iApprove is a web-based application designed to facilitate the review and approval of documents related to the supply chain process. Documents created in the P2 IDEAS Accounts Payable, Purchase Requisitions, and Purchase Documents modules can be routed electronically to reviewers and approvers for verification and approval. After final approval, these documents are marked as Approved in the main P2 IDEAS applications and are then eligible for further processing.
iApprove uses setup done in the iIDEAS Administration module to identify reviewers and approvers and route sequencing of the documents through the various reviewer/approver users. Approval limits are also defined in the iIDEAS Administration module. For further information on reviewer/approver setup, see the iIDEAS Administration help documentation.
As documents are approved, emails are sent to the next approver in the routing chain. iApprove allows for editing of invoice document lines including entering the lines from scratch to the invoice. This allows for an AP clerk to enter the basic information of an invoice (Company, Currency, Vendor, Taxes, Amount) and route the invoice to a reviewer for coding of the expense lines.
Available to each reviewer/approval is complete vendor information including contact information and terms, supporting documents that have been attached to the invoice, and the complete purchase history with invoice detail for the vendor. The historical detail also includes the original documents attached to the invoice. As well, a reviewer/approver can search invoices by Date Range, Company, Currency, Vendor, or Approver for further research to help them make their approval decision.
iApprove can be accessed from a desktop or mobile device connection. Chrome is the recommended browser for Windows and Android devices. All of the functionality of the desktop view is included in the mobile view.
The iApprove screens are segmented into three main sections:
These sections may be located differently on the screen depending on whether a desktop or mobile device is used. Throughout this document, representative screenshots will be available from both desktop and mobile device.
The Toolbar will always reside at the top of the screen.
On the desktop, the menu will be located as a sidebar.
On a mobile device, the menu is located below the toolbar.
The main canvas contains the approval and information screens necessary for the main work that is done in iApprove.
The toolbar contains utilities to log in/log out and modify the look and feel of the application.
The login screen is accessed from the drop-down on the right side of the toolbar. The user should enter the username and password assigned in the iIDEAS Administration module. For information on user security, please see the iIDEAS Administration help documentation.
Profiles Settings allows the user to select a color theme to be used in the application. It is in the drop-down on the right of the toolbar along with the Login/Logout option.
After selecting Profile Settings, a new screen will display in the main canvas that will allow the selection of a color theme for the application.
Desktop – Dark Background Theme
Desktop – Light Background Theme
Mobile – Dark Background Theme
Mobile – Light Background Theme
The Accordion tool allows the user to expand or contract the main canvas to allow for more space for the data on the canvas.
Desktop – Accordion Tool Location
Desktop – Expanded Canvas
Mobile – Accordion Tool
Mobile – Expanded Canvas
This is the recommended setting. To view the menus, click the Accordion tool to display the menus, make your menu selection, and when the new screen displays, click the Accordion tool again to re-expand the canvas for easier processing.
Mobile – Collapsed Canvas
The menu allows for fast navigation between modules or screens. Alternatively, the browsers Back button can be used to back out of screens to previous screens.
Note: When the main canvas is expanded, the menu is not visible.
Note: When the main canvas is expanded, the menu is not visible.
The Filter Menu tool uses type-ahead technology to allow the user to locate a menu option quickly by typing the name of the menu to find in the field. Each character entered in the field will narrow the menu selections in the list.
The Profile option allows the user to switch to other databases defined for use with iApprove. Database connections are established in the iIDEAS Administration module. Please see the iIDEAS Administration help document for more information on setting up database connections for iApprove.
Navigation of iApprove can be achieved through the side menus or using the menu tiles that display on the main canvas. The menu items include:
iApprove – Used to review and approve various document types that have been routed electronically.
Invoices – Invoices that have been entered and routed from the Accounts Payable module.
Purchase Orders – Purchase Documents that have been entered and routed from the Purchase Documents module.
Requisitions – Purchase Requisitions that have been entered and routed from the Purchase Requisitions module.
iKnow – (Future) – This is a launchpad for various dashboards and reports on P2 IDEAS data.
Payables – (Future) – Reports and dashboards related to Accounts Payable.
Reports – (Future) – General reports and dashboards.
After selecting the iApprove module, the application menu tiles will appear (Invoices, Purchase Orders, and Requisitions). A counter will appear on the tile to indicate the total number of documents available for approval for each document type. To see the documents for approval, click the appropriate tile.
After clicking the Invoice tile, additional tiles will display giving more specific information for the invoices. The number of invoices will be separated on tiles by Company ID, Company Name, and Currency. To see a list of invoices, select the Company/Currency tile that you wish to review.
The Invoice Listing screen shows key information for each invoice. The user can approve an invoice directly from this screen by selecting the checkbox to the left of the Invoice line to be approved, supplying their PIN number, and clicking the Approve box.
Note: The use of PIN numbers is optional and is defined in the iIDEAS Administration module. Please see the iIDEAS Administration documentation for details.
Header Fields
Invoices – Type of document listed on the page.
Count – Number of documents on the page.
Company – The company name that the invoices are related to.
Currency – The currency that the invoices are denominated in.
PIN – (Optional) – If enabled, enter the PIN assigned in the iIDEAS Administration module for approval purposes.
Approve – If invoices are selected in the screen and a PIN is entered (if required), this button will mark the selected invoices as Approved.
Search Invoices – Clicking this will display the Search Invoice screen that allows the user to search for invoices across companies, currencies, vendors, and approvers.
Detail Fields
Due Date – The date the invoice is required to be paid based on the vendor’s terms.
Amount – The full amount of the invoice including any applicable taxes or fees.
Name – The name of the vendor that submitted the invoice.
Invoice – The number of the vendor as provided by the vendor.
Note – Clicking the number of the invoice will display the Invoice Detail screen.
Ref No – The user-defined reference number entered to the invoice.
Note – This data is optional.
Description – The invoice description that was included during entry of the invoice in Accounts Payable.
Company – The company ID related to the company that the invoice is associated with.
Batch – The AP invoice batch that the invoice was entered to.
Vendor – The vendor ID that the invoice is for.
Currency – The currency that the invoice was denominated in.
The mobile view of the Invoice Listing screen considers the reduced canvas area available to display the information. Only key information necessary to identify an invoice is included in this view. If enough information is known about the invoice to approve it, then approvals can still be performed from this screen by selecting the checkbox on the invoice line to approve, supplying the PIN (optional), and clicking the Approve button. If more information is needed before approving, clicking the line that holds the invoice information will take you to the Invoice Detail screen.
Header Fields
Invoices – Type of document listed on the page.
Count – Number of documents on the page.
Company – The company name that the invoices are related to.
Currency – The currency that the invoices are denominated in.
PIN – (Optional) – If enabled, enter the PIN assigned in the iIDEAS Administration module for approval purposes.
Approve – If invoices are selected in the screen and a PIN is entered (if required), this button will mark the selected invoices as Approved.
Search Invoices – Clicking this will display the Search Invoice screen that allows the user to search for invoices across companies, currencies, vendors, and approvers.
Detail Fields
Each cell contains basic information about the invoice. Clicking on the cell will display the invoice detail for that invoice. The information included in the cell is:
Due date
Invoice Amount
Vendor Name
Invoice Number
Reference Number
Invoice Description
The Invoice Approval screen also allows for approvals but gives the user much more information with which to make their decision. Detailed vendor information, full line detail with coding, descriptions and comments, attachments and even historical invoices are all available for review within this screen. Major sections of the screen are collapsed on the initial load of the screen but can be expanded easily by clicking the arrow on the right side of the field.
The header section of the Invoice Approval screen contains the following components:
Company – The company name that the invoice is raised against.
Currency – The currency that the invoice is denominated in.
Vendor – The ID of the vendor that sent the invoice.
Invoice – The invoice number supplied by the vendor.
Ref Num – The reference number entered to the invoice. (Optional)
Due Date – The date the invoice is due for payment.
Amount – The total amount of the invoice.
VAT – The amount of VAT charged on the invoice if applicable.
Description – The description entered for the invoice.
Alt Description – Used for dual language systems. This optional field could have the invoice description in a different language.
Comments – The comments entered for the invoice.
Alt Comments – Used for dual language systems. This optional field could have the invoice comments in a different language.
The user will approve or reject the invoice in this section. The PIN is optional depending on the setting in the iIDEAS Administration module. If the invoice is rejected, then a reason is required before submitting. The Reason codes are defined in the iIDEAS Administration module. These Reason codes are not predefined. They are defined by each customer and therefore can be tailored to each customer’s specific needs.
Approved CheckBox – Select this checkbox to approve the invoice.
PIN – Enter the Approver’s PIN number if PIN numbers are required in the system.
Rejected CheckBox – Select this checkbox to reject the invoice.
Reason * - If the invoice is rejected, select a Reason code for the rejection. This reason will be included in the email sent to the previous approver or user that routed the invoice.
Submit – Click the Submit button to update the Approval Status for the invoice and any other edits that had been done to the invoice.
Approval History
The Approval History gives the user information on where the invoice is in the Approval process by listing the previous reviewer/approver actions in the approval chain.
Approver – The P2 IDEAS ID of the user that approved or reviewed the invoice.
Action – The action that the user is defined for in the approval chain. Valid actions are Approver or Reviewer.
Date – the date of the activity for reviewal or approval.
Status – Valid statuses are Approved, Pending, or Rejected.
Reason – The text for any rejection codes is displayed if the invoice was rejected.
Line Items
The Line Items screen gives the full detail of the expense lines on the invoice. If changes need to be made to the lines, then click the line to display the Edit Line Items screen.
Delete Selected – This button will delete any lines where the checkbox to the left of the line is marked.
New Line – Clicking this button will open the Edit Line Items screen to allow entry of a new line.
Line – The number of the line in the invoice.
FQA – The Fully Qualified Account for the line.
Description – The description for the line.
Percentage – If desired, a percentage can be entered in the Edit Line Details screen to calculate the line amount as a percentage of the invoice amount. For example, if the invoice amount is 6000.00 and the percentage entered is 10%, then the line amount will be calculated as 600.00.
Quantity – If relevant, the quantity of items for the line.
UOM – If relevant, the Unit of Measure used for the items on the line.
Unit Price – The single unit price for the line as indicated by the invoice.
Extended Amount – The product of Quantity * Unit Price. If there is no Quantity entered, then the Extended Amount is equal to the Unit Price.
Other Cost – This field displays any non-expense amounts such as customs or freight charges included on the invoice.
Because there is less space on the mobile view canvas, there is less information in the Line Items section. Clicking a line will display the Edit Line Items screen which has all the line detail by line.
Delete Selected – This button will delete any lines where the checkbox to the left of the line is marked.
New Line – Clicking this button will open the Edit Line Items screen to allow entry of a new line.
Line – The number of the line in the invoice.
Description – The description for the line.
Extended Amount – The total for the line equal to the product of the Quantity * Unit Price.
Edit Line Items
This screen can be used to edit existing lines or enter all the lines of an invoice. Changes made in this screen are recorded in the main P2 IDEAS database and can be viewed from the AP Invoice Entry or Invoice Inquiry screens. During editing or entry of FQA elements, FQA validation is performed as the elements are being entered or changed. During submission of the invoice, a full validation of the invoice is performed equal to the validation performed in the AP Transaction Batch Validation screen.
Done – After finishing editing fields in this screen, click the Done button to commit the changes and return to the Line Items screen.
Line No – The line number in the invoice for the selected line. The drop-down allows you to change lines directly from this screen.
FQA Elements – Each of the elements of the FQA has its own field. The element fields displayed are dependent on the number of elements defined in the General Ledger. The element ID and the element description are displayed in each field for ease of identifying the element. The drop-down will display a list of the element IDs for the element including the ID and the element description. To search the list, the user can use type-ahead in the field, as each character is entered, the list will be filtered by the characters entered. Both the ID and description strings are searched at the same time.
The additional following fields can be edited within this screen. The Extended Amount field is not editable as it is a calculated field.
Unit Price
Other Cost
Comments and messages entered to the invoice in the AP Invoice Entry screen are displayed here.
Links to supporting documentation that has been attached to the invoice record are listed here. Supported document types are .docx, .xlsx, .pdf and various image formats including .tif, .jpg and .bmp.
Vendor Information
Key information from the vendor record is displayed here including contact information and vendor terms.
Vendor – The vendor name.
Address – Three fields are available for address information.
City – The vendor’s city.
Country – The vendor’s country.
Contact – The name of the main contact for the vendor.
Phone – The phone number for the vendor.
Email – The email for the vendor. Clicking the hyperlink will open an email form in the default mail client for the user.
Payment and Discount – Specifics for the vendor’s payment terms.
Last Invoice – The date and amount of the last invoice received from the vendor.
Last Payment – The date and amount of the last payment made to the vendor.
Vendor History
The Vendor History gives a listing of all the invoices previously entered for the vendor including approval status and amount due.
The mobile version has a reduced number of fields available, but like the main Line Items screen, clicking on an invoice line will display a Detail screen that contains all the details of the invoice including coding, attachments, payment history, etc.
Invoice – The invoice number.
Approved – The approval status of the invoice (Yes/No).
Inv Date – The date of the invoice as provided by the vendor.
Due Date – The date payment is due as defined by the vendor’s terms.
Currency – The currency that the invoice is denominated in.
Gross Amount – The total amount of the invoice.
Amount Due – The outstanding amount due on the invoice, if any.
Discount Available – Any discount amount available, based on the vendor’s terms.
Vendor History Detail
Double-clicking an invoice line in the Vendor History screen will display the Vendor History Detail screen. The information displayed on the Vendor History Detail screen is like the Invoice Lines Edit screen, including Payment History, coding, comments, attachments, etc. Please see the Invoice Approval screen documentation for field descriptions.
Invoice Search
The Invoice Search allows the user to search for invoices previously routed to iApprove. A list of invoices is returned to the screen based on the search criteria entered. The search results are not restricted by status or approver. Once the list is displayed, the user can click on a line and the read-only detail of the invoice will be displayed in a new screen. The minimum required criteria for the search are a single day or date range. All other fields are optional, but of course, the more filters, the more targeted the results. All the criteria list boxes use type-ahead searching of the list for quicker selection.
Company – (Optional) - Enter the company ID of the company to search on.
Currency – (Optional) – Enter the currency that the invoice is denominated in.
Vendor – (Optional) – Enter the vendor that sent the invoice.
Approver – (Optional) – Enter the Reviewer/Approver the invoice is routed to.
Date Range – (Required) – Use the date range selector to choose the date or dates to search.
Single Date – For a single date, type or select from the calendar the date desired. A range for the single date will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click the Apply button to use that date.
Date Range – For a range of dates, type the range or select the dates from the calendar.
Typing – Type the beginning and ending dates separated by a hyphen. For example 4/1/2020 – 4/30/2020. Click the Apply button to use those dates.
Selection – Select the beginning date from the calendar. Then select the ending date. The date range will be displayed below the calendars. Click Apply to use those dates.
Clear – If mistakes are made in the date selection, use the Clear button to remove the selections.
After clicking the Purchase Orders tile, additional tiles will display giving more specific information for the purchase orders. The number of purchase orders will be separated on tiles by Company ID, Company Name and Currency. To see a list of purchase orders, select the Company/Currency tile that you wish to review.
The Purchase Document Listing screen shows key information for each purchase document. The user can approve a purchase document directly from this screen by clicking the check box to the left of the purchase document line to be approved, supplying their PIN number, and clicking the Approve box.
Note: The use of PIN numbers is optional and is defined in the iIDEAS Administration module. Please see the iIDEAS Administration documentation for details.
Purchase Order Count – Displays the total number of documents displayed on the page. Company and Currency information is listed below the count.
PIN – If approving documents from this screen and a PIN is required, enter the appropriate PIN here.
Approve – Clicking the Approve button will approve all the documents whose check box is marked in the list.
Search – Click the Search button to display a screen that will allow you to search for other purchase documents not listed in the screen.
Check Box – Mark this box to make the document available for approval. More than one document can be approved at the same time. All documents with the check box marked will be approved when the Approve button is clicked on this screen.
Doc Date – The date the document was entered. Note: Date formatting is controlled by a Misc Code defined in the iIDEAS Administration module. The code is iApprove_DateFormat. In Field 1 of the code, enter the desired date format for display in iApprove, either MM/dd/yyyy or dd/MM/yyyy.
Amount – The amount of the purchase document.
Name – The name for the supplier that the purchase document was raised against.
Doc ID – The purchase document ID. The ID is a hyperlink. Clicking on the hyperlink will take you to the document detail screen for additional information.
Description – The description given to the purchase document when it was created.
Company – The company ID that the purchase document was raised for.
Location – The location (warehouse, well, etc.) that the purchase document was raised for.
Vendor – The vendor ID of the vendor that the purchase document was raised against.
Currency – The currency that the purchase document was raised in.
The Purchase Document Approval screen also allows for approvals but gives users much more information with which to make their decision. Detailed vendor information, full line detail with coding, descriptions and comments, and attachments are all available for review within this screen. Major sections of the screen are collapsed on the initial load of the screen but can be expanded easily by clicking the arrow on the right side of the field.
Company – The company the document was raised for.
Currency – The currency the document was raised in.
PO Number – The number of the document.
Description – A description of what the document is for.
PO Date – The date on which the document was created.
Amount – The total amount of the document.
Delivery Date – The requested date for delivery.
Requested By – The user that requested the goods or service.
Approved – Mark the checkbox to approve the document.
PIN – If required, enter the personal identification number to validate the approval.
Rejected – Mark the check box to reject the document.
Reason – If the document is marked as Rejected, the Reason field is a required field. Click the dropdown arrow to select the reason for the rejection. Rejection reasons are defined in the iIDEAS Administration module under the menu option Codes>>Reject Reason Codes.
Approval History
The Approval History section gives a quick snapshot of the status of the approval process for the document.
Approvers are listed in the order of approval sequence.
Approver – The name of the approver or reviewer in the sequence.
Action – The type of approval that the approver is performing.
Date – The date that the approval or review occurred. If there has not been an approval by the listed user, then the field is blank.
Status – The current status of the approval for the listed user. The valid statuses are Pending, Approved, Rejected.
Reason – If the document was rejected, this is the stated reason as to why the document was rejected.
Line Items – Stock
Line – The line number for the document.
Stock No – The stock item ID for the part or goods being ordered.
Condition Code – The Condition Code as defined for the stock item. Condition Codes are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities >> Purchase Documents Constants Setup >> Condition Codes Setup screen.
Charge Type – The Charge Type assigned to the line. Charge Types are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Charge Type Setup screen.
Description – The description of the stock item as defined in the Stock Item record.
Quantity – The quantity of the items be ordered in the document.
UOM – The unit of measure for the stock item. Unit of Measures are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Unit of Measure Setup screen.
Unit Price – The current price of the item.
Extended Amount – The product of the Unit Price multiplied by the Quantity.
Other Cost – The amount of other costs associated with the line (i.e., freight charges, customs, etc.).
Total Line Amount – The sum of the Extended Amount plus the Other Cost amount for the line.
Edit Stock Line Items
Done - Click the Done button to register any changes made to the line.
Line Number – Indicates the line that contains the detail displayed in this screen. If the line number is changed, then the new line will display.
Stock No – The stock item ID for the part or goods being ordered.
Description – The description of the stock item as defined in the Stock Item record.
Condition Code – The condition code as defined for the stock item. Condition Codes are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Condition Codes Setup screen.
Charge Type – The Charge Type assigned to the line. Charge Types are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Charge Type Setup screen.
Quantity – The quantity of the items be ordered in the document.
UOM – The unit of measure for the non-stock item. Unit of Measures are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Unit of Measure Setup screen.
Unit Price – The cost of the service or non-stock item.
Extended Amount – The product of the Unit Price multiplied by the Quantity.
Other Cost – The amount of other costs associated with the line (i.e., freight charges, customs, etc.).
Total Line Amount – The sum of the Extended Amount plus the Other Cost amount for the line.
Line Items – Non-Stock
Line – The line number for the document.
FQA – The fully qualified account entered for this line of the document.
Description – The description of the service or non-stock purchase on this line.
Quantity – The quantity of the items be ordered in the document.
UOM – The unit of measure for the non-stock item. Unit of Measures are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Unit of Measure Setup screen.
Unit Price – The cost of the service or non-stock item.
Extended Amount – The product of the Unit Price multiplied by the Quantity.
Other Cost – The amount of other costs associated with the line (i.e., freight charges, customs, etc.).
Total Line Amount – The sum of the Extended Amount plus the Other Cost amount for the line.
Edit Non-Stock Line Items
Done - Click the Done button to register any changes made to the line.
Line Number – Indicates the line that contains the detail displayed in this screen. If the line number is changed, then the new line will display.
Element Fields – The elements of the fully qualified account (FQA) for this line are displayed in separate fields. Click the drop-down arrow on any field to display a list of element ID’s if changes are required.
Description – The description of the service or non-stock purchase on this line.
Quantity – The quantity of the items be ordered in the document.
UOM – The unit of measure for the non-stock item. Unit of Measures are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Unit of Measure Setup screen.
Unit Price – The cost of the service or non-stock item.
Extended Amount – The product of the Unit Price multiplied by the Quantity.
Other Cost – The amount of other costs associated with the line (i.e., freight charges, customs, etc.).
Total Line Amount – The sum of the Extended Amount plus the Other Cost amount for the line.
This section contains two text fields to allow the user to enter comments and messages that will follow with the document through the approval process.
This section provides links to supporting documentation that has been attached to the document to be approved.
Vendor Information
The Vendor Information screen displays pertinent information for the vendor that the PO is raised against. This information come from the vendor record defined in the Accounts Payable module.
Vendor – The vendor’s name.
Address (1, 2, 3) – The vendor’s main address.
City - The city the vendor is located in.
Country – The country the vendor is located in.
Contact – The main contact at the vendor company.
Phone - The vendor’s phone number.
Email – The email address defined for the vendor.
Payment – The agreed upon payment terms for the vendor.
Discount – The agreed upon discount terms for the vendor.
Purchase Document Search
The Purchase Document Search allows the user to search for documents previously routed to iApprove. A list of documents is returned to the screen based on the search criteria entered. The search results are not restricted by status or approver. Once the list is displayed, the user can click on a line and the read-only detail of the invoice will be displayed in a new screen. The minimum required criteria for the search are a single day or date range. All other fields are optional, but of course the more filters, the more targeted the results. All the criteria list boxes use type-ahead searching of the list for quicker selection.
Available Search Criteria
Document Type
Resp Unit (Responsibility Unit)
Search Results Fields
Vendor (Vendor ID)
Name (Vendor Name)
PO (Document Number)
Doc Type (PO, SO, Contract, Etc.)
Date (Document Date)
Note: Rows in the Results grid that are highlighted will indicate that the document has already been approved.
After clicking the Requistions tile, additional tiles will display giving more specific information for the requisitions. The number of requisitions will be separated on tiles by Company ID, Company Name, and Currency. To see a list of requisitions, select the Company/Currency tile that you wish to review.
The Requisition Listing screen shows key information for each requisition. Users can approve a requisition directly from this screen by clicking the check box to the left of the requisition line to be approved, supplying their PIN number, and clicking the Approve box.
Note: The use of PIN numbers is optional and is defined in the iIDEAS Administration module. Please see the iIDEAS Administration documentation for details.
Requisitions Count – Displays the total number of documents displayed on the page. Company and Currency information is listed below the count.
PIN – If approving documents from this screen and a PIN is required, enter the appropriate PIN here.
Approve – Clicking the Approve button will approve all the documents whose check box is marked in the list.
Search – Click the Search button to display a screen that will allow you to search for other requisitions not listed in the screen.
Check Box – Mark this box to make the document available for approval. More than one document can be approved at the same time. All documents with the check box marked will be approved when the Approve button is clicked on this screen.
Company – The company ID that the requisition was raised for.
RQ Number – The requisition ID. The ID is a hyperlink. Clicking on the hyperlink will take you to the document detail screen for additional information.
RQ Date – The date the document was entered. Note: Date formatting is controlled by a Misc Code defined in the iIDEAS Administration module. The code is iApprove_DateFormat. In Field 1 of the code, enter the desired date format for display in iApprove, either MM/dd/yyyy or dd/MM/yyyy.
Location – The location (warehouse, well, etc.) that the requisition was raised for.
Resp Unit – The responsibility unit that the requisition was raised for.
Ext Amount – The amount of the requisition.
Currency – The currency that the requisition was raised in.
Description – The description given to the requisition when it was created.
The Requisition Approval screen also allows for approvals but gives the user much more information with which to make their decision. Full line detail with coding, descriptions and comments, and attachments are all available for review within this screen. Major sections of the screen are collapsed on the initial load of the screen but can be expanded easily by clicking the arrow on the right side of the field.
Company – The company the requisition was raised for.
Currency – The currency the requisition was raised in.
Vendor – The supplier that will potentially fulfill the requisition. Vendors are optional on requisitions.
Requisition – The number of the requisition
RQ Date – The date on which the requisition was created
Amount – The total amount of the requisition.
Approved – Mark the checkbox to approve the requisition.
PIN – If required, enter the personal identification number to validate the approval.
Rejected – Mark the checkbox to reject the requisition.
Reason – If the requisition is marked as Rejected, the Reason field is a required field. Click the dropdown arrow to select the reason for the rejection. Rejection reasons are defined in the iIDEAS Administration module under the menu option Codes>>Reject Reason Codes.
Approval History
The Approval History section gives a quick snapshot of the status of the approval process for the requisition.
Approvers are listed in the order of approval sequence.
Approver – The name of the approver or reviewer in the sequence.
Action – The type of approval that the approver is performing.
Date – The date that the approval or review occurred. If there has not been an approval by the listed user, then the field is blank.
Status – The status of the approval for the listed user. The valid statuses are Pending, Approved, Rejected.
Reason – If the requisition was rejected, this is the stated reason as to why the requisition was rejected.
Line Items - Stock
*Included on Mobile View
Line* – The line number for the document.
Status* – The status of the line ((O)pen or (C)losed)
Charge Type – The Charge Type assigned to the line. Charge Types are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Charge Type Setup screen.
Stock No – The stock item ID for the part or goods being ordered.
Condition – The condition code as defined for the stock item. Condition Codes are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Condition Codes Setup screen.
Description* – The description of the stock item as defined in the Stock Item record.
Quantity – The quantity of the items requested in the document.
UOM – The unit of measure for the stock item. Unit of Measures are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Unit of Measure Setup screen.
Unit Price – The current price of the item.
Extended Amount* – The product of the Unit Price multiplied by the Quantity.
Other Cost – The amount of other costs associated with the line (i.e., freight charges, customs, etc.).
Total Line Amount* – The sum of the Extended Amount plus the Other Cost amount for the line.
Edit Stock Line Items
Line No – The line number for the document.
Status - The status of the line ((O)pen or (C)losed)
Charge Type – The Charge Type assigned to the line. Charge Types are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Charge Type Setup screen.
Stock No – The stock item ID for the part or goods being ordered.
Condition – The condition code as defined for the stock item. Condition Codes are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Condition Codes Setup screen.
Description – The description of the stock item as defined in the Stock Item record.
Quantity – The quantity of the items requested in the document.
UOM – The unit of measure for the stock item. Unit of Measures are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Unit of Measure Setup screen.
Unit Price – The current price of the item.
Extended Amount – The product of the Unit Price multiplied by the Quantity.
Other Cost – The amount of other costs associated with the line (i.e., freight charges, customs, etc.).
Total Line Amount – The sum of the Extended Amount plus the Other Cost amount for the line.
Line Items - Non-Stock
Line* – The line number for the document.
Status* - The status of the line ((O)pen or (C)losed)
FQA – The fully qualified account entered for this line of the document.
Description* – The description of the service or non-stock purchase on this line.
Quantity – The quantity of the items requested in the document.
UOM – The unit of measure for the non-stock item. Unit of Measures are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Unit of Measure Setup screen.
Unit Price – The cost of the service or non-stock item.
Extended Amount* – The product of the Unit Price multiplied by the Quantity.
Other Cost – The amount of other costs associated with the line (i.e., freight charges, customs, etc.).
Total Line Amount* – The sum of the Extended Amount plus the Other Cost amount for the line.
Edit Non-Stock Line Items
Done – Click the Done button to register any changes made to the line.
Line Number – Indicates the line that contains the detail displayed in this screen. If the line number is changed, then the new line will display.
Status - The status of the line ((O)pen or (C)losed)
Element Fields – The elements of the fully qualified account (FQA) for this line are displayed in separate fields. Click the drop-down arrow on any field to display a list of element ID’s if changes are required.
Description – The description of the service or non-stock purchase on this line.
Quantity – The quantity of the items be ordered in the document.
UOM – The unit of measure for the non-stock item. Unit of Measures are defined in the Purchase Documents module in the Utilities>>Purchase Documents Constants Setup>>Unit of Measure Setup screen.
Unit Price – The cost of the service or non-stock item.
Extended Amount – The product of the Unit Price multiplied by the Quantity.
Other Cost – The amount of other costs associated with the line (i.e., freight charges, customs, etc.).
Total Line Amount – The sum of the Extended Amount plus the Other Cost amount for the line.
This section contains two text fields to allow the user to enter comments and messages that will follow with the requisition through the approval process.
This section provides links to supporting documentation that has been attached to the requisition to be approved.
Purchase Requisition Search
The Requisition Search allows the user to search for requisitions previously routed to iApprove. A list of requisitions is returned to the screen based on the search criteria entered. The search results are not restricted by status or approver. Once the list is displayed, the user can click on a line and the read-only detail of the invoice will be displayed in a new screen. The minimum required criteria for the search are a single day or date range. All other fields are optional, but of course the more filters, the more targeted the results. All the criteria list boxes use type-ahead searching of the list for quicker selection.
Available Search Criteria
Resp Unit (Responsibility Unit)
Search Results Fields
Vendor (Vendor ID)
Name (Vendor Name)
RQ (Requisition Number)
Doc Type (S-Stock, N-Non-Stock
Date (Document Date)
Note: Rows in the Results grid that are highlighted will indicate that the requisition has already been approved.