is voided, the system maintains the audit trail by recording information pertaining to that cash receipt. Voiding a previously posted cash receipt will flag the cash receipt as void and create the appropriate reversing journal entries.

Processing the Void/Delete Receipts Screen

Select Void/Delete Cash Receipt from the Receipts menu.

Once all selections have been made, click the Execute button. The system will process the void or delete and generate a report of the results in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Receipt Reports

Use the Receipt Reports submenu to generate reports for receipt processing. The reports contained in this menu are described in detail in the subsections below.

Cash Receipts Register Report

The Cash Receipts Register report allows the user to create a report that lists, by date, all cash receipts recorded for the customers, and date ranges specified in the given entity and currency.

The report includes the following information regarding the cash receipt(s):

Processing the Print Cash Receipts Register Screen

Select Cash Receipts Register from the Receipt Reports submenu of the Receipts menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the Print Preview  button to generate the report. The report will be generated in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Daily Cash Receipts Report

The Daily Receipts Report function allows the user to create a report that lists, by date, all cash receipts recorded for the customers and date ranges specified in the given entity and currency, subtotaled by day. The report includes the following information regarding the cash receipt(s):

Processing the Daily Receipts Report Screen

Select Daily Cash Receipts from the Receipt Reports submenu of the Receipts menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the Print Preview button to generate the report. The report will be generated in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Receipts Distribution Report

The Receipts Distribution Report allows the user to create a report that lists, by FQA, all cash receipts recorded for the date ranges specified in the given entity and currency.

The report includes the following information regarding the cash receipt(s):

Processing the Receipts Distribution Report

Select Receipts Distribution Report from the Receipt Reports submenu of the Receipts menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the Print Preview  button to generate the report. The report will be generated in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Cash Receipts Report

Cash Receipts Report allows the user to create a report that lists, by Receipt or Customer, all cash receipts recorded for the date ranges specified in the given entity and currency.

The report includes the following information regarding the cash receipt(s):

Processing the Cash Receipts Report Screen

Select Cash Receipts from the Receipt Reports submenu of the Receipts menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the Print Preview button to generate the report. The report will be generated in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Correspondence Menu

Unlike most menus, the Correspondence menu has only one function: Invoice Printing.

Invoice Printing

Invoice Printing allows the user to print the invoices entered during invoice entry. Before invoices can be printed, at least one Invoice Default Format must be defined using Print Format Design in the Utilities menu. Using Print Format Design is discussed in a later section.

Using the Invoice Printing Screen

Select Invoice Printing from the Correspondence menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the Print  button to print the invoices.

Journalize Menu

Like the Correspondence menu, the Journalize menu has only one function:  Create Accounts Receivable Journal.

Create Accounts Receivable Journal

The Create Accounts Receivable Journal function provides users with a means to transfer the current Accounts Receivable data to the General Ledger module. It also creates a report that shows the detail line items of the journal, as well as the General Ledger journal, period, and batch number. This function journalizes both sales invoices/memos and cash receipts.

Journalization is simply a transfer of information. Posting of journal data must still be performed in the GL module.

Run this function as frequently as needed to update the ledger for analysis.

Using Create Accounts Receivable Journal

Select Create Accounts Receivable Journal from the Journalize menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the Execute button to process journalization. IFS IDEAS will process the journalization and a report with the results of this process will generate in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Utilities Menu

The Utilities menu allows users to access Accounts Receivables utilities. The menu organizes some utilities into submenus. Utilities will be set up during initial installation of the Accounts Receivable Trade module.

User Tables

The User Tables submenu includes several utilities. The utilities on this submenu allow users to edit tables that contain user-defined abbreviations or codes. These abbreviations or codes work with those fields in the ART module that have a drop-down list or a look-up associated with them.

Countries Utility

The Countries utility allows users to create and edit user-defined country abbreviations or codes in the Countries Table. This table works with drop-down lists and look-up windows throughout the ART module.

Using the Countries Utility

Select Countries from the User Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once all entries have been made, click the Save button to save.  Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of country codes in a Crystal Reports viewing pane.

States Utility

The States utility allows users to create and edit the user-defined state abbreviations or codes in the States Table. This table works with drop-down lists and look-ups in the ART module.  

Note: IFS IDEAS will have all U.S. states loaded at the time of installation.

Using the States Utility

Select States from the User Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once all entries have been made, click the Save  button to save. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of state codes in a Crystal Reports viewing pane.

Postal Codes Utility

The Postal Codes utility allows users to create and edit user-defined postal codes in the Postal Codes Table. This table works with drop-down lists and look-ups in the ART module.

Because of the vast number of postal codes, it may be a good idea to only create postal codes that are used most frequently.

Using the Postal Codes Utility

Select Postal Codes from the User Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once all entries have been made, click the Save   button to save. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of postal codes in a Crystal Reports viewing pane.

Account Codes Utility

The Account Codes utility allows users to create and edit user-defined account codes in the Account Codes Table. This table works with drop-down lists and look-ups in the ART module.

Using the Account Codes Utility

Select Account Codes from the User Tables sub-menu of the Utilities menu.

Once all entries have been made, click the Save   button to save. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of account codes in a Crystal Reports viewing pane.

Bank Code Utility

The Bank Code utility allows users to create and edit user-defined bank codes in the Bank Code Table. This table works with drop-down lists and look-ups in the ART module.

Using the Bank Code Utility

Select Bank Codes from the User Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

The Bank Code screen consists of a header and two tabs: General and Address. Users may review and edit an existing code, or they may create a new bank code.

General Tab

Address Tab

Once all entries have been made, click the Save   button to save. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of bank codes in a Crystal Reports viewing pane.

Customer Groups Utility

The Customer Groups utility allows users to create and edit user-defined customer groups in the Customer Groups Table. This table works with drop-down lists and look-ups in the ART module.

Using the Customer Groups Utility

Select Customer Groups from the User Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once all entries have been made, click the Save   button to save. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of bank codes in a Crystal Reports viewing pane.

Customer Types Utility

The Customer Types utility allows users to create and edit user-defined customer types in the Customer Types Table. This table works with drop-down lists and look-ups in the ART module.

Using the Customer Types Utility

Select Customer Types from the User Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once all entries have been made, click the Save   button to save. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of bank codes in a Crystal Reports viewing pane.

User Definitions Utility

The User Definitions utility allows users to add custom labels to one or more of the fields on the Other tab in Customer Maintenance. It is not necessary to label the fields on the Other tab, but if the Other tab is to be used for a specific purpose, these labels will aid in data entry.

Using the User Definitions Utility

Select User Definitions from the User Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

Specify or edit information in the following fields in order to create or change one or more labels for the field on the Other tab in Customer Maintenance. Once the entries are saved, updated labels display on the Other tab. 

Once all entries have been made, click the Save   button to save. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of bank codes in a Crystal Reports viewing pane.

Entity Maintenance

Use Entity Maintenance to define individual accounting entities to use in the ART module. An entity is a user-defined organizational subunit, such as a company, subsidiary or division. Using Entity Maintenance simplifies data entry by establishing a set of variables frequently used for a particular entity. Information defined includes the name and address of the entity, currencies applicable, invoice and receipts journals, and intercompany payment information.

Processing the Entity Maintenance Screen

Select Entity Maintenance from the Utilities menu.

The Entity Maintenance screen consists of a header and seven tabs, listed below.

First, complete the header portion of the screen.

General Tab

Flags Tab

Additionally, this feature allows the ability to specify the journal that should be used for each customer. The following options are available:

Off – This option will enter all transactions to a single purchase or disbursement journal regardless of customer.

Journal Descriptions Tab

·       Sales  Journal Description – Choose one or more items from this list box to determine what the journal entry will display upon sales journalization . For example, if Customer Short Name is chosen, during journalization the created journal entry will display the customer abbreviation instead of the full name . If more than one item is chosen, all choices will display.

·       Select Field Order – This section lists the items to appear in the journal entry description for sales journalization. Change the order by clicking on items and using the up and down arrows to move them.

·       Receipts  Journal Description – Choose one or more items from this box to determine what the journal entry will display upon receipts journalization . For example, if Receipt Number is chosen, during journalization the created journal entry will display the receipt number. If more than one item is chosen, all choices will display.

·       Select Field Order – This section lists the items to appear in the Journal entry description for receipts Journalization. Change the order by clicking on items and using the up and down arrows to move them. 

Account Defaults Tab

Using the Accounts Defaults tab, at least one each of the following must be set up for each currency. While only one is required, multiple accounts can be set up.

·       AR Account – This is the offset account used during journalization . When a new customer is set up, the AR account to use as the default for that customer can be defined. This AR account will display on the Default tab in Invoice Entry .

·       Discount  Accounts – This is the discount account used during journalization .

·       Bank Code – This refers to the Bank Code, which in turn refers to the cash receipt account used during journalization .

·       Currency – Select a currency from the drop-down. 

·       AR Account Enter an AR account or double-click the AR Account field to search.

·       Discount  Accounts Enter a discount account or double-click the Discount Accounts field to search.

 Note:  AP accounts and discount accounts must exist in the Chartmaster file. Refer to the General Ledger manual for more information about the Chartmaster file.

·       Bank Code Enter a bank code or double-click the Bank Code field to search.

FQA Code Defaults Tab

Use the FQA Code Defaults tab to assign a code to an FQA . Once the code is established, the code can be entered during invoice entry . This saves data entry time. These codes are best used for frequently-used FQAs.

·       Ledger – If only one ledger is defined, it displays automatically. Otherwise, enter or choose a ledger from the drop-down list.

·       Code Enter a unique, user-defined code for the FQA. Codes may already exist for the chosen ledger.

·       FQA  element ID The number of element IDs that show on the grid vary by installation. Enter the element IDs for the desired FQA. In this example, ENTITY, ACCOUNT, COSTCENTER, AFE, and BILLING are the element IDs that appear.  If an element ID is not known, double-click the field to search.

Journals Tab 

The sales and receipts journals that are specified using the Journals tab  are the journal IDs that create journal entries for sales and receipts during journalization . The Journal by Customer option in the Flags tab impacts how the grid in this screen is displayed. When either the Customer Group or Vendor Type option is selected for this flag, an additional column is added to this grid to allow the designation of Sales and Receipt journal by Customer Group or Type.

Journals tab with Journal by Customer option set to Off:

Journals tab with Journal by Customer option set to On:

·       Ledgers Ledger(s) display automatically according to selections made on the General tab .

·       Currency Currency(s), for the ledger (s) above, display automatically according to selections made on the General tab .

·      Customer Group or Type This column displays if the Customer Group or Vendor Type option is selected in the Customer by Journal flag. The heading of the column is determined by the setting in the Customer by Journal flag.

·       This option allows users to define Customer Groups or Types and assign Customer to the groups or types. The journal to use for Sales and Receipts is then determined in this screen based on the Customer Group or Type.

·       The Group or Type NONE can be specified to assign a journal for those customers that are not members of either a group or type. The drop-down list for this column will contain NONE as well as the list of groups or types that are defined in the system.

·       Sales Journals Edit existing sales journal number(s) that display in the Sales Journals column of the grid. Otherwise, assign a sales journal number if none exists in the grid. 

·       Sales Journal Description A description of the sales journal appears automatically once a sales journal number is specified.

·       Receipts   Edit existing receipts journal number(s) that display in the Receipts Journals column of the grid. Otherwise, assign a receipts journal number if none exists in the grid. 

·       Receipts  Journal Description – A description of the receipts journal appears once a receipts journal is specified. 


Intercompany Tab 

Use the Intercompany tab  to create and journalize  transactions when one entity receives funds for goods sold by one or more other entities. 

The procedure to set up the intercompany process is as follows:

·     To access the Intercompany tab,  select the Intercompany checkbox on the Flags tab  of both the paying entity  and the receiving entity . Then, on the Intercompany tab, specify the following information:

o   On the Intercompany tab  of the entity that will be disbursing funds (the paying entity ), specify the entity and receivable account of the receiving entity  or entities. This is referred to as the Due From  information because it specifies the entity and account from which the paying entity is due funds.

o   On the Intercompany tab  of the receiving entity , specify the entity and the payable account  that will actually be paying the expense. This is referred to as the Due To  information because it specifies the entity and account to which funds are due from the receiving entity.

Specify more than one entity to be a receiving entity, if desired . Likewise, specify more than one receivable account for an entity.

Note: The paying and receiving entities must be set up in the Accounts Receivable module using Entity Maintenance The payable account  and receivable account(s) must be set up in the Chartmaster  file. Refer to the General Ledger manual for more information about the Chartmaster file.

After completing the steps above, the Intercompany tab is fully set up . In order to process an intercompany transaction, do the following:

·       Begin creating an invoice for the paying entity  using Invoice Entry . At the point of completing the Line subtab , IFS IDEAS will allow entry of the receiving entity  into the grid, instead of only allowing the user to specify the default (paying) entity. Complete the Invoice Entry process. Validate and approve as usual.

·       When making the payment, the paying entity  disburses the full amount of the invoice. 

·       Finally, perform journalization . Upon journalization, IFS IDEAS creates appropriate intercompany transactions to offset receiving entity ’s amounts, i.e., the journalization process collects and journalizes the appropriate transactions for each entity.

Note:  A paying entity  may also be a receiving entity . A receiving entity  may also be a paying entity.

·       Due To   On the receiving entity ’s Intercompany tab , complete these text boxes as follows:

o   Payable Entity (or Payable Company) Enter the number of the entity that the receiving entity  will reimburse – i.e., enter the number of the entity to which funds are due from the receiving entity.

o   Payable Account   Enter the payable account of the payable entity above.

·       Due From   On the paying entity ’s Intercompany tab , complete these text boxes as follows:

o   Receivable Entity (or Payable Company) Enter the number of the entity that will receive benefit of the goods – i.e., enter the number of the entity from which the paying entity  is due funds.

o   Receivable Account Enter the receivable account of the Receivable Entity above.

More than one Payable and Receivable Entity can be entered. In addition, more than one Payable and Receivable Account can be specified per entity.

Once all desired entries in all applicable tabs have been made, click the Save   button.

Period Control Dates Utility

The Period Control Dates   utility allows users to define the beginning and ending dates of the current fiscal period used for processing the company’s Accounts Receivable transactions. The dates entered segregate the Accounts Receivable data according to the period in which the transactions occurred.


Using the Period Control Dates Utility

Select Period Control Dates from the Utilities menu.

·         Current Fiscal Period – Enter a number that represents the current fiscal period. Options are number from 1 through 12.

·         Month Start Date – Enter the month start date for the current fiscal period.

·         Month End Date – Enter the month end date for the current fiscal period.

·         Fiscal Year – Enter the current fiscal year.

Once all updates have been made, click the Save button .

Print Format Design Utility

Use Print Format Design to design one or more document formats for use with the Invoice Printing function. Because this utility allows users to create custom document format(s), any information the company needs to include on the document can be incorporated.  Documents that can be designed include deposit slips, invoices, letters, receipts, and account statements.

To design a document format, specify the document’s size, then insert and position text boxes on the Print Format Design template on the screen. The template consists of three parts: the header, the detail, and the footer. 

There are two types of text boxes: system-defined and user-defined.

  1. System-defined text boxes, such as Invoice Amount, Invoice Date and Net Amount, describe the information that the system will extract from the ART module. When Invoice Printing is run, the actual values, dates, etc., associated with the system-defined text boxes print in the header, detail, and footer sections. In addition, if any optional address information has been recorded, this information is also available for use through system-defined text boxes.

  2. User-defined text boxes accept narrative text. Use these text boxes to record comments and/or other information in the header, detail and footer sections. The contents of these text boxes print on the header, detail and footer sections exactly as entered.

Once the desired text boxes have been inserted in the header, detail and footer sections, and physically positioned according to the desired document layout, produce a test document using Invoice Printing to ensure that the information prints correctly. If necessary, continue to adjust the position of the text boxes and print test documents until the document format is correct. Once the header, Print Format Layout, Detail Layout, and Footer Layout sections are completed as desired, click the  Save button .

Using the Print Format Design Utility

Select Print Format Design from the Utilities menu.

Ten fields at the top of the screen always remain in view. 

Certain of the fields at the top of the screen should be completed before attempting to insert any of the available text boxes. Once all updates have been made in the header, customize the Print Format Layout, Detail Layout, Footer Layout sections as desired.  Instructions for editing these sections are described in the subsections below. Once the header, Print Format Layout, Detail Layout, and Footer Layout sections are completed, click the Save button.

Fields to Complete First

Complete or edit the following fields, as applicable, before inserting and positioning system-defined and user-defined text boxes onto the template:

It is important to determine the correct number of lines per page because only a fixed number of lines, equal to the number specified in the Detail Lines per Page fields, will print on a document. If the Detail Lines per Page figure is inaccurate, one of two things may happen:

1. If the number of lines per page is too low, paper may be wasted. This happens when the system incorrectly calculates that there are too many lines to fit on a page. 

2. On the other hand, if the Detail Lines per Page figure is too high, data may be lost. This happens when the printer prints lines off the page because it incorrectly calculates that there is enough space on the page on which to print all lines.

Complete the Detail Layout and Footer Layout sections in the same manner, adjusting the panel heights as necessary.

Note: A format can have two different header layouts (a first page header and a second and subsequent page header). The user may also choose whether the footer appears on the first page, last page or every page by clicking on the appropriate radio button.

Inserting Text Boxes on the Layout Panels

When ready to insert and position the system-defined and user-defined text boxes into a new template:

1. Position the cursor in the panel layout.

2. Right-click and choose Add Field, or use the key combination Control+A. This inserts a field in the template labeled, “Add Field   Ctrl+A.” 

3. Click on “Add Field   Ctrl+A.” This creates a blank field in the upper left corner of the check or stub layout, as applicable.

4. At this point, determine whether this text box should be system-defined or user-defined. 

To insert and position a system-defined text box:

To insert and position a user-defined text box:

Use the click and drag method to position text boxes as close as possible to their proper position on the template. To refine the position of an inserted text box within the template, use the following field located at the top of the screen:

Inserted text boxes are a standard width. To widen a text box, click on the right side of the text box and drag it to the desired width. Another method to widen a text box is to use the Panel Width field, as follows:

Once all text boxes have been inserted and adjusted, print a test document using Invoice Printing to ensure that the document width is correct and that all information prints in the correct location on the document. If necessary, continue to make adjustments and print test documents until the document format is correct.

Year End Utilities

The Year End Utilities submenu includes utilities that allow users to perform certain tasks associated with end of the year activities.

(Paid) Invoice Purge

As transactions are entered over time, invoice files become increasingly large. This condition may cause substantial degradation in system performance. Running the (Paid) Invoice Purge utility periodically will maintain the size of those files by clearing all files of invoices that have been paid and journalized. It also clears the invoices’ related receipt and batch records. However, it will not purge un-posted transactions.

Using the (Paid) Invoice Purge utility will not affect the ability of the ART module to retain the necessary data for generating customer reports and maintaining a proper audit trail. (Paid) Invoice Purge may also be used to print an audit report of all invoices that the system deletes because of running this utility.

Once an invoice is deleted, it cannot be retrieved online. Be sure to have a sufficient hard copy of these invoices or an adequate system backup before performing this function.

Using the (Paid) Invoice Purge Utility

Select (Paid) Invoice Purge from the Year End Utilities submenu of the Utilities menu.

Follow these instructions to clear all files of journalized and paid invoices and to clear the invoices’ related receipt and batch records:

Once all selections have been made, click the Delete Row   button on the toolbar. The following warning messages will display before the invoices are purged:

It is up to the user whether or not to print the purge report. This report can be run prior to submitting the delete request by clicking the Print Preview button on the toolbar.

Customer Purge

The Customer Purge utility deletes customer records for customers who have not had any invoice or receipt activity as of a user-specified date. Use this utility to print an audit report of all customers that the system deletes because of running this utility.

Using the Customer Purge Utility

Select Customer Purge from the Year End Utilities submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once a date selection has been made, click the Delete Row  button on the toolbar. The following warning messages will display before the system purges the customers:

It is up to the user whether or not to print the purge report. This report can be run prior to submitting the delete request by clicking the Print Preview button on the toolbar.

Customer Audit Trail Purge

Use the Customer Audit Trail Purge to delete the audit trail of additions, changes, and deletions to the customers that have been established.

Customer Audit Trail Purge

Select Customer Audit Trail Purge from the Year End Utilities submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once all entries have been made, click the Execute  button to begin the Customer Audit Trail Purge Process. The following message will display before IFS IDEAS purges the customer audit trail:

System Tables 

The utilities in the System Tables submenu allow users to edit the descriptions of the system-defined codes in the ART module. The codes themselves cannot be edited.

Account Types

The Account Types utility allows users to edit the descriptions of system-defined account type codes.

Following is a list of all account types:




Cash Account


Receivable Account


Discount Account

Using the Account Types Utility

Select Account Types from the System Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once the desired changes have been made, click the Save button. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of Account Types and their descriptions in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Check Handling Codes

The Check Handling Codes utility allows users to edit the descriptions of system-defined Check Handling codes.

The following is a list of all check handling codes:








Exceeds Limit


Negative Check Amount

Using the Check Handling Codes Utility

Select Check Handling Codes from the System Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once the desired changes have been made, click the Save button. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of Check Handling Codes and their descriptions in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Invoice Class

The Invoice Class function allows users to edit the descriptions of system-defined Invoice Class Codes.

Following is a list of all invoice class codes:




Credit Memo


Debit Memo



Using the Invoice Class Utility

Select Invoice Class from the System Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once the desired changes have been made, click the Save button. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of invoice class codes and their descriptions in a Crystal Reports viewer. 

Invoice Line Status

The Invoice Line Status utility allows users to edit the descriptions of system-defined codes that identify the status of invoice line items.

Following are all invoice line status codes:






Validation Process Incomplete


Invalid Ledger


Invalid FQA


Invalid Tax FQA


Invalid Accrual FQA


Invalid Incremental Tax Payable FQA


Using the Invoice Line Status Utility

Select Invoice Line Status from the System Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once the desired changes have been made, click the Save button. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of Invoice Line Status Codes and their descriptions in a Crystal Reports viewer. 

Invoice Status

The Invoice Status utility allows users to edit the descriptions of system-defined codes that identify the status of invoices.

Following is a list of all invoice status codes:






Validation Process Incomplete


Line Item Invalid


Line Total Not Equal to Invoice Total


Batch Out of Balance


Invalid Accrual FQA

Using the Invoice Status Utility

Select Invoice Status from the System Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once the desired changes have been made, click the Save button. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of Invoice Status Codes and their descriptions in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Term Codes

The Term Codes  utility allows users to edit the descriptions of system-defined codes that describe types of payment terms.

Following are a list of all term codes:




No Terms


10/25 PROX


25I/10 PROX




NN Days Net


NN NN Disc Days Net


End of Month

Using the Term Codes Utility

Select Term Codes from the System Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once the desired changes have been made, click the Save button. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of term codes and their descriptions in a Crystal Reports viewer. 

Transaction Types

The Transaction Types utility allows users to edit the descriptions of existing system-defined codes that describe types of transactions.

Following is a list of system-defined transaction type codes:









Manual check



Automated check



Bank draft



Discount Taken



Tax withheld



Credit Memo



Debit Memo









Advance applied



Invoice Closed ADV

Using the Transaction Types Utility

Select Transaction Types from the System Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once the desired changes have been made, click the Save button. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of transaction types and their descriptions in a Crystal Reports viewer. 

Unit of Measure Codes

The Unit of Measure Setup utility allows users to edit the descriptions of system-defined codes that describe types of units of measure.

Following are a list of all term codes:




No Terms


10/25 PROX


25I/10 PROX




NN Days Net


NN NN Disc Days Net


End of Month

Using the Unit of Measure Setup Utility

Select Unit of Measure Codes from the System Tables submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once the desired changes have been made, click the Save button. Users may also use the Print Preview button to generate a list of transaction types and their descriptions in a Crystal Reports viewer.

AR Miscellaneous

Use the AR Miscellaneous utility during the installation process. Contact IFS IDEAS Support for more information. 

The following are valid ART Miscellaneous codes and their purpose. To use these codes, enter the ART code in the Code field. Then, enter a valid response in Field 1. Click the Save button to save changes and restart IFS IDEAS. The respective changes should be applied to IFS IDEAS the next time it is opened.








Allows taxes to be applied to invoices.





Allows for receipts and invoices to have mixed currency.



UnLock Tables

The UnLock Tables utility allows users to unlock invoice tables, receipts tables or all tables in the Accounts Receivable module or in the Purchase Taxes module, if it is installed.

Using the UnLock Tables Function

Select UnLock Tables from the Utilities menu.

Once all selections have been made, click the Execute button.

Audit Reports

The Audit Reports submenu contains reports the user can use for audit purposes.

Customer Audit Trail

The Customer Audit Trail creates a report that lists all customer maintenance activity. Request reports based on date, customer, user, or any combination of those criteria.

Processing the Customer Audit Trail

Select Customer Audit Trail from the Audit Reports submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the Print Preview  button to generate the report. The report will be generated in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Customer Audit Report Purge

As customer records are entered and maintained over time, customer audit trails become increasingly large. This may cause a substantial decrease in system performance. Running the Customer Audit Report Purge utility periodically will allow maintenance of the size of those files by clearing all files of customer audit trails.  

Using Customer Audit Report Purge will not affect the ability of the ART module to retain the necessary data for generating customer reports.

Once an Audit Trail has been deleted, it cannot be retrieved online. Be sure to have a sufficient hard copy of the Audit Trail or an adequate system backup before performing this function.


Processing the Customer Audit Report Purge

Select Customer Audit Report Purge from the Audit Reports submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once all selections have been made, click the Execute button.

Invoice Audit Trail Report

The Invoice Audit Trail Report creates a report that lists all invoice activity. You can request reports based on user, activity type, date, entity, or any combination of those criteria.

Processing the Invoice Audit Trail Report

Select Invoice Audit Trail Report from the Audit Reports submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once all selections have been made, use the Print Preview  button to generate the report. The report will be generated in a Crystal Reports viewer.

Invoice Audit Trail Report Purge

As invoices are entered and edited over time, invoice audit trails become increasingly large. This may cause substantial degradation in system performance. Running the Invoice Audit Trail Report Purge utility periodically will allow maintenance of the size of those files by clearing all files of invoice audit trails.  

Using the Invoice Audit Trail Report Purge utility will not affect the ability of the ART module to retain the necessary data for generating customer and invoice reports.

Once an Audit Trail has been deleted, it cannot be retrieved online. Be sure to have a sufficient hard copy of the Audit Trail or an adequate system backup before performing this function.

Processing the Invoice Audit Trail Report Purge

Select Invoice Audit Trail Report Purge from the Audit Reports submenu of the Utilities menu.

Once all selections have been made, click the Execute  button.


If questions remain after reading this user guide, feel free to contact IFS IDEAS support for assistance:


Phone:       North America - 1-844-REACHP2 [1-844-732-2472]

Asia-Pacific - +61 8-9241-0314