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The Qbyte Financial DOI Decks screen allows new DOI decks to be created without linking them to a property and allows you to copy or terminate existing DOI decks.

Creating a DOI Deck

To set up a DOI deck, navigate to the menu and select Master Data > DOI Decks.


In this field...

Enter this information...

Agreement ID

No entry required. ID will be assigned when DOI deck is saved.

Agreement ID Description

Enter a description for the new DOI deck that is being created.

Note: A description must be entered whether an existing DOI deck is being copied or a new DOI deck is being created.

Copy Existing Agreement

Indicates whether you want to copy or create a new record.

When checked will copy an existing agreement.

When not checked will create a new agreement.

Copy Agreement ID

Enter the ID of the DOI deck ID you want to copy or select from the DOI List of Values.

If a new DOI deck is being created, use Page Down to enter the new Division Of Interest. If an existing DOI deck is being copied, use Page Down to display the DOI deck that is being copied.

The DOI deck that is being copied can be modified before or after commit.

Terminating a DOI Deck

In this field...

Enter this information...

Agreement ID

The ID of the DOI deck to be terminated. Use the left side Search Filters to query the DOI deck ID / Agreement ID.


Select Terminate to terminate this DOI deck.

Note: When terminating a DOI deck, a warning will be displayed if there are active DOI links using this DOI deck.

Term Date

The date on which the DOI deck was terminated.

Qbyte Financial will automatically populate this field with the date on which the terminate flag was checked.

Term User

The username of the individual terminating the DOI deck.

Qbyte Financial will automatically populate this field with the date on which the terminate flag was checked.

Using the Search Panel

When opening the DOI Decks screen, a search panel is available that is preset to Filter: Active - Yes.  This filter can be changed or removed.

Searching DOI Decks

To search for a DOI Deck, search against the Agreement ID or name.  As the search is entered, search results will be dynamically updated with the records that contain the search criteria. For example entering 'Bashaw' in the search box will return any records containing this name.

When retrieving results, the first 100 Agreement IDs will be displayed. If more than 100 Agreement IDs are returned in the search, selecting "Load more results" will allow the next 100 Agreements IDs to be displayed.

Filtering DOI Decks

Below the field to search the Agreement ID or Name, filters can be added via the Add a filter button. When selecting Add a filter, a drop-down list of available filters will appear.

The filters available are the following fields:

Launching DOI Details Report in Qbyte Optix

Users can launch a DOI Details report in Qbyte Optix by clicking the Qbyte Optix icon in the toolbar.

This will launch the DOI Details report in a new Qbyte Optix window.


DOI Deck Examples


Example of a DOI deck setup for an OPERATED property:

Non Operated

Example of a DOI deck setup for a NON-OPERATED property:


When Revenue or Expenses are coded to this DOI, the costs will book 100% of Clarke's 25% share, and calculate a Gross Up Amount to 100% for Reporting purposes.

Silent Partner 

Example of a DOI deck setup for a SILENT PARTNER:


Accountable Partner: A partner who receives a percentage of the gross transaction passed to your company. This percentage is based on the partner’s ownership percentage. Qbyte Financial calculates the amount owing to the accountable partners based on this formula:

          Gross amount * (partner % / sum of all accountable partners%)


Non-Accountable Partner: A partner that is non-accountable will receive no revenue. This is usually a partner who keeps their revenue portion before it’s sent to your company as a gross transaction (e.g. a non-operated situation).


Silent Partner: A silent partner is a partner that is known to your company only. You may or may not be responsible for distributing revenue to this partner based on their ownership percentage. Qbyte Financial calculates the amount owing to the silent partners based on this formula:

          Gross amount * (partner % / agent partners%) * silent partners %


Take in Kind Partner: A partner who receives no revenue. This partner takes their revenue percentage as product from the well.

The Joint Interest Billing Process will only distribute the amounts coded to the gross accounts to the partners that are flagged as accountable. The percentages assigned to the partners that are flagged as Non Accountable are used to estimate the true gross for non operated properties.