Message | Explanation |
xxxx must be supplied | Required value is NULL or not included in parameters. |
Net Estimate Percent cannot be greater than 100.0 | The percent is greater than 100.0. |
Cost Centre already exists | The Cost Centre cannot be inserted because it already exists (insert only). |
Cost Centre does not exist | The Cost Centre cannot be updated because it does not exist (update only). |
Invalid xxxx Code | The specified code does not exist in the codes table. |
xxxx must be Y(Yes) or N(No) | The flag value is not ‘Y’ or ‘N’. |
Invalid Unit Cost Centre | The specified unit cost centre does not exist in the cost_centres table. |
Well Rig Release Date must be greater than or equal to Well Spud Date | The date specified in i_well_rig_release_date is less than the date specified in i_well_spud_date. |
Invalid xxxx Organization ID | The specified organization does not exist in the organizations table. |
Non-primary location(s) exist for this Cost Centre, cannot blank out primary location | To remove the primary legal location call delete_legal and it will automatically update the columns in the cost_centres table. |
Survey System xxxx, Element number xxxx not found | The survey system element is not found in the table survey_systems. |
Location element xxxx cannot be blank | The specified location element is defined as mandatory. |
Location element xxxx must match the length of xxxx | The length of the specified location element is incorrect. |
Error: Location element xxxx must be a character . ex. A | The format of the specified location element does not match that defined for the element. |
Location element xxxx must be numeric. ex. 9 | The specified location element must be numeric as defined. |
Location element xxxx must be alphanumeric. ex. 9 or A | The specified location element must be alphanumeric as defined. |
Invalid format mask for location element | An unhandled format character was used to define the specified location element. |
Location element xxxx value xxxx must be between xxxx and xxxx | The specified location element is not between the required range as defined for the element. |
JIBE Check Amount must be supplied if JIBE Edits are turned on | i_use_jibe_edits_flags is set to ‘Y’ with not value specified in i_jibe_check_amt or I_use_jibe_edits_flag is set to ‘N’ but there is a value in I_jibe_check_amt. |
JIBE Variance Percent must be supplied if JIBE Edits are turned on | i_use_jibe_edits_flags is set to ‘Y’ with not value specified in i_jibe_check_variance_pct or i_use_jibe_edits_flag is set to ‘N’ but there is a value in i_jibe_check_variance_pct. |
Invalid Business Associate used as xxx | The specified business associate does not exist in business_associates and/or fa_ba_properties. |
Invalid Overhead Method | The specified overhead method does not exist in overhead_methods as an operating overhead method. |
Invalid Recovery Account on Overhead Method | The recovery account for the overhead method that is specified in table overhead_methods is not a valid account. |
Overhead Recovery Cost Centre must be supplied for the specified Method | The cost centre specified in the I_overhead_recovery_cc_num column does not exist in the table cost_centres. |
Invalid Overhead Recovery Cost Centre | A cost centres has been specified in the i_overhead_recovery_cc_num column but it is not required for the recovery account. |
Overhead Recovery Cost Centre must be NULL | A cost centre has been specified in the i_overhead_recovery_cc_num column but it is not required for the recovery account. |
Operating Centre Code does not exist in Business Unit Relationships | The cost centre is defined as being an operating centre code but it does not exist in the table business_unit_operating_centre or the cost centre is not defined as being an operating centre code but the value specified in i_operating_centre_code does not exist in table business_unit_operating_centre. |
Operating Centre Code does not exist as a Cost Centre | The specified value in i_operating_centre_code is a valid operating centre code, however, it is set up as not being valid as a cost centre in the business_unit_operating_centre table. |
CC_UDF_x_CODE – UDF Code cannot be NULL | The UDF column is defined as mandatory but does not have a value supplied. |
CC_UDF_x_CODE – Invalid UDF Type Code | The UDF column is not defined in the udf_codes table. |
CC_UDF_x_CODE – Invalid UDF Code Value | The UDF code value does not exist in UDF Codes. |
CC_UDF_x_CODE – Code cannot exceed xx characters long | The length of the UDF column value exceeds the length defined for that UDF column. |
CC_UDF_x_CODE – Invalid number | The UDF column is defined as numeric but does not have a numeric value. |
Warning - Value in cc_location Cannot Be Processed | A value was detected in the obsolete i_cc_location parameter. This is a warning only and the insert/update was successful. Please remove references to this column. |