Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Ledger ID – Click the down arrow to the right and select the ledger from which data will be exported.
  • Entity (or Company) – Enter the desired entity or use the spyglass Spyglass  button to search. The Entity Search window includes a checkbox to select all entities.


  • Transaction Code Enter one or more transaction codes or use the spyglass Spyglass button to search. The Transaction Code search window includes a checkbox to select all transaction codes.


  • Status – There are two status checkboxes: Posted and Inactive. Select one checkbox or both.
  • Period – Enter the period from which consolidation data will be exported or click the spyglass Spyglass  button search.
  • Save As – Enter the path and filename to which the consolidation will be exported or click the spyglass Spyglass  button to open a Windows Explorer search screen and browse for the proper path and file name.


Once all selections have been made, select the Preview Export button to generate the Consolidation Export preview in a Crystal Reports viewer. This report should be reviewed for any errors or omissions. The execute Execute  button will not activate until the report has been reviewed.


  • Source Site Select a source site from the drop-down list. If none exist in the list, they must be defined using site definitions, which will be discussed below.
  • Ledger ID – Select the ledger to which data will be imported. If only one is defined, it displays automatically.
  • Open File Enter the path and file name of the Microsoft Access database that will be imported or use the spyglass Spyglass button to open a Windows Explorer search screen and browse for/select the proper path and file name.


  • Period Enter the period to which consolidation data will be imported or use the spyglass Spyglass  button to search.
  • Convert Select from the three options available for converting source data from the import file to an alternate currency. The three alternatives are Y, N, and R. Each is discussed below.


  • Period Enter in the period or use the spyglass Spyglass  button to search. 

Once the desired period is selected, click the Save button.


  • Ledger ID – Select the appropriate ledger ID from the list.  If only one ledger is defined, it displays automatically.
  • Entity (or Company) – Enter the appropriate entity or use the spyglass Spyglass  button to search.
  • Period – Enter the period to use for the export.
  • Currency Conversion – Based on the selection in the Convert field, additional fields in this box may activate. The default selection is N. Additional fields will activate when Y is selected.


Once all selections have been made, click the execute Execute  button to start the export process. The Export process will use the options specified in ASCII Export Summarization Parameter Maintenance.

Clear ASCII Summarization Export Parameters

Use the Clear ASCII Summarization Export Parameters feature to clear the summarization data for a selected period. As exports occur, the files may become extremely large. This can lead to a slowing of system performance. Clearing the summarization files can speed system performance.


Processing the Clear ASCII Export Summarization Screen

Select Clear ASCII Export Summarization from the Features menu.

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  • Period – Enter the period for which to clear the summarization data. To clear data for all periods, select the All checkbox.

Once the desired period has been selected, click the Execute Image Added button. The message below will display. Click the appropriate answer. Yes will proceed with the delete process. No or Cancel will take the user back to the Clear ASCII Summarization Export Parameters window.

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ASCII Export Summarization Parameter Maintenance

Use the ASCII Export Summarization Parameter Maintenance function to set parameters for ASCII export summarization processes. These parameters are set up by ledger. Each ledger defined in P2 IDEAS can have different parameters, as well as different file locations and success messaging.

Processing ASCII Export Summarization Parameter Maintenance

Select ASCII Export Summarization Parameter Maintenance from the Functions menu. The ASCII Export Summarization Parameter Maintenance window consists of a header and a tab section. The tab section contains four tabs:  Journal, Element, Exception FQA, and Exclusions.

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  • Source Ledger ID – Select the appropriate ledger from the drop-down list. If parameters have already been defined for the selected ledger, they display automatically.

Journal Tab

Use the Journal tab to designate some basic information. This information includes the file and its path, as well as the e-mail address to use for success messages.

  • Target Path – Enter the location to which the file will be exported. Use the binoculars button to open a browse window and make a selection.

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  • ASCII File Name – Enter the desired name for the ASCII file. This will be the file name for every export from the selected ledger. The file will be overwritten each time the process is run.
  • Target Email – Enter the email address to which a success message should be sent.
  • Email Message – Enter the desired text for the success message.
  • Trans Type – Enter the transaction types to export or use the SpyglassImage Added button to search. Users may select more than one type. If a transaction type is added to the parameters in error, use the Image Added button to make a correction.

Element Tab

Use the Element tab to select elements for the export. Up to three elements can be defined.

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  • Target – The fields in the target column display the target element names.
  • Source The fields in the Source column allow the user to select the source of the element. The number of options available in the drop-down list depends on system configurations.
  • Selection – The fields in the Selection column allow the user to select what value will represent the element. Options include Element ID and User fields 1 – 3.

Exception FQA Tab

If an FQA should be included in the selection criteria contrary to the selections made in the Element tab, use the Exception FQA tab to designate the addition.

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  • Source FQA – Enter the source FQA.
  • Target FQA – Enter the target FQA. This is what the FQA number to which the source FQA will be converted.

Exclusions Tab

The Exclusions tab can be used to exclude FQAs that would normally be included in the export based on the criteria in the Element tab.

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  • FQA Mask – Enter the FQA to exclude from the export.

Once all selections have been made, click the Save Image Added button. Users may also generate a listing of the parameters in a Crystal Reports viewer by clicking the Print Preview Image Added button.