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Electronic Workflow Management

iIDEAS EWM is a workflow application that provides a comprehensive capability to approve vendor invoices and manage the approval process. EWM is designed to work in tandem with the IFS IDEAS Accounts Payable solution. Invoices are initially registered in IFW AP, images and other electronic documents are attached, and approval routing is selected. EWM automatically notifies approvers via email alerts and provides a browser-based capability to review, comment, approve or reject invoices. 

Invoice Search

Invoice Search provides the capability to view accounts payable transactions, the associated invoice detail, and any related attachments. You may limit views by time period, currency, vendor or approver.

The invoices available are limited to those approved by the selected approver by default. To enable a user to view other invoices, select the View All Invoices checkbox on the iIDEAS Administration > Member form.

Completing the Invoice Search Form

To obtain the Invoice Search report, complete the form as described below and click the GO button adjacent to Display Invoices.

Using the Invoice Search Results Pane

Invoice Search - Reviewing Vendor Information

You can see information related to a vendor by clicking the vendor’s name in the Unapproved Invoices page. The page below will be shown.

Invoice Search - Viewing Invoice History for a Selected Vendor

By clicking the View Invoice History for this Vendor link, a complete history of the invoices for this vendor will be displayed.

Invoice Search - Viewing Invoice Detail

By clicking the Invoice link on either the Vendor History or the Unapproved Invoices pages, detail of the invoice will be presented in a separate window.

Invoice Search - Viewing Attachments

The Invoice Detail page provides a list of attachments related to the invoice. The attachment may be displayed by clicking the attachment link.  The item will be displayed using the program associated with the file type of the attachment.

Note: To associate a file extension with a file type: 

  1. Open Folder Options in the Control Panel.

  2. Click the File Types tab.

  3. Highlight the File Type extension, and click the Change button.

Reviewing Vendor Information

You can see information related to a vendor by clicking the vendor’s name in the Unapproved Invoices page. The page below will be displayed.

Viewing Invoice History for a Selected Vendor

By clicking the View Invoice History for this Vendor link, a complete history of the invoices for this vendor will be displayed.

Viewing Invoice Detail

By clicking the Invoice link on either the Vendor History or the Unapproved Invoices pages, detail of the invoice will be presented in a separate window.

Viewing Attachments

The Invoice Detail page provides a list of attachments related to the invoice. The attachment may be displayed by clicking the attachment link.  The item will be displayed using the program associated with the file type of the attachment.

Note: To associate a file extension with a file type.

  1. Open Folder Options in the Control Panel.

  2. Click the File Types tab.

  3. Highlight the File Type extension, and then click the Change button.

Approving Invoices

To approve an invoice, first select the invoice to be approved from the Unapproved Invoices page by clicking the invoice reference in the Invoice column (see below).

Clicking the Invoice Reference will display the Invoice Detail page as shown below.  To access the Approval form, click the Approval (traffic light) icon.

Invoice Detail Page

Invoice Approval Traffic Light Icon Page

Completing the Approval Form

Complete the Approval form by entering information as described below.