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P2 IDEAS Release Notes


Release Overview

Release Date

October 23, 2020

Release Type


Summary of Changes

The following features are available in P2 IDEAS


The new iApprove modules have been added to the IDEAS main installer.  This allows iApprove to be installed/updated with the main application and greatly simplifies and reduces the effort to install iApprove.


Invoice Validation

Invoice validation is now available from within iApprove.  This allows a user to enter or change the line details of an invoice and those changes will be validated in the same way as they are validated within the main Accounts Payable application.  This eliminates the need to drop out of the approval cycle in iApprove, perform the validation in AP, and then resume the approval process in iApprove. 


The engine to drive email notifications for the approval process has been moved from SQL Mail to a new windows service.  This service is installed by the new iApprove installation process and configured directly from the iIDEAS Administration module.  The service can be stopped and restarted from within the iIDEAS Administration module, and there is a test email function to verify that the email parameters have been defined correctly.

Accounts Payable – Spot Rates on Invoices

The ability to specify a conversion rate for an invoice that is different from the daily rate has been added to the standard (non-Argentine) invoice entry screen.  This rate will be entered to the GL during the journalization of invoices and used to convert the invoice amount to the currency that was specified.


Accounts Payable           

  • Edit Cash Requirements – The ability to modify the payment type for an invoice from within the Edit Cash Requirements screen has been restored.

Enterprise Reporting

Report Generation

  • Corrected a condition where when running a report cycle to the preview screen, if a report in the cycle had problems, then all the reports after this report would fail to display.

  • Corrected a condition where exporting a report to Excel gave error messages.  This was caused by incomplete report definition regarding text formatting.  To correct the issue, during the export, if text characteristics were missing, such as font type or font size, then default values for those characteristics were supplied to the export process to eliminate the errors.  For example, if the font type was missing, then Arial is used; if font size is missing, then 8 is used, etc.

For a full list of resolved issues, see the P2 IDEAS - Risk Assessments -

Compatibility Matrix

 Product Certification

New iApprove Web UI

Certified on Chrome and Safari


Windows Server


WorkstationWin10 (64 bit)

 Interoperability Certification

SQL Server


Minimum System Requirements 


Intel® Pentium™ 4 CPU ≥ 1.79 GHz

Intel® XEON™ CPU ≥ 3.00 GHz


≥ 4 GB RAM

≥ 8 GB RAM


20 GB free storage

20 GB free storage



 Server Machine
    • MS .Net Framework
    • SQL Server
    • Excel
    • Crystal Reports (Installed)
    • PDF Viewer (Optional)
    • Internet Explorer (Optional)
 Client Machine
    • MS .Net Framework
    • Excel
    • Crystal Reports (Installed)
    • PDF Viewer)
    • Internet Explorer

  • No labels