Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The General LedgerModule

  • The Currency Conversion Module (for Multiple Currencies)


Aura panel

Several flags, which impact the way the Interface Utilities module performs, are stored in the initialization file used each time the module is launched.

Interface Utilities Setup Procedure

To set up IFS IDEAS to operate the Interface Utilities module, complete the following steps in the order listed.



  • Click on ASCII File Definition of the Functions drop-down menu.

  • Click on ASCII File Import of the Functions drop-down menu.

  • Click on Auto Interface Params of the Functions drop-down menu.

Define source files, target journals and other parameters for imports from third-party systems.

Import data from third-party systems into automated journals in IFS IDEAS.

Screen-by-Screen Instructions

IFS IDEAS organizes functions into menus. The Interface Utilities module has one primary menu, the Functionsmenu.  The following table lists the functions that fall under this menu:


ASCII File Definition

ASCII File Import

Consolidation Export

Consolidation Import

Site Definition

Year End

Auto Interface Params (Auto Interface Parameters)

ASCII Summarization Export

Clear ASCI Summarization Export Parameters

ASCII Summarization Export Parameter Maintenance

IFS IDEAS also provides quick and easy access to the following functions by clicking on associated shortcut buttons:



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Image Added

ASCII File Definition

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ASCII File Import

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Consolidation Export

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Image Added

Consolidation Import

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Site Definition

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ASCII Summarization Export

The sections to follow discuss each of the functions individually.


  • Source Site Select a source site from the drop-down list. If none exist in the list, they must be defined using site definitions, which will be discussed below.

  • Ledger ID – Select the ledger to which data will be imported. If only one is defined, it displays automatically.

  • Open File Enter the path and file name of the Microsoft Access database that will be imported or use the Spyglass

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    Image Added  button to open a Windows Explorer search screen and browse for/select the proper path and file name.


  • Period Enter the period to which consolidation data will be imported or use the Spyglass

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     button Image Added button to search.

  • Convert Select from the three options available for converting source data from the import file to an alternate currency. The three alternatives are Y, N, and R. Each is discussed below.


  • Period Enter in the period or use the Spyglass

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     button Image Added button to search. 

Once the desired period is selected, click the Save button.


Select ASCII Summarization Export from the Features menu or use the  button on the toolbar. Image Removed


  • Ledger ID – Select the appropriate ledger ID from the list.  If only one ledger is defined, it displays automatically.

  • Entity (or Company) – Enter the appropriate entity or use the Spyglass

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     button Image Added button to search.

  • Period – Enter the period to use for the export.

  • Currency Conversion – Based on the selection in the Convert field, additional fields in this box may activate. The default selection is N. Additional fields will activate when Y is selected.

    • Convert – Select Y or N from the drop-down list.  N indicates that the system should not convert the currency during the export. Y indicates that the system should convert the currency during the export. Selecting Y activates the three radio buttons in this box:  Use Rate, Use Date, Use Transaction Date.

    • Use Rate – Select this radio button to enter a rate to use for the conversion.

    • Use Date – Select this radio button to enter a date for the conversion. The system will run the conversion calculation with the rate for the date specified.

    • Use Transaction Date – Select this radio button to prompt the system to use the transaction dates of individual transactions for the currency conversion. IFS IDEAS will run the conversion calculation with the rate for the date of the transaction(s).


  • Target Path – Enter the location to which the file will be exported. Use the binoculars button to open a browse window and make a selection.



  • ASCII File Name – Enter the desired name for the ASCII file. This will be the file name for every export from the selected ledger. The file will be overwritten each time the process is run.

  • Target Email – Enter the email address to which a success message should be sent.

  • Email Message – Enter the desired text for the success message.

  • Trans Type – Enter the transaction types to export or use the Spyglass

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    Image Added button to search. Users may select more than one type. If a transaction type is added to the parameters in error, use the

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     button Image Added button to make a correction.

Element Tab
