
This API offers the ability to get status information of a voucher, invoice, or cheque. Each function will try to get that information with the minimum number of required parameters and tell the user to be more specific when more than one row is selected.
For example, to get a cheque status one can specify a cheque number only, but if multiple bank accounts with the same cheque number exist or there are two of the same cheque number in the system (cheque numbers are re-used over time) the user must specify additional criteria such as payable or receivable code, bank account number, or BA ID.
To get invoice status, one can specify BA ID and Invoice Number only, but if multiple records exist, the user must specify additional or all Invoice parameters.
There are two functions (and two equivalent procedures) to obtain Voucher Status. For example, one with external reference and report parameters and one with just Voucher unique parameters. There are no minimum parameters that one must specify, however, when specifying external reference voucher must exist in INTERFACE_CONTROL_VOUCHERS. For example, loaded via specific Qbyte Financial upload process such us ACTU213, REVU055, etc.
Listing of Functions and Procedures
The functions are:
Function Name | Purpose |
get_voucher_status | Function to retrieve voucher information such us Voucher ID, Voucher Number, and Voucher Status from Qbyte FM live tables based on input of Report ID, External Reference, Source Voucher Number, Source Voucher Type, Source Org ID, and Source Acct Per Date | get_voucher_status | Function to retrieve voucher information such us Voucher ID, Voucher Number, and Voucher Status from Qbyte FM live tables based on input of Source Voucher Number, Source Voucher Type, Source Org ID, and Source Acct Per Date | get_invoice_status | Function to retrieve voucher information such us Voucher ID, Voucher Number, and Voucher Status, Invoice ID, Invoice Amount, Invoice Current Balance, Status, Cash Transaction information and Cheque information if exists from Qbyte FM live tables based on input of BA ID, Invoice Number, Invoice Date and Payable or Receivable Code | get_cheque_status | Function to retrieve cheque information such us Status, Date, Amount from Qbyte FM live tables based on input of Cheque Number or Client Issued Number, Client ID, Payable or Receivable Code, Bank Account Number |
The procedures are:
Procedure Name | Purpose |
get_voucher_status | Procedure to retrieve voucher information such us Voucher ID, Voucher Number, and Voucher Status from Qbyte FM live tables based on input of Report ID, External Reference, Source Voucher Number, Source Voucher Type, Source Org ID, and Source Acct Per Date. | get_voucher_status | Procedure to retrieve voucher information such us Voucher ID, Voucher Number, and Voucher Status from Qbyte FM live tables based on input of Report ID, External Reference, Source Voucher Number, Source Voucher Type, Source Org ID, and Source Acct Per Date. | get_invoice_status | Procedure to retrieve voucher information such us Voucher ID, Voucher Number, and Voucher Status, Invoice ID, Invoice Amount, Invoice Current Balance, Status, Cash Transaction information and Cheque information if exists from Qbyte FM live tables based on input of BA ID, Invoice Number, Invoice Date and Payable or Receivable Code. | get_cheque_status | Procedure to retrieve cheque information such us Status, Date, Amount from Qbyte FM live tables based on input of Cheque Number or Client Issued Number, Client ID, Payable or Receivable Code, Bank Account Number. |
Parameter | In/Out | Type | Default Value |
i_report_id | IN | NUMBER(10) |
| i_external_reference | IN | VARCHAR2(20) |
| i_source_voucher_number | IN | VARCHAR2(10) |
| i_source_voucher_type | IN | VARCHAR2(6) |
| i_source_org_id | IN | NUMBER(4) |
| i_source_acct_per_date | IN | DATE |
| o_voucher_id | OUT | NUMBER(10) |
| o_voucher_num | OUT | NUMBER(5) |
| o_voucher_stat_code | OUT | VARCHAR2(1) |
| o_voucher_stat_code_desc | OUT | VARCHAR2(80) |
| o_return_status
*procedure only | OUT | VARCHAR2 | Possible values: | o_return_code | OUT | NUMBER | Possible values: | o_return_message | OUT | VARCHAR2 | Insert ‘Successful’ or ‘Failure’ or error message |
Parameter | In/Out | Type | Default Value |
i_voucher_number | IN | VARCHAR2(10) |
| i_voucher_type | IN | VARCHAR2(6) |
| i_org_id | IN | NUMBER(4) |
| i_acct_per_date | IN | DATE |
| o_voucher_id | OUT | NUMBER(10) |
| o_voucher_num | OUT | NUMBER(5) |
| o_voucher_stat_code | OUT | VARCHAR2(1) |
| o_voucher_stat_code_desc | OUT | VARCHAR2(80) |
| o_return_status
*procedure only | OUT | VARCHAR2 | Possible values: | o_return_code | OUT | NUMBER | Possible values: | o_return_message | OUT | VARCHAR2 | Insert ‘Successful’ or ‘Failure’ or error message |
Parameter | In/Out | Type | Default Value |
i_invc_ba_id | IN | NUMBER(10) |
| i_invc_num | IN | VARCHAR2(20) |
| i_invc_date | IN | DATE |
| i_p_or_r_code | IN | VARCHAR2(6) |
| o_voucher_id | OUT | NUMBER(10) |
| o_voucher_num | OUT | NUMBER(5) |
| o_voucher_stat_code | OUT | VARCHAR2(1) |
| o_voucher_stat_code_desc | OUT | VARCHAR2(80) |
| o_invc_id | OUT | NUMBER(10) |
| o_invc_amt | OUT | NUMBER(14,2) |
| o_invc_current_bal | OUT | NUMBER(14,2) |
| o_pay_stat_code | OUT | VARCHAR2(1) |
| o_pay_stat_code_desc | OUT | VARCHAR2(80) |
| o_cash_tx_stat_code | OUT | VARCHAR2(3) |
| o_cash_tx_code_desc | OUT | VARCHAR2(80) |
| o_cash_tx_date | OUT | DATE |
| o_cash_tx_amt | OUT | NUMBER(14,2) |
| o_chq_micr_num | OUT | NUMBER(10) |
| o_ba_issued_date | OUT | DATE |
| o_ba_issued_num | OUT | VARCHAR2(10) |
| o_return_status
*procedure only | OUT | VARCHAR2 | Possible values: | o_return_code | OUT | NUMBER | Possible values: | o_return_message | OUT | VARCHAR2 | Insert ‘Successful’ or ‘Failure’ or error message |
Parameter | In/Out | Type | Default Value |
i_cheque_num | IN | NUMBER(10) |
| i_client_issued_num | IN | VARCHAR2(10) |
| i_client_id | IN | NUMBER(6) |
| i_p_or_r_code | IN | VARCHAR2(1) |
| i_bank_acct_num | IN | VARCHAR2(35) |
| o_cash_tx_stat_code | OUT | VARCHAR2(3) |
| o_cash_tx_stat_code_desc | OUT | VARCHAR2(80) |
| o_cash_tx_date | OUT | DATE |
| o_cash_tx_amt | OUT | NUMBER(14,2) |
| o_return_status
*procedure only | OUT | VARCHAR2 | Possible values: | o_return_code | OUT | NUMBER | Possible values: | o_return_message | OUT | VARCHAR2 | Insert ‘Successful’ or ‘Failure’ or error message |
Message | Explanation |
Voucher with specified parameters does not exist. |
| Invoice with specified parameters does not exist. |
| Cheque with specified parameters does not exist. |
| Too many records found! Please provide more parameters. | For example to get cheque status only cheque number was provided but this does not allow to identify record uniquely. Try providing more input parameters if possible. | Voucher loaded into interface control table but not into production tables. | Voucher has not been transferred yet to production tables. |