This API offers the ability to validate a variety of master data as well as some transactional data. It is intended to be used in a form of pre-edit before the actual Batch Edit functionality in Qbyte Financial when importing data into the Qbyte Financial application. All functions and procedures perform data validations and return a Status, Error Code, and Error Message. The name of the API package is VALIDATION_API. It contains a number of edit functions, some of them overloaded with different sets of parameters for additional validation functionality, as well as equivalent procedures for more options when using this API. Default values, if any, on parameters indicate that the parameter is optional and the default value will be inserted into the corresponding column.
Each function is also available as a procedure. When using the procedure the return status will be returned with the o_return_status parameter. All other functionality is identical between the function and procedure.
The functions is_bank_deposit_locked and is_valid_bank_deposit do not have an equivalent procedure but are included in a single procedure validate_bank_deposit.
The functions are:
The procedures are:
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Checks if AFE is valid and terminated.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2(‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Validates an address and BA combination against FA_BA_ADDRESS_PROPERTIES and BA_ADDRESSES.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Validates an address and BA combination against FA_BA_ADDRESS_PROPERTIES and BA_ADDRESSES.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Validates if specified date string matches the specified format.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as a function. Available as a procedure validate_bank_deposit that combines this function with the function is_bank_deposit_locked.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as a function. Available as a procedure validate_bank_deposit that combines this function with the function is_bank_deposit_locked.
Procedure returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available only as a procedure that combines function is_valid_bank_deposit with is_bank_deposit_locked.
Function returns VARCHAR2 (‘TRUE’/’FALSE’) to indicate a successful/unsuccessful action.
Available as both a function and a procedure
Individual edits can be used as required.
Edits such as IS_VALID_VOUCHER() and IS_VALID_LINE_ITEM() contain a number of edits bundled together to validate a voucher and/or a line item data and would be useful as pre-edits when importing voucher data into the Qbyte Financial application.