The IFS IDEAS Hyperion Interface module is used to export balances from the General Ledger module in IFS IDEAS to Hyperion reporting systems. Specifically, this module is used to:
Establish and/or edit cross reference relationships between Fully Qualified accounts (FQAs) and Hyperion accounts using the Account Setup function.
Generate, view and print reports of these cross reference relationships using the Reports function.
Create interface files for import to Hyperion using the File Interface function.
As with other IFS IDEAS modules, on-screen help is available for common functions within the Hyperion Interface module.
IFS IDEAS requires that the General Ledger module be set up before settings and configurations in the Hyperion Interface module can be defined.
Refer to the General Ledger manual for guidance on how the GL module should be configured.
To set up IFS IDEAS to operate the Hyperion Interface module, complete the following steps in the order listed.
Click on Account Setup in the Hyperion menu. | Define the cross reference relationship between each IFS IDEAS FQA and Hyperion Account Number. |
Click on Reports in the Hyperion menu. | Generate reports of the cross reference relationships created. |
Click on File Interface in the Hyperion menu. | Create interface files for import to Hyperion. |
Click on FTP Definition in the H yperion menu. | Create interface files for import to Hyperion. |
The Hyperion Interface module offers functions to support activities required to export General Ledger balances to Hyperion. IFS IDEAS organizes functions into menus. There is one primary menu in the Hyperion Interface module.
Account Setup Reports File Interface FTP Definition |
The sections to follow discuss each of the functions individually.
Some screens in this module may have an Export to Excel button incorporated in the screen or an Export to Excel icon
in the toolbar. The user can click on this button or icon to export the raw report data directly to an Excel spreadsheet, bypassing the report. This feature is useful as it allows clients to use Excel features (for example, pivot tables, etc.) to organize the data as desired.
The Hyperion menu includes all of the functions users will perform in the Hyperion Interface module. The suggested order of processing the initial set up of this module is as follows:
Step 1: Use Account Setup to create/edit cross reference relationships between IFS IDEAS FQAs and Hyperion accounts.
Cross reference relationships are defined by IFS IDEAS ledger and target Hyperion company. As a result, multiple cross reference relationships may need to be defined.
Step 2: Use the Reports function to generate reports of the cross reference relationships that were created in Step 1.
Reports may be sorted by Hyperion Account or IFS IDEAS FQA.
Step 3: Review the reports generated in step 2 to make sure that all appropriate FQAs have been related to proper Hyperion accounts.
Step 4: Use the File Interface function to generate output file(s) for import to Hyperion.
Step 5: Use the FTP Definition function to define FTP address, user ID, password, and FTP folder.
The Account Setup function establishes cross reference relationships between IFS IDEAS FQAs and Hyperion accounts for use by the File Interface function.
Select Account Setup from the Hyperion menu.
The Options Section
The Options section is the same for both account setup methods. It is used to indicate whether new cross reference relationships between IFS IDEAS FQAs and Hyperion accounts are being created or existing relationships are being edited as follows.
ALL FQAs – Select this option to indicate that existing cross reference relationships are being edited.
New FQAs – Select this option to indicate that new cross reference relationships are being created.
The Selection Section
The Selection section defines the criteria that will be used to load data so that cross reference relationships may be maintained. This includes the source IFS IDEAS ledger, the target Hyperion Company, and the filtering criteria to be applied when loading data.
Once these parameters are entered, click the Load button to load the data in a grid. Maintain the grid as appropriate to create or edit cross reference relationships.
Ledger – Select the ledger from which data will be exported. If only one ledger is defined, it appears automatically.
Hyperion Company No – Enter the appropriate company number that will be used in Hyperion.
Fully Qualified Account – Always select this radio button to create new cross references between FQAs and Hyperion accounts. It may also be selected when editing existing cross references.
When the Load button is clicked, the Account Setup function will load a grid to maintain cross reference relationships. Only data that is consistent with the filter criteria will display in the grid.
Hyperion Account – Select this radio button only when reviewing or editing existing cross reference relationships.
When the Load button is clicked, the Account Setup function will load a grid to maintain cross reference relationships. Only data that is consistent with the filter criteria will display in the grid.
Load – When all selections have been made, click the Load button to load the data in the grid.
Working With the Cross Reference Grid
The Cross Reference grid is used to create new or edit existing cross reference relationships between IFS IDEAS FQAs and Hyperion accounts.
There are four columns in the Cross Reference Grid:
FQA – This column displays FQAs that will be or have been cross referenced to Hyperion accounts. It may not be edited.
Hyperion Account – This column displays Hyperion accounts that have been cross referenced to FQAs.
If new relationships are being created, it is not populated. Enter the appropriate Hyperion accounts that correspond to the FQAs listed. If existing relationships are being reviewed, accept the Hyperion accounts listed or make changes as appropriate.
Description – This column displays the description of the Hyperion accounts listed.
If new relationships are being created, it is not populated. Enter the appropriate descriptions that correspond to the Hyperion accounts entered. If existing relationships are being reviewed, accept the descriptions listed or make changes as appropriate.
RevSign – This column is used to indicate that debit or credit balances will be stored in the output file generated by the File Interface function using the reverse of the sign stored in IFS IDEAS.
For example, P&L accounts are normally stored in IFS IDEAS with revenues as credits and expenses as debits. While the Enterprise Reporting module can easily report these accounts with revenues as positives and expenses as negatives, it may be necessary to reverse signs for export to Hyperion.
The RevSign column accomplishes this. If signs must be reversed for one or more Hyperion accounts, enter a Y to indicate sign reversal as appropriate. Otherwise, leave this column blank.
Use Reports to generate Interface Reports that present the cross reference relationships between IFS IDEAS FQAs and Hyperion Accounts that have been created using the Account Setup function. These reports are the same regardless of the method that was used for account setup and are presented in a simple four-column format that may be ordered by Hyperion Account or by FQA.
Select Reports from the Hyperion menu.
Ledger – Select the ledger against which the report will be run.
Hyperion to IFW/GL Report – Select this checkbox to sort the report by ascending Hyperion Account. The Hyperion accounts and associated descriptions will appear in the left two columns of the report and IFS IDEAS FQAs and their descriptions in the right two columns of the report.
IFW/GL to Hyperion Report – Select this checkbox to sort the report by ascending IFS IDEAS FQA. The FQAs and associated descriptions will appear in the left two columns of the report and Hyperion accounts and their descriptions in the right two columns of the report.
Unassigned IFW FQAs – Select this checkbox to produce a report that lists Unassigned FQAs. This report should be used prior to creating the export file to ensure that all FQAs have been assigned as desired.
Once all selections have been made, click the Execute button to generate the report in a Crystal Reports viewer.
Examples of the three sort options appear below.
The File Interface function exports balances from IFS IDEAS to interface (output) files for import to Hyperion, based on the cross references established using the Account Setup function.
The interface files will contain a user created Data Label, the period reference, the Hyperion Company No and Hyperion Account that corresponds to the source IFS IDEAS FQA or Entity/Account combination, and the debit or credit balances associated with those accounts. The output file is in the .ato file format required by Hyperion.
Select File Interface from the Hyperion menu.
Ledger – Select the ledger from which balances will be exported. If only one ledger is defined in the database, it displays automatically.
Entity – Select the entity from which balances will be exported. If only one entity is defined, it displays automatically.
Period No – Select the period from which balances will be exported.
Segment – Select the segment from which balances will be exported.
Interface File Name – Select the interface (or output) file name that will store the exported balances for later import to Hyperion. The path and file name can be typed into the field (be sure to include the .ato file extension required by Hyperion). Alternatively, click the Spyglass button to open Windows Explorer and Search for the file.
FTP Output – Select this checkbox to indicate that the file location is an FTP site.
Data Label – Enter a data label to be included in the interface (output) file.
Consolidate All Entities – Select this checkbox to store balances from multiple companies in one interface file. If it is not selected and a user tries to use the same file for more than one interface process, data from the currently executed process will overwrite existing data in that interface file.
Note: The Interface process must be run separately for each IFW company from which balances are being exported, regardless of whether the data will be consolidated in one Interface file or created in separate files.
Click OK to acknowledge and close the message. The interface file has been created and is now available for import to Hyperion. Click the Exit screen to exit the File Interface window.
Select FTP Definition from the Hyperion menu to open the FTP Definition screen.
FTP Address – Enter the address of the FTP site.
FTP User ID – Enter authorized user ID to the above-entered FTP address.
FTP Password – Enter the corresponding valid password for the above-entered user ID.
FTP Folder – Enter a previously defined folder on the FTP site if desired.